19 research outputs found

    Strategi Adaptasi Nelayan Tradisional di Desa Sumare Kabupaten Mamuju Provinsi Sulawesi Barat

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    Kabupaten Mamuju, Provinsi Sulawesi Barat merupakan sebuah wilayah yang mayoritas penduduknya bermata pencaharian nelayan. Gambaran kemiskinan nelayan di Desa Sumare dapat dilihat dari kondisi rumahnya yang berdinding bambu, berlantai tanah, serta keterbatasan fasilitas dan perabot rumah tangga. Identifikasi lain yang menonjol di kalangan nelayan miskin di Desa Sumare adalah rendahnya tingkat pendidikan anak-anak, pola konsumsi sehari-hari, dan tingkat pendapatan mereka. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menghasilkan dan mengolah data yang sifatnya deskriptif, seperti transkrip wawancara, catatatan lapangan, gambar, dan rekaman video untuk menjelaskan secara menyeluruh mengenai strategi adaptasi yang dilakukan dalam menghadapi kondisi kemiskinan masyarakat nelayan di Desa Sumare. Strategi adaptasi yang dilakukan para nelayan dimulai dari pagi hingga siang. Kegiatan nelayan setelah melaut adalah melakukan kegiatan rutin, seperti membenahi peralatan tangkap dan menjual hasil tangkapannya di pinggir pantai atau koperasi TPI. Diversifikasi USAha untuk membantu keadaan ekonomi nelayan, memberikan peran anggota keluarga untuk ikut berpartisipasi atau pola nafkah ganda, dan jaringan sosial dimanfaatkan untuk memberi ruang ekonomi agar dapat bertahan, seperti kegiatan utang piutang melalui peran modal sosial yang telah tertanam pada masyarakat Desa Sumare

    Thyroglossal duct carcinoma

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    We report a 56-year-old Malay woman with a tumour that involved the skin and caused hyoid bone erosion. There was no clinical or radiological evidence of regional lymph node involvement. A modified radical neck dissection with preservation of the accessory nerve and internal jugular vein was performed, followed by an "extended" Sistrunk operation. The surgical defect was reconstructed with a pectoralis major myocutaneous flap. Our literature review showed that this is the first reported thyroglossal duct carcinoma which involved the skin and required a pedicle flap reconstruction

    Scanning Microscope-Energy Dispersive X-Ray (Sem-Edx) Studies of Quercus infectoria Gall

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    Quercus infectoria gall extract are popular among Malaysian. Therefore there is vast availability of the galls supply in Malaysian local market. However, these galls found in Malaysian market were brought out from another country such as Iran and India. In this regard, maintaining the quality of the source is very important to ensure the expected health benefit. In this study we used scanning microscope-energy dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX) to analyse the microscopical image and basic elements present in crude and aqueous extract of Quercus infectoria gall in comparison with macroscopical view. Galls of Q. infectoria were divided into external surface and cross section inner parts were performed using hard cutter. Macroscopical view showed that the gall looked alike ball-shaped with numerous protruding blunt horn-like lumps on external rugae like surface (1.4-2.3 cm in diameter). The cross section revealed three major parts; outer, middle and inner layer containing whitish core separated by barrier. The parenchyma cells could be seen in most part of the layer and elongated to formations of tracheid cells. Elemental analysis showed that the galls contain various useful minerals of carbon, calcium, oxygen, magnesium, silicon, potassium, sodium and chlorine. The elements distributions were different in each part. Most of the elements found in the external surface. The cross section part showed the highest number of elements on the outermost layer and it was the only part where the sodium and chlorine were found. These present study serve as a valuable information about macroscopic and microscopic features of the galls besides trace elements composition that will be useful for the establishment of quality standards and future reference for galls authentication

    Transbronchial needle aspiration of mediastinal lymph node

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    In Malaysia, transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA) is a relatively new procedure performed only in a handful of respiratory centres. We reviewed TBNA of mediastinal lymph node performed in Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan (HTAA) to determine the yield and its complications. Data was retrieved from endoscopy databases and patients' records, CT thorax images and all cytological and histological slides were reviewed. Twenty-five patients had TBNA performed. TBNA was positive in 15 patients (60%). Overall, 80% had confirmed malignancy after bronchoscopy. Only four patients had documented bleeding after TBNA and in two of them, bleeding stopped spontaneously and another two patients required diluted adrenaline to stop the bleed. No mortality was reported from this procedure. Hence, TBNA is a safe procedure

    Ethnomedical Survey of Aborigines Medicinal Plants in Gua Musang, Kelantan, Malaysia

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    The practice of herbal medicine had been diminishing, which may lead to the loss of valuable information about healing herbs. Therefore, an ethnomedical analysis was carried out in order to document the traditional medicinal uses of plants, which are commonly used among the Kelantanese Aborigines. A detailed systematic exploration of traditional ethnobotanical knowledge of medicinal plants of rural area in Kelantan was carried out mainly through interviews among aboriginal households (house-to-house interviews) and traditional healers. A total of 46 species was identified as having potential medicinal efficacy in curing different diseases and illnesses. Findings from this study can be used as a pharmacological basis in selecting plants for further phytochemical and pharmaceutical-nutrition studies

    Main structural targets for engineering lipase substrate specificity

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    Microbial lipases represent one of the most important groups of biotechnological biocatalysts. However, the high-level production of lipases requires an understanding of the molecular mechanisms of gene expression, folding, and secretion processes. Stable, selective, and productive lipase is essential for modern chemical industries, as most lipases cannot work in different process conditions. However, the screening and isolation of a new lipase with desired and specific properties would be time consuming, and costly, so researchers typically modify an available lipase with a certain potential for minimizing cost. Improving enzyme properties is associated with altering the enzymatic structure by changing one or several amino acids in the protein sequence. This review detailed the main sources, classification, structural properties, and mutagenic approaches, such as rational design (site direct mutagenesis, iterative saturation mutagenesis) and direct evolution (error prone PCR, DNA shuffling), for achieving modification goals. Here, both techniques were reviewed, with different results for lipase engineering, with a particular focus on improving or changing lipase specificity. Changing the amino acid sequences of the binding pocket or lid region of the lipase led to remarkable enzyme substrate specificity and enantioselectivity improvement. Site-directed mutagenesis is one of the appropriate methods to alter the enzyme sequence, as compared to random mutagenesis, such as error-prone PCR. This contribution has summarized and evaluated several experimental studies on modifying the substrate specificity of lipase

    Rekayasa Teknologi Pewarnaan Airbrush Untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Tekstil Menjadi High Fashion

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    Tujuan jangka panjang penelitian ini menghasilkan bahan-bahan tekstil berkualitas high fashion dari rekayasa teknologi pewarnaaan airbrush pada bahan tekstil berkualitas rendah atau tekstil limbah. Guna peningkatan mutu produk serta seiring perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi dan seni, bahan dasar tekstil kulitas rendah atau tekstil limbah tersebut direkayasa menjadi produk baru dengan teknik pewarnaan airbrush. Teknik pewarnaan airbrush yang tadinya mempercantik tampilan di dunia otomotif, akan diaplikasikan pada bahan dasar tekstil tersebut sehingga menghasilkan bahan baku alternatif yang nantinya didesain berdasarkan kondisi bahan. Adapun metode yang dipakaiadalah eksperimen dan target khususnya adalah teridentifikasinya potensi—potensi daerah Gorontalo yang dapat dijadikan sumber-sumber ide baru penciptaan seni kriya serta terciptanya desainalternatif produk kriya tekstil dari hasil rekayasa tekstil. Untuk mencapai target tersebut,langkah nyata yang akan dilakukan adalah (1) eksplorasi dengan cara penggalian sumber—sumber ide baru dari berbagai produk kriya tekstil, melalui penelusuran data-data pustaka, data visual, dan data material, kemudian hasilnya digunakan sebagai dasar pembuatan dcsain; (2) perancangan yakni memvisualisasikan ide-ide kedalam bentuk desain atau gambar kerja;(3) perwujudan yaitu merealisasikan desain kedalam karya nyata dengan merekayasa tekstil berkualitas rendah atau tekstil limbah sebagai bahan utama berprospektif menjadi bahan high fashion yang berciri budaya Gorontalo

    The Effect of Motivation on the Performance of Medical Record Workers

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    Introduction; Medical records are files containing records and documents about patients that contain identity, examination, treatment, and other medical actions. Aim; determine the effect of motivation on the performance of medical record personnel, incentives, working conditions, physical activity, work performance, responsibilities. Method; The type of research used is an analytical survey method with a cross-sectional study approach. The population in this study were all medical record personnel with a total sample of 46 respondents. Results; shows that there is a relationship between giving incentives (p = 0.018), work responsibilities (p = 0.031), and physical activity (p = 0.011) on the performance of medical record personnel while there is no relationship between working conditions (p = 0.501) and work performance (p = 0.417) on the performance of medical record personnel. Conclusion; that there is a relationship between the provision of incentives, physical activity, responsibility for the performance of medical records, and there is no relationship between working conditions, work performance on the performance of medical record personnel