978 research outputs found

    Effects of boundary roughness on a Q-factor of whispering-gallery-mode lasing microdisk cavities

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    We perform numerical studies of the effect of sidewall imperfections on the resonant state broadening of the optical microdisk cavities for lasing applications. We demonstrate that even small edge roughness causes a drastic degradation of high-Q whispering gallery (WG) mode resonances reducing their Q-values by many orders of magnitude. At the same time, low-Q WG resonances are rather insensitive to the surface roughness. The results of numerical simulation obtained using the scattering matrix technique, are analyzed and explained in terms of wave reflection at a curved dielectric interface combined with the examination of Poincare surface of sections in the classical ray picture.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Direct Identification of the Glass Transition: Growing Length Scale and the Onset of Plasticity

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    Understanding the mechanical properties of glasses remains elusive since the glass transition itself is not fully understood, even in well studied examples of glass formers in two dimensions. In this context we demonstrate here: (i) a direct evidence for a diverging length scale at the glass transition (ii) an identification of the glass transition with the disappearance of fluid-like regions and (iii) the appearance in the glass state of fluid-like regions when mechanical strain is applied. These fluid-like regions are associated with the onset of plasticity in the amorphous solid. The relaxation times which diverge upon the approach to the glass transition are related quantitatively.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figs.; 2 figs. omitted, new fig., quasi-crystal discussion omitted, new material on relaxation time

    Application of an autonomous robot for the collection of nearshore topographic and hydrodynamic measurements

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    Beach topographic and hydrodynamic measurements are essential for coastal geology and engineering studies as well as sustainable coastal management. Standard approaches involve either time-consuming manual data acquisition usually with limited coverage or remote sensing techniques which are usually characterized by low resolution or increased costs. The present contribution reports the results from the application of the autonomous robot RTS-Hanna with a calibrated sensor setup including 3D laser range scanners, a camera, a Differential GPS and an inertial measurement unit which significantly facilitates field data collection. RTS-Hanna was tested at the Wadden Sea Barrier Island Langeoog, Northern Germany, for two days and was proven capable of autonomously collecting topographic scans. 175 GB of dense topographic and water surface elevation data were collected, including RBG images, while RTS-Hanna covered a total of 21 km of coastline in approximately 3 hours. Scans of the surf/swash zone allowed continuous measurements of topographic changes at the beachface, wave propagation velocities and wave breaking heights

    Temperature-dependent proximity magnetism in Pt

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    We experimentally demonstrate the existence of magnetic coupling between two ferromagnets separated by a thin Pt layer. The coupling remains ferromagnetic regardless of the Pt thickness, and exhibits a significant dependence on temperature. Therefore, it cannot be explained by the established mechanisms of magnetic coupling across nonmagnetic spacers. We show that the experimental results are consistent with the presence of magnetism induced in Pt in proximity to ferromagnets, in direct analogy to the well-known proximity effects in superconductivity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Cascaded four-wave mixing in tapered plasmonic nanoantenna

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    We study theoretically the cascaded four-wave mixing (FWM) in broadband tapered plasmonic nanoantennas and demonstrate a 300-fold increase in nonlinear frequency conversion detected in the main lobe of the nanoantenna far-field pattern. This is achieved by tuning the elements of the nanoantenna to resonate frequencies involved into the FWM interaction. Our findings have a potentially broad application in ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy, sensing, on-chip optical frequency conversion, nonlinear optical metamaterials and photon sources

    Residual disorder and diffusion in thin Heusler alloy films

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    Co2FeSi/GaAs(110) and Co2FeSi/GaAs(111)B hybrid structures were grown by molecular-beam epitaxy and characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction. The films contained inhomogeneous distributions of ordered L2_1 and B2 phases. The average stoichiometry was controlled by lattice parameter measurements, however diffusion processes lead to inhomogeneities of the atomic concentrations and the degradation of the interface, influencing long-range order. An average long-range order of 30-60% was measured by grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction, i.e. the as-grown Co2FeSi films were highly but not fully ordered. Lateral inhomogeneities of the spatial distribution of long-range order in Co2FeSi were found using dark-field TEM images taken with superlattice reflections

    Reduzierung von Missing Wedge Artefakten mit DIRECTT

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    Wir stellen eine Prozedur vor, mit der typische Missing Wedge MW Artefakte in CT Rekonstruktionen effektiv unterdrückt werden können. Dazu wird der iterative DIRECTT Algorithmus Direkte Iterative Rekonstruktion Computertomographischer Trajektorien mit einigen Zyklen diskreter Rekonstruk tion eingesetzt. Die Kernfunktionen des Algorithmus , die wiederholte Auswahl und Gewichtung von Elementen einer Zwischenrekonstruktion, werden beibehalten. Abgesehen von Sonderfällen der Röntgen und Neutronentomographie tritt die MW Restriktion neben einer Vielzahl anderer in Standardkonfigurationen der Elektronentomographie auf. Um den MW Effekt isoliert zu untersuchen und beurteilen zu können, werden hier vollständige experimentelle Datensätze einer bekannten Porenstruktur um einen Sektor beschnitten sowie MW Rekonstruktionen von Porenmodellen erzeugt. Die Ergebnisse werden mit zurzeit verbreiteten Algorithmen Gefilterte Rückprojektion FBP und ART Varianten verglichen. Die Bewertung im Fourierraum zeigt, dass DIRECTT die fehlende Information im MW erfolgreich ergänzt. Zur quantitativen Bewertung der lokalen Rekonstruktions qualität werden Methoden der räumlichen Statistik eingesetz