58 research outputs found

    Effects of astaxanthin on accommodation, critical flicker fusion, and pattern visual evoked potential in visual display terminal workers

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    We evaluated the effects of astaxanthin, a red carotenoid, on accommodation, critical flicker fusion (CFF), and pattern visual evoked potential (PVEP) in visual display terminal (VDT) workers. As controls, 13 non-VDT workers received no supplementation (Group A). Twenty-six VDT workers were randomized into 2 groups: Group B consisted of 13 subjects who received oral astaxanthin, 5 mg/day, for 4 weeks, and Group C consisted of 13 subjects who received an oral placebo, 5 mg/day, for 4 weeks. No significant difference in age was noted among the 3 groups. A double-masked study was designed in Groups B and C. Accommodation amplitude in Group A was 3.7± 1.5 diopters. Accommodation amplitudes (2.3±1.4 and 2.2±1.0 diopters) in Groups B and C before supplementation were significantly (p<0.05) lower than in Group A. Accommodation amplitude (2.8±1.6 diopters) in Group B after astaxanthin treatment was significantly (p<0.01) larger than before supplementation, while accommodation amplitude (2.3±1.1 diopters) in Group C after placebo supplementation was unchanged. The CFFs and amplitude and latency of P100 in PVEP in Group A were 45.0±4.2 Hz, 6.5±1.8μV, and 101.3±6.5 msec, respectively. The CFFs in Groups B and C before supplementation were significantly (p<0.05) lower than in Group A. The CCFs in Groups B and C did not change after supplementation. Amplitudes and latencies of P100 in PVEP in Groups B and C before supplementation were similar to those in Group A and did not change after supplementation. Findings of the present study indicated that accommodation amplitude improved after astaxanthin supplementation in VDT workers. 赤色カロチノイドの一種であるアスタキサンチンのvisual display terminal(VDT)作業者の調節力,中心フリッカー値,パターン視覚誘発電位に及ぼす影響を調べた。VDT作業を行わない13人をコントロールとした(Group A)。26人のVDT作業者を2群に無作為に分けた。Group Bはアスタキサンチン一日5mg 4週間内服した13人で,Group Cはアスタキサンチンを含有しないカプセルを4週間内服した13人とした。外見上同じカプセルでの内服投与を行った。結果:Group AはGroup B及びGroup Cと比較して,調節力,中心フリッカー値は有意に高い値であったが,パターン視覚誘発電位検査結果は,Group B,Cと有意差はなかった。Group Bでは,アスタキサンチンの投与前後で有意な調節力の改善がみられた(p<0.01)。しかし,中心フリッカー値,パターン視覚誘発電位に変化はみられなかった。Group Cでは,投与前後で,調節力,中心フリッカー値,パターン視覚誘発電位に変化はみられなかった。考察:VDT作業者では,非作業者と比べ調節力,中心フリッカー値が低下していることは以前より報告されており,今回の我々の研究でも同様の結果であった。VDT作業者で,アスタキサンチン非内服群では,調節力は投与前後で変化がなかったが,アスタキサンチンの内服群で,有意に調節力が改善した。VDT作業者の調節力の改善には,アスタキサンチンの内服が有効と考えられた

    Visualization of acetylcholine distribution in central nervous system tissue sections by tandem imaging mass spectrometry

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    Metabolite distribution imaging via imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is an increasingly utilized tool in the field of neurochemistry. As most previous IMS studies analyzed the relative abundances of larger metabolite species, it is important to expand its application to smaller molecules, such as neurotransmitters. This study aimed to develop an IMS application to visualize neurotransmitter distribution in central nervous system tissue sections. Here, we raise two technical problems that must be resolved to achieve neurotransmitter imaging: (1) the lower concentrations of bioactive molecules, compared with those of membrane lipids, require higher sensitivity and/or signal-to-noise (S/N) ratios in signal detection, and (2) the molecular turnover of the neurotransmitters is rapid; thus, tissue preparation procedures should be performed carefully to minimize postmortem changes. We first evaluated intrinsic sensitivity and matrix interference using Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry (MS) to detect six neurotransmitters and chose acetylcholine (ACh) as a model for study. Next, we examined both single MS imaging and MS/MS imaging for ACh and found that via an ion transition from m/z 146 to m/z 87 in MS/MS imaging, ACh could be visualized with a high S/N ratio. Furthermore, we found that in situ freezing method of brain samples improved IMS data quality in terms of the number of effective pixels and the image contrast (i.e., the sensitivity and dynamic range). Therefore, by addressing the aforementioned problems, we demonstrated the tissue distribution of ACh, the most suitable molecular specimen for positive ion detection by IMS, to reveal its localization in central nervous system tissues

    Effects of Oral Administration of Gardeniae fructus Extract and Intravenous Injection of Crocetin on Lipopolysaccharide-and Prostaglandin E 2 -induced Elevation of Aqueous Flare in Pigmented Rabbits

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    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of extracts of Coptidis rhizoma, Phellodendri cortex and Gardeniae fructus, which are medicinal herbs in Orengedoku-to (Huanglin-Jie-Du-Tang in Chinese), and crocetin (a major component of Gardeniae fructus) on experimental elevation of aqueous flare in pigmented rabbits. To produce aqueous flare elevation, 0.5 µg/kg lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was injected into the ear vein, or prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ) 25 µg/ml, was applied to the cornea by means of a glass cylinder. Animals were pretreated by oral administration of 150 g/day of food containing 0.15% (w/w) extract powder of Coptidis rhizoma, 0.10% (w/w) extract powder of Phellodendri cortex or 0.15% (w/w) extract powder of Gardeniae fructus for 4 days, or by intravenous injection of crocetin, 0.3, 3, 30 or 300 µg/kg, 30 minutes before aqueous flare elevation. Aqueous flare was measured with a laser flare-cell meter. Aqueous flare intensity was expressed as the area under the curve (AUC) in arbitrary units. The AUC of LPS-and PGE 2 -induced aqueous flare elevation was 4685 and 1386 arbitrary units, respectively. Pretreatment by oral administration of 0.15% (w/w) extract of Coptidis rhizoma or 0.10% (w/w) extract of Phellodendri cortex did not inhibit LPS-induced aqueous flare elevation. Pretreatment by oral administration of 0.15% extract of Gardeniae fructus suppressed LPS-induced aqueous flare elevation (AUC: 1411 arbitrary units). Pretreatment by intravenous injection of 3, 30 or 300 µg/kg of crocetininhibited LPS-induced aqueous flare elevation in a dose-dependent manner. Pretreatment with 3 or 30 µg/kg of crocetin did not inhibit PGE 2 -induced aqueous flare elevation, but 300 µg/kg of crocetin inhibited PGE 2 -induced aqueous flare elevation (AUC: 918 arbitrary units)

    Unilateral Vaso-occlusive Retinopathy in Quiescent Condition of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    A 24-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus had decreased visual acuity, retinal cotton-wool spots, venous dilations, and multiple arteriolar occlusions around the optic disc in her left eye. The right eye showed good visual acuity and a few small retinal hemorrhages. Although abnormal serologic findings and systemic manifestations quieted with corticosteroid therapy, the retinopathy in the left eye progressed. After treatment with focal argon laser photocoagulation, progression of the retinopathy stopped