2,007 research outputs found

    Evidence for Superfluidity in a Resonantly Interacting Fermi Gas

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    We observe collective oscillations of a trapped, degenerate Fermi gas of 6^6Li atoms at a magnetic field just above a Feshbach resonance, where the two-body physics does not support a bound state. The gas exhibits a radial breathing mode at a frequency of 2837(05) Hz, in excellent agreement with the frequency of νH≡10νxνy/3=2830(20)\nu_H\equiv\sqrt{10\nu_x\nu_y/3}=2830(20) Hz predicted for a {\em hydrodynamic} Fermi gas with unitarity limited interactions. The measured damping times and frequencies are inconsistent with predictions for both the collisionless mean field regime and for collisional hydrodynamics. These observations provide the first evidence for superfluid hydrodynamics in a resonantly interacting Fermi gas.Comment: 5 pages, ReVTeX4, 2 eps figs. Resubmitted to PRL in response to referees' comments. Title and abstract changed. Corrected error in Table 1, atom numbers for 0.33 TF and 0.5 TF data were interchanged. Corrected typo in ref 3. Added new figure of damping time versus temperatur

    Discrete Fracture Model with Anisotropic Load Sharing

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    A two-dimensional fracture model where the interaction among elements is modeled by an anisotropic stress-transfer function is presented. The influence of anisotropy on the macroscopic properties of the samples is clarified, by interpolating between several limiting cases of load sharing. Furthermore, the critical stress and the distribution of failure avalanches are obtained numerically for different values of the anisotropy parameter α\alpha and as a function of the interaction exponent γ\gamma. From numerical results, one can certainly conclude that the anisotropy does not change the crossover point γc=2\gamma_c=2 in 2D. Hence, in the limit of infinite system size, the crossover value γc=2\gamma_c=2 between local and global load sharing is the same as the one obtained in the isotropic case. In the case of finite systems, however, for γ≤2\gamma\le2, the global load sharing behavior is approached very slowly

    The Continuous 1.5{D} Terrain Guarding Problem: {D}iscretization, Optimal Solutions, and {PTAS}

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    In the NP-hard continuous 1.5D Terrain Guarding Problem (TGP) we are given an x-monotone chain of line segments in the plain (the terrain TT), and ask for the minimum number of guards (located anywhere on TT) required to guard all of TT. We construct guard candidate and witness sets G,W⊂TG, W \subset T of polynomial size, such that any feasible (optimal) guard cover G′⊆GG' \subseteq G for WW is also feasible (optimal) for the continuous TGP. This discretization allows us to: (1) settle NP-completeness for the continuous TGP; (2) provide a Polynomial Time Approximation Scheme (PTAS) for the continuous TGP using the existing PTAS for the discrete TGP by Gibson et al.; (3) formulate the continuous TGP as an Integer Linear Program (IP). Furthermore, we propose several filtering techniques reducing the size of our discretization, allowing us to devise an efficient IP-based algorithm that reliably provides optimal guard placements for terrains with up to 1000000 vertices within minutes on a standard desktop computer
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