124 research outputs found

    Some Simple Analytics of Target Prices and Land Values

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    Because land Is a crucial factor of production in the U.S. agricultural sector, land prices have an impact on a wide range of participants in the world economy. Land prices have a direct impact on farmers\u27 abilities to begin, operate, and expand their enterprises. Consumers worldwide are affected indirectly by land values because the cost of land services will partly determine the supply of farm commodities. Taxing authorities are directly affected by land value changes because property values are used as the basis for property tax assessment

    Impact Of Farm Size On The Bidding Potential For Agricultural Land

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    The size structure of farms, the control of farming, and the future of the family farm are issues that are all related to the ownership and control of a unique rural resource--land. The future complexion of the U. S. countryside is intimately tied to the ability of different economic groups to gain and maintain control of the land base. Continuation of past trends in farm enlargement and off-farm migration would vest the control of the farming community in fewer and larger operating units

    An Approach To The Delineation Of Banking Markets

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    The accurate delineation of banking markets is a necessary prerequisite to an analysis of the competitive environment in banking, the operational and allocation efficiency of our banking system, and policy prescriptions for structural change in the banking industry. While delineation constitutes a crucial foundation for analyses of competition, it appears that in practice current delineation techniques at best may be inconsistent, and at worst completely devoid of economic rationale..

    Dengue: a continuing global threat.

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    Dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever are important arthropod-borne viral diseases. Each year, there are ∼50 million dengue infections and ∼500,000 individuals are hospitalized with dengue haemorrhagic fever, mainly in Southeast Asia, the Pacific and the Americas. Illness is produced by any of the four dengue virus serotypes. A global strategy aimed at increasing the capacity for surveillance and outbreak response, changing behaviours and reducing the disease burden using integrated vector management in conjunction with early and accurate diagnosis has been advocated. Antiviral drugs and vaccines that are currently under development could also make an important contribution to dengue control in the future

    LHCb inner tracker: Technical Design Report

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    LHCb calorimeters: Technical Design Report

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    LHCb RICH: Technical Design Report

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    LHCb magnet: Technical Design Report

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    LHCb muon system: Technical Design Report

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