186 research outputs found

    Bragg Polaritons: Strong Coupling and Amplification in an Unfolded Microcavity

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    Periodic incorporation of quantum wells inside a one--dimensional Bragg structure is shown to enhance coherent coupling of excitons to the electromagnetic Bloch waves. We demonstrate strong coupling of quantum well excitons to photonic crystal Bragg modes at the edge of the photonic bandgap, which gives rise to mixed Bragg polariton eigenstates. The resulting Bragg polariton branches are in good agreement with the theory and allow demonstration of Bragg polariton parametric amplification.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Operation speed of polariton condensate switches gated by excitons

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    We present a time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) study in real- and momentum-space of a polariton condensate switch in a quasi-1D semiconductor microcavity. The polariton flow across the ridge is gated by excitons inducing a barrier potential due to repulsive interactions. A study of the device operation dependence on the power of the pulsed gate beam obtains a satisfactory compromise for the ON/OFF-signal ratio and -switching time of the order of 0.3 and ∼50\thicksim50 ps, respectively. The opposite transition is governed by the long-lived gate excitons, consequently the OFF/ON-switching time is ∼200\thicksim200 ps, limiting the overall operation speed of the device to ∼3\thicksim3 GHz. The experimental results are compared to numerical simulations based on a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation, taking into account incoherent pumping, decay and energy relaxation within the condensate.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Energy relaxation of exciton-polariton condensates in quasi-1D microcavities

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    We present a time-resolved study of energy relaxation and trapping dynamics of polariton condensates in a semiconductor microcavity ridge. The combination of two non-resonant, pulsed laser sources in a GaAs ridge-shaped microcavity gives rise to profuse quantum phenomena where the repulsive potentials created by the lasers allow the modulation and control of the polariton flow. We analyze in detail the dependence of the dynamics on the power of both lasers and determine the optimum conditions for realizing an all-optical polariton condensate transistor switch. The experimental results are interpreted in the light of simulations based on a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation, including incoherent pumping, decay and energy relaxation within the condensate.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figure

    Lasing threshold doubling at the crossover from strong to weak coupling regime in GaAs microcavity

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    In a polariton, laser coherent monochromatic light is produced by a low-energy state of the system at the bottom of a polariton ‘trap’, where a condensate of polaritons is formed, requiring no conventional population inversion. Following the recent realization of polariton light-emitting diodes (LEDs) based on GaAs microcavities (MCs) operating up to room temperature, efforts have been directed towards the demonstration of an electrically injected polariton laser. However, until now, low-threshold polariton lasing in GaAs MCs under optical pumping has been reported only at low temperatures. Here, we investigate the temperature dependence of lasing threshold across the border of the strong-to-weak coupling regime transition in high-finesse GaAs MCs under non-resonant optical pumping. Remarkably, we find that although lasing in the strong coupling regime is lost when the temperature is raised from 25 to 70 K, the threshold only doubles, in stark contrast with the expected difference of two orders of magnitude. Our results can be explained by considering temperatureinduced thermalization of carriers to high wavevector states, increasing the reservoir’s overall carrier lifetime, resulting in an order of magnitude higher steady-state carrier density at 70 K under similar pumping conditions

    Steady state oscillations of circular currents in concentric polariton condensates

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    Concentric ring exciton polariton condensates emerging under non-resonant laser pump in an annular trapping potential support persistent circular currents of polaritons. The trapping potential is formed by a cylindrical micropillar etched in a semiconductor microcavity with embedded quantum wells and a repulsive cloud of optically excited excitons under the pump spot. The symmetry of the potential is subject to external control via manipulation by its pump-induced component. In the manuscript, we demonstrate excitation of concentric ring polariton current states with predetermined vorticity which we trace using interferometry measurements with a spherical reference wave. We also observe the polariton condensate dynamically changing its vorticity during observation, which results in pairs of fork-like dislocations on the time-averaged interferogram coexisting with azimuthally homogeneous photoluminescence distribution in the micropillar

    Polariton Condensate Transistor Switch

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    A polariton condensate transistor switch is realized through optical excitation of a microcavity ridge with two beams. The ballistically ejected polaritons from a condensate formed at the source are gated using the 20 times weaker second beam to switch on and off the flux of polaritons. In the absence of the gate beam the small built-in detuning creates potential landscape in which ejected polaritons are channelled toward the end of the ridge where they condense. The low loss photon-like propagation combined with strong nonlinearities associated with their excitonic component makes polariton based transistors particularly attractive for the implementation of all-optical integrated circuits
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