31 research outputs found

    Electrical Alignment Signatures of Ice Particles Before Intracloud Lightning Activity Detected by Dual-Polarized Phased Array Weather Radar

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    Wang S., Wada Y., Hayashi S., et al. Electrical Alignment Signatures of Ice Particles Before Intracloud Lightning Activity Detected by Dual-Polarized Phased Array Weather Radar. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 129, e2023JD039942 (2024); https://doi.org/10.1029/2023jd039942.The cloud electrification process has great significance in understanding the microphysical properties, electrical characteristics, and evolution of thunderstorms. This study employs an X-band dual-polarized multiparameter phased array weather radar (MP-PAWR) to observe the electrical alignment signatures of ice particles before the first intracloud (IC) lightning flash, and to explore the evolution of the upper charge region in the early electrification stage of an isolated thunderstorm. Negative KDP signatures associated with vertically oriented ice particles by strong electric fields in the upper parts of the thunderstorm are analyzed by introducing composite KDP, which is defined as a minimum KDP value observed in a vertical column across all elevation scans at each specific horizontal grid point at and above a designated layer. About 7 min before the first IC lightning flash, the mean canting angle of ice particles in the upper parts of the cloud changed from horizontal to vertical by strong electric fields, and the concentration of vertically aligned ice particles on the top of the cloud reached the maximum 30 s before the first IC lightning flash. These signatures exhibit an early electrification process in the upper parts of the thunderstorm. These results indicate that with the high spatial and temporal resolution, MP-PAWRs have the ability not only to detect the rapid evolution of microphysical structures but also to observe the early electrification of thunderstorms, which will facilitate forecasting IC lightning flash initiation combined with graupel presence signatures in the mixed-phase region in normal operation

    Difference in the lightning frequency between the July 2018 heavy rainfall event over central Japan and the 2017 northern Kyushu heavy rainfall event in Japan

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    The causes for the differences in the lightning frequency between two heavy rainfall events, the 2017 northern Kyushu heavy rainfall event and the 2018 heavy rainfall event in central Japan, were examined using a numerical model coupled with an explicit bulk lightning model. These heavy rainfall events occurred near the Baiu frontal system of Japan in July, but the characteristics of rainfall differed. The former case was categorised as an extreme rainfall and extreme convective event by previous satellite observational studies, and the lightning frequency was high. Conversely, the latter case was categorised as an extreme rainfall without extreme convection event, and the lightning frequency was low. The numerical model used in this study successfully reproduced the differences in the lightning frequency between the two cases. Our analyses indicated that the differences in the lightning frequency between the two cases were attributed to the differences in the vertical structure of the charge separation rate and the charge density, which originated from the difference in the vertical distribution of graupel

    A numerical study of lightning-induced NOx and formation of NOy observed at the summit of Mt. Fuji using an explicit bulk lightning and photochemistry model

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    This study coupled a meteorological model with explicit bulk lightning and chemical transport models to investigate the impacts of lightning-induced nitrogen oxides (LNOx) on nitrogen monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and total reactive nitrogen oxide (NOy) measured on August 22, 2017, at the top of Mt. Fuji, Japan. Our simulation results indicated that the LNOx emitted around Wakasa Bay in the windward area of Mt. Fuji largely contributed to the NOy content measured at the top of Mt. Fuji. Furthermore, sensitivity experiments regarding the height of LNOx emissions indicated that the NOy content measured atop Mt. Fuji originated from LNOx emitted below 6 km. Our simulation assumed that a two-mode vertical distribution of LNOx emissions was more consistent with measured NOy at Mt. Fuji than a single-mode structure assumption in this case. A comparison of simulated NOx (= NO + NO2) and measured NOx at Mt. Fuji indicated that the reaction rates of the NO and NO2 cycles were well reproduced in our model; however, the ratio of NOz (NOy species other than NOx) to NOy estimated by the model were lower than the observed value, implying that the model either underestimated the reaction rate of LNOx or overestimated the wet removal of lightning-induced NOz. Finally, our results also suggest that the simultaneous observation of NOy and NOx is important for understanding LNOx emissions, subsequent atmospheric chemical reactions, and removal processes, as well as validating chemical transport models

    MCS Stratiform and Convective Regions Associated with Sprites Observed from Mt. Fuji

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    Five sprites produced above the stratiform region and one sprite above the convective region in the mesoscale convective system (MCS) were observed on 22 July 2013 from the summit of Mt. Fuji. Four of the five sprites occurred in the stratiform region after the stratiform region was cut off from the convective region. The five sprite-producing +CGs (SP + CGs) occurred in and close to these cells with low lightning activity, although in-cloud lightning locations extensively spread out in the stratiform region. This suggests that positive charges were sufficient to produce the SP + CGs that accumulated extensively in the stratiform region due to a local (in situ) charge generation mechanism. One sprite occurred above the MCS convective region, and the SP + CG was also located at the MCS convective region. Video images indicated that the optical cloud flash associated with the SP + CG continued at least 150 ms until sprite emission. The optical cloud flash light occurred repeatedly at strong and weak intensities, and this characteristic indicated that the M components in the lightning occurred in the cloud. The SP + CG might have gathered sufficient positive charges to produce the sprite with a continuing current

    Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Precipitation under the Summer Sprite Parent Mesoscale Convective Systems in Japan

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    Transient luminous events (TLEs) are electrical discharges in the upper atmosphere caused by vigorous thunderstorms. Six sprites, which are part of TLEs, were observed on 22 July 2013 from Mt. Fuji (3776 m above sea level), Japan. All the six sprites were associated with intense positive cloud-to-ground strikes (+CGs), whose causative positive charges can reside in the stratiform region. Consequently, we assumed that the main sprites causative charges could generate an in situ charging mechanism, accompanied by precipitation growth in the extensive stratiform region. Thus, we supposed that there can be a relationship between the time sequence of surface precipitation intensity and the sprite emissions. In this study, we conclude that time sequences and horizontal evolution of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) precipitation are associated with sprites. As the result, prior to sprites 1–5, the areal amount of strong precipitation (≥8 mm/h) increased considerably, and only a small increase occurred during sprite 6. Analyzing the time sequence of the percentage of strong and weak precipitation with respect to the total precipitation, it was found that sprites 1–6 occurred within 20 min after the local peaks with respect to strong precipitation compared to total precipitation. In particular, sprites 2–5 occurred very close to local peaks. The rise time to the first peak of the strong precipitation rate associated with the first sprite was 80 min, while the rise time to the last peak associated with sprite 6 was 30 min. The temporal differences until the peaks suggest that the charging speeds, or mechanisms, related to precipitation differ between sprites 1–5 and sprite 6 in parent MCSs

    Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Precipitation under the Summer Sprite Parent Mesoscale Convective Systems in Japan

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    Transient luminous events (TLEs) are electrical discharges in the upper atmosphere caused by vigorous thunderstorms. Six sprites, which are part of TLEs, were observed on 22 July 2013 from Mt. Fuji (3776 m above sea level), Japan. All the six sprites were associated with intense positive cloud-to-ground strikes (+CGs), whose causative positive charges can reside in the stratiform region. Consequently, we assumed that the main sprites causative charges could generate an in situ charging mechanism, accompanied by precipitation growth in the extensive stratiform region. Thus, we supposed that there can be a relationship between the time sequence of surface precipitation intensity and the sprite emissions. In this study, we conclude that time sequences and horizontal evolution of Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) precipitation are associated with sprites. As the result, prior to sprites 1–5, the areal amount of strong precipitation (≥8 mm/h) increased considerably, and only a small increase occurred during sprite 6. Analyzing the time sequence of the percentage of strong and weak precipitation with respect to the total precipitation, it was found that sprites 1–6 occurred within 20 min after the local peaks with respect to strong precipitation compared to total precipitation. In particular, sprites 2–5 occurred very close to local peaks. The rise time to the first peak of the strong precipitation rate associated with the first sprite was 80 min, while the rise time to the last peak associated with sprite 6 was 30 min. The temporal differences until the peaks suggest that the charging speeds, or mechanisms, related to precipitation differ between sprites 1–5 and sprite 6 in parent MCSs