29 research outputs found

    Stimulasi Fission Pada Reproduksi Aseksual Teripang Holothuria Atra

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    The production of sea cucumber in the wild has declined, it is due to excessive use and arrests for cultivation without any effort. Sea cucumber are generally reproduce sexually and asexually. Sexual reproduction through spawning and gametogenesis while, asexual reproduction through fission. Fission is the process of splitting a part of the specimen anterior, middle and posterior to the cucumber. The third part will grow into a new individual after each able to regenerate the missing parts of the specimen. Fission on sea cucumber can be stimulated by binding on the body of sea cucumber. The research was conducted in April-July 2012 in Bandengan, Jepara in order to objectives determine the success rate of asexual reproduction and regeneration rate and survival rate in sea cucumber Holothuria atra fission yield. The method used was experimental research in the field. The results of this study indicate the success rate of asexual reproduction in the sea cucumber H. atra fission yield was higher in H. atra large groups with a fission plane. At this stage of the regeneration of the posterior H. atra large groups with a fission plane is the most rapid in the middle regenerate regenerate while the slowest. Highest survival rate found in H. atra large groups with a fission plane, especially in the posterior.. Totality, post stimulated sea cucumber by fission would processing fission, wound closing process, regeneration process will form a mouth and new anus

    Komposisi Dan Kelimpahan Gastropoda Di Vegetasi Mangrove Kelurahan Tugurejo, Kecamatan Tugu, Kota Semarang

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    Mangrove forest is one of the unique natural ecosystems with high productivity. That comes from organic detritus or litter fall which is essential nutrient sources for organism souch as fish and inverterbrates, one of which is gastropod. The purpose of this study was to determine the composition and abundance of gastropods found in mangrove vegetation Tugurejo Village, District Tugu, Semarang. This study was conducted in September 2011-March 2012. This study material is all gastropods found at the sites. Research consists of 4 stations and samples were taken with using transek (1 x 1) m2 in 3 sub stations. The research revealed that there were 11 species of gastropod belonged to 3 families, i.e. C.rithidea cingulata cingulata, Cerithidea sp.1, Cerithidea sp.2, C. quadrata, T. telescopium, Terebralia palustris (Potamididae), Littorina articulata, L. carinifera, Littorina pallescense (Littorinidae), and Sphaerassiminea miniata (Assiminidae). The species most frequently found was C. cingulata cingulata and T. telescopium. While most species rarely found is C. quadrata. The highest abundance average value was found at Station C which was dominated by Avicennia marina. The diversity index (H ') at Station A and B was low, while at Station C and D was moderate. The Uniformity Index (e) at Station A and B was low but at Station C and D was high and moderate. There was species dominance is Cerithidea cingulata cingulata at Station C

    Yodisasi Garam Rakyat dengan Sistem Screw Injection

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    Retno Hartati, Edy Supriyo, Muhammad Zainuri, in this paper explain that many salt industry is currently undergoing a inefficiencies process in the production system. Declining quality of salt from the salt ponds and lack of homogeneity in the iodine content of salt briquettes and much KIO3 wasted. So it is necessary to increase the iodine levels in salt. This activity aims to design, create and test a iodized salt machine with a capacity of 1-2 tons per hour and perform quality control on products. Community service activities have been successfully implemented by creating iodized salt machine. The process is done by means of iodized salt machine in the salt product becomes higher and meet ISO standards, in which prior to iodized salt machine the content of KIO3 is 0 ppm and become 50 ppm after using KIO3

    Kemampuan Fission Teripang Holothuria Edulis Dan Holothuria Leucospilota (Holothuridae) Ukuran Yang Berbeda Di Kepulauan Karimunjawa

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    Sea cucumber is one of the important natural resources of Karimunjawa Islands. Because it has a high economic value, so fishermen exploit excessively it may reduce the population. Naturally sea cucumbers are able to reproduce asexually by fission process (division). This study aimed to determine the ability of fission and regeneration of sea cucumber Holothuria edulis and Holothuria leucospilota having different body sizes. The research was conducted in October-December 2011, in Karimunjawa waters. Jepara. Stimulation of fission carried out by binding sea cucumbers with a rubber band at 1/3 position of the anterior part. The results showed that the sea cucumber H. edulis and H. leucospilota successfully split at the 24. The difference in the size of cucumbers affect the fission time, while the intensity of regeneration of bigger sea cucumbers has higher value than a small one. The rate of fission of H. edulis and H. leucospilota 95-100%. Regeneration intensity of bigger H. edulis and H. leucospilota are higher than the small size. Posterior part of the body has higher survival rate is than the anterior

    Stimulasi Fission Reproduksi Aseksual Teripang Holothuria Atra Dan Teripang Holothuria Impatiens

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    Natural production of sea cucumbers in decline, it is because of overfishing and use without any attempt for cultivation. There are several ways for the provision of seeds, one with a reproduction. Sea cucumbers can reproduce sexually and asexually. Sexual reproduction involves the sea cucumber sperm and egg cells, and that asexual reproduction through fission technique. Fission is the process of cleavage of the specimen the anterior, middle and posterior to the sea cucumber. The third part will grow into new individuals after each specimen was able to grow the missing part. The research was conducted on April-June 2012 at Bandengan, Jepara with the aim of analyzing the ability of the sea cucumber Holothuria fission reproduction impatiens and Holothuria atra and observe individual performance and survival of fission results from the fission through the stimulation of 1, 2, and 3 fission plane in sea cucumber Holothuria atra and Holothuria impatiens for the supply of seed. The method used was field experimental research. The results of this research showed stimulation of fission with 1 fission plane is faster than 2 fission plane and 3 fission plane. H. atra to fission faster than H. impatiens. On the stimulation of 2 fission plane, the anterior fission faster than the middle or posterior. The results of regeneration of the species H. impatiens are not able to regenerate. The posterior regenerate faster than the anterior and middle. The posterior regenerate faster than the anterior and middle. In general, sea cucumbers which were going through the stimulation of fission stage, wound closure phase, the stage of regeneration, which in turn will form the mouth and anus on the part of the divide

    Pengaruh Naungan Sarang Terhadap Persentase Penetasan Telur Penyu Lekang (Lepidochelys Olivacea) Di Pantai Samas Bantul, YOGYAKARTA

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    The reduced population of sea turtles among other things caused by natural changes in the vicinity of the egg-laying habitat, theft of sea turtle eggs, the utilization of a body part sea turtles by human beings (as the utilization of carapace, meat, bones, and sea turtle eggs), and management of the conservation techniques are inadequate. Pantai Samas Bantul, Yogyakarta, one of the places that are often encountered of Olive Ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea). The aim of this research is to find out the influence of a shade from the success of hatching the eggs of Olive Ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea) in semi natural nest in Samas Beach. The research method used is an experimental method. Observations in the field carried out in June-August 2010. The research was done at the three nests. They are in natural nest, semi natural nest with the shade of zinc, and semi natural nest with the shade of tarpaulin. The results showed the temperature of the nest in the depth of thirty-eight centimeters at the semi natural nest with the shade of tarpaulin about 31,6-31,9 ºC, in the semi natural nest with the shade of zinc about 31,4-31,7 ºC, and in the natural nest is around 31,5-32,3 ºC. The highest moisture is in the natural nest around 6,6 %, while the lowest moisture is in the natural nest with the shade of zinc around 1,5-2,1%. Hatching succes in natural nest is 60 %, semi natural nest with the shade of tarpaulin about 24 %, in the semi natural nest with the shade of zinc about 21 %. The composition of the size of grains of sand in a natural or semi natural nest is dominated by medium-size. Based on the results of research can be concluded that the percentage of hatching the egg of Olive Ridley turtle in the semi natural nest with the shade of tarpaulin is higher than semi natural nest with the shade of zinc, while in the natural nest having the highest percentage of hatching

    Komposisi Dan Kelimpahan Plankton Di Perairan Pulau Gusung Kepulauan Selayar Sulawesi Selatan

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    Plankton adalah penyusun dasar dalam ekosistem perairan. plankton dapat dibedakan menjadi fitoplankton dan zooplankton. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui komposisi, kelimpahan, indeks keanekaragaman, indeks keseragaman, indeks dominansi fitoplankton dan zooplankton di perairan Pulau Gusung, Kepulauan Selayar, Sulawesi Selatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah diskriptif eksploratif. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 5 Oktober 2013 pada 5 stasiun yang merupakan kawasan penangkapan ikan karang. Sampel fitoplankton diambil secara pasif dengan menyaring air sebanyak 100 L. Sampel zooplankton diambil secara aktif dengan menyaring air secara horisontal dan di tarik perahu 100 m.Penelitian menunjukan fitoplankton ditemukan 2 kelas yaitu Bacillariophyceae (14 genus), dan Dinophycea (2 genus). Kelimpahan berkisar antara 42.000-92.000 sel/l (kelimpahan sedang) genus dengan kelimpahan tertinggi Rhizosolenia. Indeks keanekaragaman 1,539-1,761 (sedang), indeks keseragaman 0,773-0,889 (tinggi) dan indeks dominansi 0,111-0,227 (tidak ada dominansi). Zooplankton ditemukan 7 filum yaitu Arthopoda (15 genus dari 3 kelas), Cnidaria (1 genus dari 1 kelas), Chaetognata (1 genus dari 1 kelas), Protozoa (1 genus dari 1 kelas), Annelida (3 genus dari 1 kelas), Mollusca (4 genus dari 2 kelas), Chordata (1 kelas). Kelimpahan berkisar antara 2.240 - 4.880 ind/l (kesuburan sedang) genus dengan kelimpahan tertinggi Limacina. Indeks keanekaragaman 2,411-3,303 (sedang-tinggi), indeks keseragaman 0,740-0,908 (tinggi) dan indeks dominansi 0,092-0,260 (tidak ada dominansi)

    Yodisasi Garam Rakyat dengan Sistem Screw Injection

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    Retno Hartati, Edy Supriyo, Muhammad Zainuri, in this paper explain that many salt industry is currently undergoing a inefficiencies process in the production system. Declining quality of salt from the salt ponds and lack of homogeneity in the iodine content of salt briquettes and much KIO3 wasted. So it is necessary to increase the iodine levels in salt. This activity aims to design, create and test a iodized salt machine with a capacity of 1-2 tons per hour and perform quality control on products. Community service activities have been successfully implemented by creating iodized salt machine. The process is done by means of iodized salt machine in the salt product becomes higher and meet ISO standards, in which prior to iodized salt machine the content of KIO3 is 0 ppm and become 50 ppm after using KIO3