56 research outputs found

    Nutritive value and fodder potential of different sweet sorghum genotypes under mediterranean conditions

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    This study was conducted to determine biomass yields and feed quality parameters of 21 different sweet sorghums (Sorghum bicolor var. saccharatum (L.) Mohlenbr.) genotypes grown as the second crop after wheat harvest under Cukurova conditions. Field experiments were conducted at the experimental fields of Dogankent-Adana location of Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute in randomized blocks design with 4 replications in the years 2016 and 2017 (June-October). According to the results of the variance analyses of tha data obtained from the experimenst, years, genotypes and year x genotype interactions had significant effects on investigated parameters. Averaged over two years, dry matter yield (DMY), days to 50% flowering, crude protein content, NDF, ADF, and RFV of the genotypes varied between 21.6 and 62.9 t ha-1, 55.0 and 99.1 days, 3.66 and 5.43%, 41.78 and 52.42%, 29.14 and 37.72%, and 111.3 and 148, respectively. It was determined that Ramada, Roma, Topper 76, UNL hybrid-3 and No91 genotypes were identified as late genotypes with DM yields of greater than 51 t ha-1; Ramada, Roma and Topper 76 genotypes had the first places in terms of quality and they were superior than the other standard cultivars and genotyp

    Bagasse Yield and Quality Traits of Silage Made From Juice-Extracted Sweet Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var. saccharatum (L.) Mohlenbr.) Stalks

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    This study was conducted to investigate possible use of juice-extracted sweet sorghum stalks (bagasse) as a quality roughage source through silage making. A total of 21 different sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor var. saccharatum (L.) Mohlenbr.) genotypes supplied from different sources were used as the primary material of the study. Field experiments were conducted in a randomized blocks design with 4 replications on the experimental fields of Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute under 2nd crop conditions during the growing seasons of 2016 and 2017 years. Plants were harvested for bioethanol production at milk-dough stage of panicle grains. Plant leaves and panicles were stripped and remaining stalks were extracted through squeezing. Juice-extracted stalks (bagasse) were ensilaged for 60 days and quality traits were analyzed at the end of silage period. As the average of two years, bagasse yields varied between 42.6-113.9 t ha-1, silage DM yields varied between 11.6-40.0 t ha-1. In addition, crude protein (CP) content, acid detergent lignin (ADL), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) values varied between 29.79 - 50.84 g/kg DM, between 49.3 - 91.4 g/kg DM, between 525.1-694.8 g/kg DM and between 351.2-486.8 g/kg DM, respectively. It was concluded based on present findings that silages made from juice-extracted stalks of sweet sorghum grown under 2nd crop conditions of Cukurova region could be used as quality roughage source for livestock. © 2023, Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture. All Rights Reserved

    Effects of Grass and Legume-Grass Mixture pasture on Production performance and Milk Composition of Dairy Cows

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    This research was conducted to determine forage yield, chemical composition, milk yield and milk composition in dairy cattle grazing on pasture established with species and mixtures of Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne, Bastion,PR), Orchardgrass(Dactylis glometata, Pizza,OG) and White clover(Trifolium repens, Huia,WC). In this research conducted for two years, the grazing experiment was carried out according to a change over trial design. For this purpose, a total of 6 Holstein Friesian cows (at the 2nd lactation and with an average of 520 ± 26 kg live weight) were used for two periods, each of which consisted of 30 days (8 days of adaptation and 22 days of the basis period). The milk nutritional composition of the animals (dry matter, fat and protein content) was determined in the last three days in the last five consecutive days of each lactation period. The acid detergent fiber (ADF) content of pasture obtained from Perennial ryegrass + White clover mixture (PRWC) was found to be lower than that obtained from the other two (PR and OG) pasture and Net Energy Lactation (NEL) content was found higher in the first grazing period in the first year. However, the effect of the investigated pastures on milk yield was not significant, but it was found that the effects on milk protein yield in the first year and dry matter of milk in the second year were significant. In the first year of grazing period, milk yield, milk fat yield and protein yield were found to be significant. The results of this study showed that under these operating conditions, the botanical composition of the pasture had no effect on the amount and composition of the milk, but the milk yield decreased as the vegetation period advanced

    Callus Induction from Unpollinated Ovary Explants of Beans

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    Beans one of the essential plant protein sources for human and animal diets. Conventional breeding methods have been used to develop the cultivars of beans with high quality and high yield. However, conventional methods of plant breeding are time-consuming and laborious. Biotechnological methods can accelerate the breeding process in conventional plant breeding. However, the beans are thought to be a recalcitrant crop plant for applying biotechnological methods since plant regeneration under in vitro conditions in beans is not successful. Developing an appropriate method for in vitro bean regeneration remains a significant problem. The objective of this study was to develop a protocol for the culture of unfertilized ovaries of beans. Culture media and genotype are effective on the success of in vitro cultivation. For this reason, 12 genotypes of beans and some nutrient media such as MS and B5 with various 2,4-D/kinetin combinations were tested to obtain callus from unfertilized ovaries. The highest callus induction was obtained with a medium containing 2,4-D (0.5 mg L−1) and Kinetin (2.5 mg L−1). A literature review on beans indicates that no ovary culture has been carried out on tested varieties in this study to date

    Recent advancements in the breeding of sorghum crop: current status and future strategies for marker-assisted breeding

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    Sorghum is emerging as a model crop for functional genetics and genomics of tropical grasses with abundant uses, including food, feed, and fuel, among others. It is currently the fifth most significant primary cereal crop. Crops are subjected to various biotic and abiotic stresses, which negatively impact on agricultural production. Developing high-yielding, disease-resistant, and climate-resilient cultivars can be achieved through marker-assisted breeding. Such selection has considerably reduced the time to market new crop varieties adapted to challenging conditions. In the recent years, extensive knowledge was gained about genetic markers. We are providing an overview of current advances in sorghum breeding initiatives, with a special focus on early breeders who may not be familiar with DNA markers. Advancements in molecular plant breeding, genetics, genomics selection, and genome editing have contributed to a thorough understanding of DNA markers, provided various proofs of the genetic variety accessible in crop plants, and have substantially enhanced plant breeding technologies. Marker-assisted selection has accelerated and precised the plant breeding process, empowering plant breeders all around the world. Copyright © 2023 Baloch, Altaf, Liaqat, Bedir, Nadeem, Cömertpay, Çoban, Habyarimana, Barutçular, Cerit, Ludidi, Karaköy, Aasim, Chung, Nawaz, Hatipoğlu, Kökten and Sun

    Adana İli Tufanbeyli İlçesi Meralarının Vejetasyon Yapısı Üzerine Bir Araştırma

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    Bu araştırma, Adana İli Tufanbeyli ilçesinin 5 farklı köyünde bulunan meralarda, vejetasyon yapısının belirlenmesi amacıyla 2010 yılında yürütülmüştür. Vejetasyon etüdlerinde lup metodu kullanılarak meralardaki bitkilerin türleri, meraların bitki ile kaplı alan oranları, azalıcı, çoğalıcı ve istilacı türlerin oranları, mera kalite dereceleri ve mera durumları belirlenmiştir. Meralarda bitki ile kaplı alanda buğdaygiller oranı ortalaması % 36.9, baklagiller oranı ortalaması % 22.0 ve diğer familya bitkileri oranı ortalaması % 41.1, azalıcı türlerin oranı ortalama, % 20.9, çoğalıcı türlerin oranı % 11.9, istilacı türlerin oranı ise % 67.2, mera kalite derecelerinin 2.40-3.92 arasında değiştiği ve meraların durum sınıfının zayıf olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, incelenen meralar ve benzer ekolojik koşullardaki meralarda otlatmanın kontrol altına alınması ve toprak ve topoğrafik koşullarına bağlı olarak üstten tohumlama, mibzerle ekim veya doğal tohumlama yöntemlerinin tek başlarına veya diğer ıslah yöntemleri ile kombine edilerek ıslah edilebilmesi için uygun ıslah yöntemlerinin belirlenmesine yönelik yeni araştırmaların yapılması gerektiği sonucuna varılmıştır

    Effects Of Some Weed Control Methods on Yield, Botanical Composition and Forage Quality in Subirrigated Grasslands of Cukurova

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    Araştirma Çukurova'nın taban meralarında ot verimi ve kalitesini düşüren, hayvanların merayı kullanımını sınırlandıran yabancı otlarla etkili mücadele yöntemlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla 2006-2009 yılları arasında Adana ili Seyhan ¡lçesi Dervişler doğal merasında yürütülmüştür. Araçtirma tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre 3 tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Deneme de biçme, gübreleme, 2.4-D, Picloram+2.4-D, Paraquat ve Glyphosate uygulamaları incelenmiştir. Üç yıllık ortalamalara göre Picloram+2.4-D uygulamasının meranın kuru madde verimi ve sindirilebilir kuru madde verimini artırdığı, buğdaygillerin botanik kompozisyondaki oranını artırırken diğer familya bitkilerinin oranını azalttığnı göstermiçtir.This research was conducted to determine the effective control methods for the weeds of subirrigated pastures of the Cukurova. The experiment was conducted on the pasture in Dervisler Village of Seyhan District of Adana during the years of 2006-2009. The experiment was designed according to the randomized complete block design with three replications. In the research, five different weed control methods such as cutting, fertilization, application of 2.4-D, Picloram+2,.4-D, Paraquat or Glyphosate were studied. Results of the research showed that application of 2,4-D+picloram increased dry matter and digestible dry matter yield. Application of Picloram +2.4-D increased the percentage of grasses in the dry matter yield of the pasture while it decreased the percentage of the plants from the other families in the dry matter yield of the pasture

    Breaking seed dormancy of some annual Medicago and Trifolium species by different treatments

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    The germination abilities of 14 annual legume species (six Medicago and eight Trifolium) were tested under three dormancy breaking treatments: In the first treatment, mechanical scarification plus sodium hypochlorite (MSS); in the second, chemical scarification with sulphuric acid (CSA); in the third, incubation in water bath at 90 °C (IWB) were used for breaking the dormancy. All Medicago species except for Medicago polymorpha showed improvement in germination rates using MSS. The seeds of M. polymorpha showed higher germination rates with CSA or IWB than MSS. For Trifolium species, results indicated that there was a great variability among species with regard to the treatments. Seeds of species showed a broad range of dormancy requirements for germination. The CSA treatment significantly increased the germination rates of Trifolium lappaceum, T. scabrum and T. strictum. On the other hand, the germination rates of T. spumosum, T. spadieceum and T. angustifolium were significantly improved by MSS. The seeds of T. badium showed higher germination rates with IWB than the other applications

    A reseach on the cytological characters of yellow bluestem ( Bothriochloa ischaemum L.,keng) occured in natural maqui type vegetation of Çukurova region

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    Bu araştırma, Çukurova bölgesi doğal mer'alarında yaygın olarak bulunan sarı sakalotu (Bothriochloa ischaemum (I) Keng) bitkisinde somatik kromozom sayısı ve kromozomların morfolojik özelliklerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, incelenen 40 sarı sakalotu ekotipinden 39 tanesinin 2n=60, bir tanesinin ise 2n=50 kromozomlu olduğunu göstermiştir. Bitkide kromozom uzunluğunun 1.3006 pm ile 3.1294 pm arasında değiştiği ve kromozomların tümünün metasentrik olduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, 2n=50 kromozomlu sitotipin 2 çift, 2n=60 kromozomlu sitotipin ise 3 çift satelitli kromozoma sahip olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır.This study was conducted to determine the number and morphological features of somatic chromosomes of yellow bluestem (Bothriochloa ischaemum (L) Keng) dominated in natural maqui type range vegetation of Çukurova region. The results showed that 39 out of the 40 ekotypes had 2n=60 and only one had 2n=50 chromosomes. It was determined that all the chromosomes of yellow bluestem were metacentrich and their lengths ranged from 1.3006 pm to 3.1294 pm. The cytotype with 2n=50 had two pairs of chromosomes with satellite and the cytotype with 2n=60 had three pairs of chromosomes with satellite

    Domuz ayrığı (Dactylis sp. L.)

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    Domuz ayrığı cinsi (Dactylis sp.), buğdaygiller familyası (Poaceae)'nın yumak oymağı (Festuceae) içersindeki en küçük cinslerden biridir ve 15 türü içerir (Anonymous, 2006). Cinsin başlıca türleri; adi domuz ayrığı (Dactylis glomerata L.), Ascherson domuz ayrığı (Dactylis aschersoniana Graebn.), İspanyol domuz ayrığı (Dactylis hispanica Griseb.) ve Woronow domuz ayrığı (Dactylis mtvnomi ovez.)'dır. Cinsin ekonomik öneme sahip en önemli türü adi (yaygın) domuz ayrığıdır