8 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Land Suitability for Selected Land Utilization Types Using Geographic Information System Technology: (Case Study in Bandung Basin West Java)

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang pembangunan suatu model pemetaan kesesuaian lahan di suatu wilayah pedesaan dengan menggabungkan prosedur evaluasi lahan dengan pilihan-pilihan pengambilan keputusan dalam suatu sistem informasi geograjs (SIC). Studi ini mencakup 5 tahapan : (I) mendisain unit pemetaan lahan, (2), mendiagnosa tipe-tipe penggunaan lahan yang ada dun keperluan-keperluannya, (3) menganalisis kesesuaian lahan melalui "matching" antara unit pemetaan lahan dengan tipe penggunaan lahan, (4) mengintegrasikun data ke basis data relasional (sosial-ekonomi), dun (5) penyajian peta kesesuaian lahan melalui proses 'j'oin table"antara hasil kesesuaian lahan dengan unit pemetaan lahan dalam SIC. Studi ini rnemperlihatkan bahwa sebagian besar unit pemetaan Iahan di areal studi sesuai dengan kesesuaian fisik dari penggunaan lahan (lebih dari 53% termasuk kedalam kelas kesesuaian sedang dun kesesuaian tinggi). Kesesuaian jsik yang diperoleh juga sejalan dengan kesesuaian ekonomi dimana BCR berkisar antara 1, I sampai dengan 1.38

    Accreditation Handbook

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    This handbook is a reference for the faculty, academic and administrative staff on the process and procedure involved in preparing and obtaining accreditation. This handbook also serves as a valuable guide for the faculty to develop an assessment plan in the process of the future accreditation

    Accreditation Handbook

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    This handbook is a reference for the faculty, academic and administrative staff on the process and procedures involved in preparing and obtaining accreditation. This handbook also serves as a valuable guide for the faculty to develop an assessment plan in the process of future accreditation

    Accreditation Handbook

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    This handbook is a reference for the faculty, academic and administrative staff on the process and procedure involved in preparing and obtaining accreditation. This handbook also serves as a valuable guide for the faculty to develop an assessment plan in the process of the future accreditation

    Pancreatic surgery outcomes: multicentre prospective snapshot study in 67 countries

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