25 research outputs found

    Size-Independent Energy Transfer in Biomimetic Nanoring Complexes

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    Supramolecular antenna-ring complexes are of great interest due to their presence in natural light-harvesting complexes. While such systems are known to provide benefits through robust and efficient energy funneling, the relationship between molecular structure, strain (governed by nuclear coordinates and motion), and energy dynamics (arising from electronic behavior) is highly complex. We present a synthetic antenna-nanoring system based on a series of conjugated porphyrin chromophores ideally suited to explore such effects. By systematically varying the size of the acceptor nanoring, we reveal the interplay between antenna-nanoring binding, local strain, and energy dynamics on the picosecond time scale. Binding of the antenna unit creates a local strain in the nanoring, and this strain was measured as a function of the size of the nanoring, by UV–vis-NIR titration, providing information on the conformational flexibility of the system. Strikingly, the energy-transfer rate is independent of nanoring size, indicating the existence of strain-localized acceptor states, spread over about six porphyrin units, arising from the noncovalent antenna-nanoring association

    On the Influence of the Bridge on Triplet State Delocalization in Linear Porphyrin Oligomers

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    The extent of triplet state delocalization is investigated in rigid linear zinc porphyrin oligomers as a function of interporphyrin bonding characteristics, specifically in <i>meso</i>-<i>meso</i> singly linked and β,<i>meso</i>,β fused structures, using electron paramagnetic resonance techniques. The results are compared with those of earlier measurements on porphyrin oligomers with alkyne linkers exhibiting different preferred conformations. It is shown that dihedral angles near 90° between the porphyrin planes in directly <i>meso</i>-to-<i>meso</i> linked porphyrin oligomers lead to localization of the photoexcited triplet state on a single porphyrin unit, whereas previous work demonstrated even delocalization over two units in <i>meso</i>-to-<i>meso</i> ethyne or butadiyne-bridged oligomers, where the preferred dihedral angles amount to roughly 30° and 0°, respectively. The triplet states of fused porphyrin oligomers (i.e., porphyrin tapes) exhibit extended conjugation and even delocalization over more than two porphyrin macrocycles, in contrast to <i>meso</i>-to-<i>meso</i> ethyne or butadiyne-bridged oligomers, where the spin density distribution in molecules composed of more than two porphyrin units is not evenly spread across the oligomer chain

    Porphyrin–Polyyne [3]- and [5]Rotaxanes

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    Porphyrin–polyyne [3]- and [5]­rotaxanes have been synthesized by condensing aldehyde–rotaxanes with pyrrole or dipyrromethane. The crystal structure of a [3]­rotaxane shows that the macrocycles adopt compact conformations, holding the hexaynes near the porphyrin core, and that the phenanthroline units form intermolecular π-stacked dimers in the solid. Fluorescence spectra reveal singlet excited-state energy transfer from the threaded hexayne to the porphyrin, from the phenanthroline to the porphyrin, and from the phenanthroline to the hexayne

    Triplet State Delocalization in a Conjugated Porphyrin Dimer Probed by Transient Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Techniques

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    The delocalization of the photoexcited triplet state in a linear butadiyne-linked porphyrin dimer is investigated by time-resolved and pulse electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) with laser excitation. The transient EPR spectra of the photoexcited triplet states of the porphyrin monomer and dimer are characterized by significantly different spin polarizations and an increase of the zero-field splitting parameter <i>D</i> from monomer to dimer. The proton and nitrogen hyperfine couplings, determined using electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) and X- and Q-band HYSCORE, are reduced to about half in the porphyrin dimer. These data unequivocally prove the delocalization of the triplet state over both porphyrin units, in contrast to the conclusions from previous studies on the triplet states of closely related porphyrin dimers. The results presented here demonstrate that the most accurate estimate of the extent of triplet state delocalization can be obtained from the hyperfine couplings, while interpretation of the zero-field splitting parameter <i>D</i> can lead to underestimation of the delocalization length, unless combined with quantum chemical calculations. Furthermore, orientation-selective ENDOR and HYSCORE results, in combination with the results of density functional theory (DFT) calculations, allowed determination of the orientations of the zero-field splitting tensors with respect to the molecular frame in both porphyrin monomer and dimer. The results provide evidence for a reorientation of the zero-field splitting tensor and a change in the sign of the zero-field splitting <i>D</i> value. The direction of maximum dipolar coupling shifts from the out-of-plane direction in the porphyrin monomer to the vector connecting the two porphyrin units in the dimer. This reorientation, leading to an alignment of the principal optical transition moment and the axis of maximum dipolar coupling, is also confirmed by magnetophotoselection experiments

    Self-Assembly of Linear Porphyrin Oligomers into Well-Defined Aggregates

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    Conjugated zinc porphyrin oligomers of various lengths are shown to form well-defined planar aggregates at low temperatures. The aggregation occurs over a narrow temperature interval (170–150 K) and is accompanied by dramatic changes in the electronic absorption and emission spectra. Similar changes are found in J-aggregates in which the transition dipole moments of aggregated chromophores couple to form a new and intense transition in the absorption spectrum, red shifted from the monomeric chromophore band. For the present porphyrin oligomers, the dramatic absorption changes are not associated with the formation of large aggregates, but rather with the dimerization accompanied by planarization of the oligomers. Free oligomers have a broad distribution of porphyrin–porphyrin dihedral angles and show a broad and unstructured absorption spectrum. As the oligomers stack to form aggregates, they planarize and the width of the conformational distribution is reduced to include virtually only the planar conformers, resulting in the observed change of the absorption spectrum. No experimental evidence for the formation of large aggregates was found, while a small aggregate, probably only dimer, is supported by the minor changes of the fluorescence rate constant upon aggregation and the fact that pyridine has no significant effect on the formation of this aggregate, which otherwise is very effective for inhibiting aggregation of zinc porphyrin oligomers. Compared to most porphyrin aggregates, which show broad absorption spectra and quenched fluorescence, these aggregates give sharp absorption and emission spectra with little change in the fluorescence quantum yield. Similar aggregates were also observed for oligomers substituted with both a fullerene electron acceptor and a ferrocene donor. The results presented here will be potentially useful as tools to understand how electron transfer and delocalization processes are influenced by molecular order/disorder transitions

    Synthesis of Polyynes Using Dicobalt Masking Groups

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    Extended triisopropylsilyl end-capped polyynes have been prepared from the corresponding tetracobalt complexes by removing the complexed dicobalt tetracarbonyldiphenylphosphinomethane (Co<sub>2</sub>(CO)<sub>4</sub>dppm) moieties. Unmasking of this “masked alkyne equivalent” was achieved under mild conditions with elemental iodine at room temperature, making it possible to obtain fragile polyynes with up to 20 contiguous sp-hybridized carbon atoms. The Co<sub>2</sub>(CO)<sub>4</sub>dppm moiety has a strong geometric and steric effect on the polyyne but does not have a marked electronic effect on the terminal alkyne, as indicated by NMR and IR spectroscopy, density functional theory calculations, and X-ray crystallography. An unusual “alkyne hopping” migration of the dicobalt group was noticed as a minor side reaction during copper-catalyzed Eglinton coupling

    A Discrete Three-Layer Stack Aggregate of a Linear Porphyrin Tetramer: Solution-Phase Structure Elucidation by NMR and X‑ray Scattering

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    Formation of stacked aggregates can dramatically alter the properties of aromatic π-systems, yet the solution-phase structure elucidation of these aggregates is often impossible because broad distributions of species are formed, giving uninformative spectroscopic data. Here, we show that a butadiyne-linked zinc porphyrin tetramer forms a remarkably well-defined aggregate, consisting of exactly three molecules, in a parallel stacked arrangement (in chloroform at room temperature; concentration 1 mM–0.1 μM). The aggregate has a mass of 14.7 kDa. Unlike most previously reported aggregates, it gives sharp NMR resonances and aggregation is in slow exchange on the NMR time scale. The structure was elucidated using a range of NMR techniques, including diffusion-editing, <sup>1</sup>H–<sup>29</sup>Si HMBC, <sup>1</sup>H–<sup>1</sup>H COSY, TOCSY and NOESY, and <sup>1</sup>H–<sup>13</sup>C edited HSQC spectroscopy. Surprisingly, the <sup>1</sup>H–<sup>1</sup>H COSY spectrum revealed many long-range residual dipolar couplings (RDCs), and detailed analysis of magnetic field-induced <sup>1</sup>H–<sup>13</sup>C RDCs provided further evidence for the structural model. The size and shape of the aggregate is supported by small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) data. It adopts a geometry that maximizes van der Waals contact between the porphyrins, while avoiding clashes between side chains. The need for interdigitation of the side chains prevents formation of stacks consisting of more than three layers. Although a detailed analysis has only been carried out for one compound (the tetramer), comparison with the NMR spectra of other oligomers indicates that they form similar three-layer stacks. In all cases, aggregation can be prevented by addition of pyridine, although at low pyridine concentrations, disaggregation takes many hours to reach equilibrium

    Photoswitchable Spiropyran Dyads for Biological Imaging

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    The synthesis of a small-molecule dyad consisting of a far-red-emitting silicon rhodamine dye that is covalently linked to a photochromic spironaphthothiopyran unit, which serves as a photoswitchable quencher, is reported. This system can be switched reversibly between the fluorescent and nonfluorescent states using visible light at wavelengths of 405 and 630 nm, respectively, and it works effectively in aqueous solution. Live-cell imaging demonstrates that this dyad has several desirable features, including excellent membrane permeability, fast and reversible modulation of fluorescence by visible light, and good contrast between the bright and dark states

    Polyyne Rotaxanes: Stabilization by Encapsulation

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    Active metal template Glaser coupling has been used to synthesize a series of rotaxanes consisting of a polyyne, with up to 24 contiguous <i>sp-</i>hybridized carbon atoms, threaded through a variety of macrocycles. Cadiot–Chodkiewicz cross-coupling affords higher yields of rotaxanes than homocoupling. This methodology has been used to prepare [3]­rotaxanes with two polyyne chains locked through the same macrocycle. The crystal structure of one of these [3]­rotaxanes shows that there is extremely close contact between the central carbon atoms of the threaded hexayne chains (C···C distance 3.29 Å vs 3.4 Å for the sum of van der Waals radii) and that the bond-length-alternation is perturbed in the vicinity of this contact. However, despite the close interaction between the hexayne chains, the [3]­rotaxane is remarkably stable under ambient conditions, probably because the two polyynes adopt a crossed geometry. In the solid state, the angle between the two polyyne chains is 74°, and this crossed geometry appears to be dictated by the bulk of the “supertrityl” end groups. Several rotaxanes have been synthesized to explore gem-dibromoethene moieties as “masked” polyynes. However, the reductive Fritsch–Buttenberg–Wiechell rearrangement to form the desired polyyne rotaxanes has not yet been achieved. X-ray crystallographic analysis on six [2]­rotaxanes and two [3]­rotaxanes provides insight into the noncovalent interactions in these systems. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) reveals that the longer polyyne rotaxanes (C16, C18, and C24) decompose at higher temperatures than the corresponding unthreaded polyyne axles. The stability enhancement increases as the polyyne becomes longer, reaching 60 °C in the C24 rotaxane