879 research outputs found


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    Estimated cost of the project implementation is crucial to the construction. Estimated costs based on the specifications and working drawings prepared by the owner must ensure that the work done well and on timeBefore investors to invest should be made for any investment feasibility analysis conducted research is to determine the capital to be invested time today in the hope of greater benefit in the future. NPV (Net Present Value) and IRR (Internal Rate of Return) is a method often used by investors to analyze the feasibility of the investment. The formulation of the problem in this paper is How big is the NPV (Net Present Value) and IRR (Internal Rate of Return) of the value of Structure Road Improvement Peningkatan Struktur Jalan Malinau-Long Alango Department of Public Works Kalimantan Timur region of three in 2012? How big is the NPV (Net Present Value) and IRR (Internal Rate of Return) if the project investment costs derived from bank loans?Based on the analysis and discussion that if the NPV obtained using their own capital to Rp. 873 203 421, 89 and IRR, amounting to 10.867%> 10%. While the use of capital obtained a loan from Bank NPV Rp. – 743 345 869, 83 <0, and the IRR obtained at 9:25% <10%. Means the valuation of investment projects Peningkatan Struktur Jalan Malinau-Long Alango Department of Public Works Kalimantan Timur region of three in 2012 should be feasible if using their own capital, and vice versa if all capital obtained from a loan from the Bank is not feasible and should be reconsidered

    Traces of a trauma - pharmacological interventions of PTSD

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    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is characterized by exaggerated trauma-related memories (contextual fear), increased avoidance of trauma-related cues, and hyperarousal. Pharmacotherapy of PTSD is still unsatisfactory, with SSRIs being the first choice drugs. However, as known for depressed patients, PTSD patients are prone for relapse of symptoms upon discontinuation of treatment. This urges for a refinement of therapeutic interventions and the identification of markers of treatment success. These issues were addressed in our mouse model of PTSD. In this model, mice are exposed to a brief, inescapable electric foot shock. Within 1 month after the trauma, they developed PTSD-like symptoms such as generalized contextual fear, generalized avoidance, and increased hyperarousal symptomatology. This time frame allows for pharmacological interventions during maturation of PTSD-like symptoms (i.e. preventive treatment) or at time points when the symptoms have fully developed (i.e. therapeutic treatment). The work presented in this thesis revealed the following key findings: (1) Fear incubation (i.e. simply the passage of time after trauma) was accompanied by highly selective changes in neuronal activity, as assessed by cytochrome c oxidase (CO) activity >1 month after trauma. (2) Chronic treatment with fluoxetine via drinking water starting either right after the trauma (preventive treatment) or 28 days later (therapeutic treatment) completely reversed the PTSD-like symptoms assessed during ongoing treatment 1 (preventive treatment) or 2 months (therapeutic treatment) after trauma. (3) Despite the similarities to PTSD-like symptoms, preventive treatment with fluoxetine abolished most of the trauma-related changes in CO activity, whereas those changes were maintained after therapeutic intervention. (4) If fluoxetine was washed out after 1 month of treatment, PTSD-like symptoms remained absent following preventive treatment, but re-occurred after therapeutic treatment. In conclusion, these data suggest preventive treatment with fluoxetine starting in the early aftermath of a trauma as a successful intervention strategy for preventing the development of PTSD-like symptoms. In contrast, therapeutic treatment abolishes the expression of symptoms, without curative effects. Chronic changes in CO activity reflect traces of a trauma. They might serve as an indicator of PTSD relapse

    Medical consultation at Yale-New Haven Hospital

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    Evidence for Cooper Pair Diffraction on the Vortex Lattice of Superconducting Niobium

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    We investigated the Abrikosov vortex lattice (VL) of a pure Niobium single crystal with the muon spin rotation (\mu SR) technique. Analysis of the \mu SR data in the framework of the BCS-Gor'kov theory allowed us to determine microscopic parameters and the limitations of the theory. With decreasing temperature the field variation around the vortex cores deviates substantially from the predictions of the Ginzburg-Landau theory and adopts a pronounced conical shape. This is evidence of partial diffraction of Cooper pairs on the VL predicted by Delrieu for clean superconductors.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Nutritional Outcome Measures of Preadolescents and Adolescents Diagnosed with Anorexia Nervosa after Receiving Nasogastric Feedings versus Oral Diet upon Hospitalization

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    The purpose of this project was to review the literature related to the demographic, clinical, anthropometric, and nutrition therapy characteristics of inpatient preadolescents and adolescents diagnosed with anorexia nervosa (AN). The literature review includes an overview of the prevalence and diagnostic criteria for AN, screening and evaluation of patients, inpatient treatment protocols, the complications associated with AN, and nutrition treatment options (oral diet, enteral feeding, and parenteral nutrition)

    Transition Metal Catalyzed Polymerization of 1,3,5-Trioxane

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    We highlighted that transition metal complexes can serve as mediators for the cationic ROP of 1,3,5-trioxane. As examples cyclopentadienyl molybdenum complexes of different Lewis acidity were employed tolerating considerable more water than classical Lewis acid catalysts like BF3 · OEt2 or tBuClO4. They are less active than iridium or palladium catalysts, but [CpMo(CO)3OTf] (2a) was an excellent example to carry out time-dependent 1H NMR spectroscopic studies to follow the course of the polymerization process. In the polymerization of trioxane it was impossible to completely avoid induction times by adding gaseous formaldehyde. The polymerization seems to be similar to that one with classical Lewis acids. In fact, many of the known aspects of the trioxane polymerization could be found in the 'catalysis', some of which are untypical for metal centered reactions. This points to the occurrence of formaldehyde and tetraoxane during the reaction. 1H NMR spectroscopic investigations point to the formation of several by-products such as methoxymethyl formate (6) and methyl formate (7). Another product of this degradation is POM (5). The existence of these by-products is considered as the main difference between the polymerization of 1,3,5-trioxane with classical Lewis acids as catalysts and the mentioned molybdenum complexes. 1H NMR studies on the polymerization of 1,3-dioxepane revealed that complex 2a functions also in this case as a catalyst. A medium molecular mass of about 14000 g/mol was observed. Even a water-saturated 1,3-dioxepane solution can be polymerized with 2a. It has been noticed that the water 1H NMR resonance was shifted to lower field during the 1H NMR measurements. The water only took influence on the induction time.Wir konnten zeigen, dass Übergangsmetall-Komplexe als Überträger für eine kationische ROP von Trioxan wirken können. Es kamen Cyclopentadienyl-Molybdän-Komplexe mit verschiedener Lewis-Acidität zum Einsatz. Sie besitzen zwar eine geringere Aktivität als Ir-Komplexe, [CpMo(CO)3OTf] (2a) war aber ein exzellenter Komplex um zeitabhängige 1H NMR-Studien durchzuführen, die einen Einblick in den Polymerisationsverlauf lieferten. Die Induktionszeit konnte durch Zugabe von gasförmigem HCHO nicht vollständig umgangen werden. Sie konnte lediglich auf die Hälfte bis ein Drittel reduziert werden. Die Polymerisation scheint ähnlich zu verlaufen, wie bei der Durchführung mit klassischen Lewis-Säuren. Einige klassische Eigenschaften der Trioxan-Polymerisation konnten in der “Katalyse“ wiedergefunden werden. Dies deutet auf das Auftreten von Formaldehyd und Tetroxan während der Polymerisation hin. Zeitabhängige 1H NMR-Studien zeigen das Auftreten der Polymerisationsnebenprodukte Methoxymethylformiat (6) und Methylformiat (7). Ein weiteres Abbauprodukt ist POM (5). Die Existenz dieser Nebenprodukte wird als der Hauptunterschied zwischen der Polymerisation von Trioxan mit Lewis-Säuren und mit den erwähnten Molybdän-Komplexen angesehen. 1H NMR Studien der Polymerisation von 1,3-Dioxepan zeigt, dass der Komplex 2a auch in diesem Fall als Katalysator fungiert. Es wurde eine mittlere molekulare Masse von ca. 14.000 g/mol gefunden. Sogar eine mit Wasser gesättigte Lösung von 1,3-Dioxepan kann mit 2a polymerisiert werden. Es wurde beobachtet, dass die Wasser-Resonanz im 1H NMR-Spektrum während der Verfolgung der Reaktion zu tieferem Feld verschoben wurde. Das Wasser übte lediglich einen Einfluss auf die Induktionszeit aus

    Measured Resting Energy Expenditure Using a Fixed Function Indirect Calorimeter in the Clinical Setting as a Predictor of Success with Weight Change in an Obese Pediatric Population

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    The American Dietetic Association (ADA) standard of care for obese adults utilizes indirect calorimetry for calculating caloric targets for weight loss (1). Even though rates appear to be leveling off (2), childhood obesity is one of the major public health concerns of our time and much attention is currently being given to understanding the obese state. Resting energy expenditure (REE) makes up 60-70% of total energy expenditure and plays a major role in determining an individuals' daily energy needs and metabolism. In the clinical setting, indirect calorimetry is often unavailable, thus predictive equations are typically used to help set caloric goals for weight loss.   The first objective was to compare measured resting energy expenditure (MREE) using a portable indirect calorimeter with five predictive equations used to determine energy needs for children participating in the East Carolina University's Healthy Weight Clinic. The investigators also wanted to determine which of these equations are best to use in an obese pediatric population in the clinical setting. Results indicate that there is a significant (p< 0.05) and strong correlation between MREE and these five predictive equations; however, there are also significant discrepancies. Overall, the Harris Benedict equation demonstrates the lowest mean calorie difference when compared to MREE.   Secondly, it was hypothesized that those subjects with a higher baseline MREE would be more successful with weight loss, and that metabolic factors such as leptin may contribute to weight change in an obese pediatric population. It was also proposed that there may be validity in adjusting MREE to body weight and/or body composition to account for confounders such as age and gender. MREE does not appear to predict success with weight change in obese youth aged 7-18 years. In older obese youth (Tanner Stage 5) it appears that those with a lower baseline fat mass and higher adjusted MREE to fat mass, may have more success with decline in BMI z score. Also, leptin and fat mass significantly (p < 0.05) and negatively correlated with BMI z score change in older youth.  Ph.D

    Prognostische Bedeutung von C5 SNPs bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung

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    Kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen sind die häufigste Todesursache in Deutschland. Atherosklerose wird durch die Entzündung in der Gefäßwand vorangetrieben, wobei auch das Komplementsystem mit dem potenten Anaphylatoxin C5a eine Rolle zu spielen scheint. Neben klassischen kardiovaskulären Risikofaktoren sind auch genetische Faktoren, z.B. SNPs, die das kardiovaskuläre Risiko beeinflussen können, in den Fokus moderner Forschung gerückt. SNPs des C5-Genes könnten die Konzentration von C5a im Plasma, und eventuell sogar die thrombozytäre Expression des C5a-Rezeptors, beeinflussen und damit die Funktion im Rahmen der Entzündungsreaktion modifizieren. Diese Dissertation soll untersuchen, ob der Genotyp ausgewählter SNPs des C5-Gens mit der Prognose von Patienten mit KHK assoziiert ist und ob der Genotyp der SNPs die Konzentration des zirkulierenden C5a, sowie die thrombozytäre Expression des C5a-Rezeptors beeinflusst. Dazu wurden 833 Patienten mit symptomatischer KHK eingeschlossen, denen bei der Herzkatheteruntersuchung einmalig Blut abgenommen wurde. Die Genotypisierung hinsichtlich klinisch relevanter SNPs des C5-Gens erfolgte mithilfe von MALDI-TOF MS. Außerdem wurde im Blut der Patienten die Konzentration von C5a mittels ELISA und die thrombozytäre Expression von C5aR mittels FACS bestimmt. Anschließend erfolgte ein Follow-up über 3 Jahre, in dem die Patienten hinsichtlich verschiedener klinischer Ereignisse verfolgt wurden. Als primärer Endpunkt diente dabei ein kombinierter ischämischer Endpunkt, der sich aus Mortalität, Myokardinfarkt und ischämischem Schlaganfall zusammensetzte. Sekundäre Endpunkte waren Mortalität, MI und Blutung. Für jeden SNP wurden die Genotypen hinsichtlich der einzelnen Endpunkte verglichen. Der SNP rs10985126 stellte sich in der Cox-Regression als signifikanter und unabhängiger Risikofaktor für die Mortalität von Patienten mit symptomatischer KHK heraus (p=0,003; adjustierter p-Wert= 0,015). Zudem wurde für jeden SNP überprüft, ob sich die Konzentration des zirkulierenden C5a und die thrombozytären Expression von C5aR zwischen den einzelnen Genotypen unterscheidet. Für rs10985126 konnte hinsichtlich der Konzentration von C5a signifikante Unterschiede gefunden werden (p=0,016). Der C5 SNP rs10985126 könnte somit künftig als unabhängiger Parameter für die Risikostratifizierung bei Patienten mit koronarer Herzerkrankung herangezogen werden und eventuell sogar bei der Erstellung eines maßgeschneiderten Therapiekonzeptes mitwirken
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