87 research outputs found

    Promosi Kesehatan Gigi Meningkatkan Status Kebersihan Gigi Mahasiswa

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    Penyebab timbulnya masalah kesehatan gigi dan mulut masyarakat antara lain perilaku mengabaikan kebersihan gigi dan mulut. Hal ini disebabkan kurangnya pengetahuan tentang pentingnya pemeliharaan kebersihan gigi dan mulut. Promosi kesehatan gigi perlu dilakukan untuk merubah perilaku sehingga dapat menurunkan angka penderita penyakit gigi dan mulut. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh promosi kesehatan gigi terhadap status kebersihan gigi mahasiswa. Penelitian ini merupakan studi eksperimen semu, dengan rancangan potong lintang. Lokasi penelitian: Jurusan Kesehatan Lingkungan Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta. Populasi penelitian ini yaitu mahasiswa semester II. Sampel adalah mahasiswa yang memenuhi kriteria: tidak menggunakan gigi tiruan, gigi indeks lengkap, tidak sedang cuti akademik, dan mengisi informed consent. Kriteria eksklusi yaitu apabila mahasiswa tidak bersedia mengikuti penelitian. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara acak, jumlah sampel sebanyak 40 mahasiswa. Instrumen penelitian berupa model gigi, alat diagnostik (sonde, kaca mulut, excavator, pinset) dan formulir skoring Oral Hygiene Index Simplified (OHIS) untuk menilai status kebersihan gigi. Variabel bebas adalah promosi kesehatan gigi, sedangkan variabel terikat adalah status kebersihan gigi. Nilai rata-rata skor OHIS sebelum promosi kesehatan gigi sebesar 1,813, sedangkan nilai rata-rata skor OHIS setelah promosi menjadi 0,998. Hasil uji analisis menggunakan Wilcoxon menunjukkan p<0,05 artinya status kebersihan gigi mahasiswa sesudah dilakukan promosi kesehatan gigi menjadi semakin baik, hal ini karena mahasiswa menjadi lebih termotivasi untuk merubah perilaku dengan menjaga kebersihan gigi dan mulut dengan baik dan benar. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah promosi kesehatan gigi dapat meningkatkan status kebersihan gigi mahasiswa


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    Elementary school students are the high risk community on caries. Their ages are the golden age on practicing their motoric skills in tooth brushing which is the primary prevention of caries. Toothpaste is paste or gel using for tooth brushing to clean food debris on teeth. This study wanted to know the effect of toothpaste in decreasing plaque score. This study was quasi experiment with cross sectional aproach, pretest-posttest design with control group. The samples, taken from SD IT Salsabila 3 Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta on April 2014, were 30 samples with inclusion criteria : registered on class 3 and 4, no caries, willing to be respondents and cooperative, presented on the day of research. The measurment of plaque score was PHP-M (Personal Higiene Performance-Modified) technique. The data were analyzed with Wilcoxon test. The result showed that plaque score decreased from 2.63 to 1.00 after toothbrushing with toothpaste group and on the group of toothbrushing without tooth paste, it decreased from 2.60 to 1.20 (p value : 0.000). It concluded that there was significant effect on decreasing plaque score by using toothpaste on massal toothbrushing activity


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    Periodontal disease or tissue supporting the teeth which are common due to pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria contained in plaque layer. Nature of plaque found on the tooth surface can not be seen with the eye directly, thus requiring a material that can show plaque on the tooth surface called the disclosing solution. This research will be lifted basting fruit extract bits and disclosing solution as a coloring in SD Kradenan 3 Magelang. This study aimed to determine differences basting fruit extract bits and disclosing solution to the students of SDN Kradenan 3 Magelang. This study is a quasi experiment to determine differences in plaque scores on the application of the extract bits and disclosing solution, to 15 samples by applying a bit of fruit extract on tooth surface and 15 samples by applying disclosing solution to the tooth surface. Furthermore plaque scores recorded in the subsequent decision PHPM format the data is processed using the SPSS statistical test of Independent Sample T-Test. Total score of plaque on basting fruit extract bits 23,3% with good criteria, the criteria was 16,7% and the percentagr of bad criteria 10%. While the amount of plaque score on application of disclosing solution with either 0% criteria, the criteria was 23,3% and bad criteria 26,7%. Obtaining the results of statistical Independent Sample T-Tests found a significant difference between the scores of plaque on the application of the extract bits and disvlosing solution in elementary student Kradenan 3 Magelang, with the acquisition of the significance of the results as much as 0,000. There are significant difference between the scores of plaque on the application of the extract bits and disclosing solutin, with a significance of p=0.000. Keywords: bits fruit, disclosing solution, plaque scor

    Uji Coba Ayun’s Predictor Software pada Perawat Gigi di Wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta

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    Latar belakang : Ayun' Predictor Software (APS) adalah perangkat lunak yang disusun untuk memprediksi risiko karies pada anak. Alat ini ditujukan untuk membantu tenaga kesehatan dalam menjalankan tugasnya. Sebagai tenaga kesehatan gigi, seorang perawat gigi harus dapat mengikuti perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Oleh karena itu diharapkan perawat gigi mampu menggunakan APS dalam memprediksi risiko terjadinya karies baru pada anak. Tujuan Penelitian : untuk mengetahui manfaat dan kemudahan pemakaian APS pada perawat gigi. Metode Penelitian : Jenis penelitian adalah observasional dengan rancangan cross-sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah perawat gigi yang bekerja di Puskesmas wilayah Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Jumlah sampel adalah 40 orang dengan latar belakan p e n d i d i k a n D 3 K e p e r a w a t a n G i g i . Te k n i k pengambilan sampel dengan stratified random sampling. Pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan panduan wawancara. Data dianalisa dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk presentase. Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : keluaran APS bermanfaat (100%), keluaran APS mudah dimengerti (87%), APS bermanfaat untuk mengetahui faktor risiko dan pencegahan karies (75%), rekomendasi saran dan pencegahan terjadinya karies baru mudah dijelaskan (100%), dan perangkat lunak APS mudah digunakan (100%). Kesimpulan : Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada perawat gigi menunjukkan bahwa APS bermanfaat untuk mengukur risiko terjadinya k a r i e s b a r u p a d a a n a k d a n m u d a h d a l a m mengoperasionalkannya. Kata kunci: Uji coba, Ayun's Predictor Software, perawat gigi ABSTRACT Background: Ayun 'Predictor Software (APS) was a software developed to predict risk caries in children. This tool was intended to assist health workers in carrying out their duties. As health professionals of teeth, a dental nurse should be able to follow the development of science and technology. Therefore dental nurse was able to use the APS to predict the risk of new caries in children . Objective: to know the benefits and easy of use APS on dental nurses. Methods: The study design was an observasional cross-sectional approach. This study population was dental nurse who worked in the health center of Yogyakarta Special Region. The number of samples was 40 people with educational background Dental Nursing diploma programme. The sampling technique stratified random sampling. Collecting data using questionnaires and interview guides. Data was analyzed and displayed as a percentage. Results: The results showed that: the output APS helpful (100%), the output APS easy to understand (87%), APS was helpful to know the risk factors and prevention of caries (75%), on the advice and prevention of caries new easily explained (100% ), and the software was easy to use APS (100%). Conclusion: Based on the research results showed that APS dental nurse helpful in improving the dental health of children and the degree of ease in operationalizing. Keyword: trial, Ayun's Predictor Software, dental nurs


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    Background: Anemia in Indonesia is mostly caused by micronutrient deficiency such as iron. Although much have been done to address anemia in the community, the problem remains. As health is not solely government’s responsibility, community participation should be seen as an alternative effective approach. Objective: The influence of women’s organizations to community participation and their self-sustenance in anemia prevention and control was examined. Methods: It was a quasi-experimental study with pretest and post-test control group design involving 30 women in reproductive-age who were selected through a multi-stage random sampling method; and 20 health providers, of whom were members of Dasa Wisma, posyandu cadres, PKK, and Karang Taruna. At the intervention group, women’s organization in anemia prevention and control was enabled in order to increase community participation. Hemoglobin level was measured as the outcome of the intervention program. Results: By empowering women’s organization, participation level of community members in the intervention group was significantly increase, shown by family’s willingness to provide and consume iron-sufficient foods in their daily diets. As an outcome, hemoglobin level of reproductive-aged women at the intervention group was slightly raised from its initial level, whilst in the control group relatively stagnant. Conclusion: Involving community member has been proven as an effective approach in anemia prevention and control. Given that women’s social movement are existed in many settings, therefore, empowering such organization as a manifestation of community participation can be applied in other setting, and also for other health program. Keywords: Anemia, women’s organization, empowerment, community participatio


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    ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Karies gigi merupakan penyakit utama yang terbanyak menyerang gigi geligi baik pada umur muda maupun pada umur tua. Gigi berlubang dapat menyebabkan anak menderita sakit gigi yang menyebabkan anak tidak bernafsu untuk makan. Keadaan ini mengakibatkan berkurangnya asupan makanan sehingga dapat mengganggu tumbuh kembang anak. Gizi yang kurang bukan hanya disebabkan oleh asupan gizi saja, tetapi penyakit infeksi juga dapat mempengaruhi status gizi anak. Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk mengetahui hubungan status karies gigi dengan status gizi anak pada siswa SDN 3 Sedayu Bantul. Metode Penelitian: Jenis penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dengan cara pemeriksaan gigi langsung dan pengukuran berat badan serta tinggi badan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan November 2018. Sampel diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan kriteria responden yang berusia 8-10 tahun sehingga diperoleh sampel sebanyak 60 responden. Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status karies gigi dengan status gizi anak digunakan uji analisis dengan kendall’s tau. Hasil Penelitian: Hasil analisa data didapatkan 53 (88,3%) anak mempunyai status karies gigi rendah dan 44 (73,3%) anak dengan status gizi yang normal. Hasil uji analisis kendall’s tau antara status karies gigi dengan status gizi anak diperoleh nilai sig.(p)>0.05 (p=0.253), yang artinya tidak ada hubungan antara status karies gigi dengan status gizi anak. Kesimpulan: Tidak ada hubungan antara status karies gigi dengan status gizi anak pada siswa SDN 3 Sedayu Bantul. Kata kunci: Status karies gigi, status gizi ana

    The Effect of Promotion with Flipchart Media on Toothbrush Knowledge Levels of Maintaining Dental and Oral Health in Children

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    Elementary school children possess a high risk of dental caries. Based on the Basic Health Research 2018 data, the percentage of dental and oral health problems in the 10–14 year age group is 41.4%. Efforts to reduce dental and oral health problems in children are conducted by health promotion which can be implemented with flipchart media. Flipchart media can be an alternative; hence, elementary school children are able to better understand the importance of knowledge on maintaining oral health. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of promotion with flipcharts on the level of toothbrush knowledge of maintaining oral and dental health in children. This type of research was a quasi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design with control group. The research location is at SD Muhammadiyah Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta. The research sample is 80 children aged 8 to 12 years. The sampling technique employed purposive sampling. The influence variable is promotion with flipchart, and the affected variable is the level of knowledge in maintaining oral health. The treatment and control groups performed pretest and posttest to determine the level of knowledge of dental and oral care in elementary school children. The results of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test analysis demonstrated that before and after promotion, the two groups owned a significant difference in toothbrush knowledge level (p=0.00). The results of the Mann Whitney test analysis display that the mean rank of children's toothbrush knowledge level using flipchart media is greater than PowerPoint media, which is 58.03&gt; 20.98 so that it can be stated that the use of flipchart media is more effective than PowerPoint media. The conclusion of the study is that promotion by employing flipchart media can increase the level of toothbrush knowledge on maintaining oral and dental health in children.         
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