2,854 research outputs found

    A population-level data linkage study to explore the association between health facility level factors and unintended pregnancy in Bangladesh

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of health facility-level factors, including the availability of long-acting modern contraceptives (LAMC) at the nearest health facility and its distance from women’s homes, on the occurrence of unintended pregnancy that resulted in a live birth. We analysed the 2017/18 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data linked with the 2017 Bangladesh Health Facility Survey. The weighted sample comprised 5051 women of reproductive age, who had at least one live birth within 3 years of the survey. The outcome variable was women’s intention to conceive at their most recent pregnancy that ended with a live birth. The major explanatory variables were the health facility level factors. A multi-level multinomial logistic regression model was used to assess the association of the outcome variable with explanatory variables adjusting for individual, household, and community-level factors. Nearly 21% of the total respondents reported that their most recent live birth was unintended at conception. Better health facility management systems and health facility infrastructure were found to be 14–30% protective of unintended pregnancy that resulted in a live birth. LAMC availability at the nearest health facility was associated with a 31% reduction (95% CI 0.50–0.92) in the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy that resulted in a live birth. Health facility readiness to provide LAMC was also associated with a 14–16% reduction in unintended pregnancies that ended with a birth. The likelihood of unintended pregnancy that resulted in a live birth increased around 20–22% with the increased distance of the nearest health facility providing LAMC from the women’s homes.The availability of health facilities near women’s homes and access to LAMC can significantly reduce unintended pregnancy. Policies and programs to ensure access and affordability of LAMC across current health facilities and to increase the number of health facilities are recommended

    Heterogeneity in Residential Yard Care: Evidence from Boston, Miami, and Phoenix

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    The management of residential landscapes occurs within a complex socio-ecological system linking household decision-making with ecological properties, multi-scalar human drivers, and the legacy effects of past management. Conventional wisdom suggests that resource-intensive turf grass yards are the most common landscaping outcome, resulting in a presumed homogeneous set of residential landscaping practices throughout North America. We examine this homogenization thesis through an interview-based, cross-site study of residential landscape management in Boston, Phoenix, and Miami. Counter to the homogeneity thesis, we find that yard management practices often exhibit heterogeneity, for example, in groundcover choice or use of chemical inputs. The degree of heterogeneity in management practices varies according to the scale of analysis, and is the outcome of a range of constraints and opportunities to which households respond differently depending on their existing yard and landscaping preferences. This study highlights the importance of multi-scalar and cross-site analyses of decision-making in socio-ecological systems, and presents opportunities for longitudinal and cross-site research to examine the extent to which homogeneity is actually present in the management of residential landscapes over time and in diverse places

    High-Throughput Screening Data Interpretation in the Context of In Vivo Transcriptomic Responses to Oral Cr(VI) Exposure

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    The toxicity of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] in drinking water has been studied extensively, and available in vivo and in vitro studies provide a robust dataset for application of advanced toxicological tools to inform the mode of action (MOA). This study aimed to contribute to the understanding of Cr(VI) MOA by evaluating high-throughput screening (HTS) data and other in vitro data relevant to Cr(VI), and comparing these findings to robust in vivo data, including transcriptomic profiles in target tissues. Evaluation of Tox21 HTS data for Cr(VI) identified 11 active assay endpoints relevant to the Ten Key Characteristics of Carcinogens (TKCCs) that have been proposed by other investigators. Four of these endpoints were related to TP53 (tumor protein 53) activation mapping to genotoxicity (KCC#2), and four were related to cell death/proliferation (KCC#10). HTS results were consistent with other in vitro data from the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database. In vitro responses were compared to in vivo transcriptomic responses in the most sensitive target tissue, the duodenum, of mice exposed to ≀ 180 ppm Cr(VI) for 7 and 90 days. Pathways that were altered both in vitro and in vivo included those relevant to cell death/proliferation. In contrast, pathways relevant to p53/DNA damage were identified in vitro but not in vivo. Benchmark dose modeling and phenotypic anchoring of in vivo transcriptomic responses strengthened the finding that Cr(VI) causes cell stress/injury followed by proliferation in the mouse duodenum at high doses. These findings contribute to the body of evidence supporting a non-mutagenic MOA for Cr(VI)-induced intestinal cancer

    Stress‐induced Rab11a‐exosomes induce amphiregulin‐mediated cetuximab resistance in colorectal cancer

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    Exosomes are secreted vesicles made intracellularly in the endosomal system. We have previously shown that exosomes are not only made in late endosomes, but also in recycling endosomes marked by the monomeric G‐protein Rab11a. These vesicles, termed Rab11a‐exosomes, are preferentially secreted under nutrient stress from several cancer cell types, including HCT116 colorectal cancer (CRC) cells. HCT116 Rab11a‐exosomes have particularly potent signalling activities, some mediated by the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligand, amphiregulin (AREG). Mutant activating forms of KRAS, a downstream target of EGFR, are often found in advanced CRC. When absent, monoclonal antibodies, such as cetuximab, which target the EGFR and block the effects of EGFR ligands, such as AREG, can be administered. Patients, however, inevitably develop resistance to cetuximab, either by acquiring KRAS mutations or via non‐genetic microenvironmental changes. Here we show that nutrient stress in several CRC cell lines causes the release of AREG‐carrying Rab11a‐exosomes. We demonstrate that while soluble AREG has no effect, much lower levels of AREG bound to Rab11a‐exosomes from cetuximab‐resistant KRAS‐mutant HCT116 cells, can suppress the effects of cetuximab on KRAS‐wild type Caco‐2 CRC cells. Using neutralising anti‐AREG antibodies and an intracellular EGFR kinase inhibitor, we show that this effect is mediated via AREG activation of EGFR, and not transfer of activated KRAS. Therefore, presentation of AREG on Rab11a‐exosomes affects its ability to compete with cetuximab. We propose that this Rab11a‐exosome‐mediated mechanism contributes to the establishment of resistance in cetuximab‐sensitive cells and may explain why in cetuximab‐resistant tumours only some cells carry mutant KRAS

    Neonatal Glycemia and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 2 Years

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    From McKinlay, C. J. D., Alsweiler, J. M., Ansell, J. M., Anstice, N. S., Chase, J. G., Gamble, G. D., 
 Harding, J. E. (2015). Neonatal Glycemia and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes at 2 Years. New England Journal of Medicine, 373(16), 1507–1518. https://doi.org/10.1056/NEJMoa1504909 Copyright © 2015 Massachusetts Medical Society. Reprinted with permission.Neonatal hypoglycemia is a common and readily treatable risk factor for neurologic impairment in children. Although associations between prolonged symptomatic neonatal hypoglycemia and brain injury are well established,1 the effect of milder hypoglycemia on neurologic development is uncertain.2 Consequently, large numbers of newborns are screened and treated for low blood glucose concentrations, which involves heel-stick blood tests, substantial costs, and the possibility of iatrogenic harm. Under current guidelines,3 up to 30% of neonates are considered to be at risk for hypoglycemia, 15% receive a diagnosis of hypoglycemia, and approximately 10% require admission to a neonatal intensive care unit,4 costing an estimated $2.1 billion annually in the United States alone.5 Associated formula feeding and possible separation of mother and baby reduce breast-feeding rates,6 with potentially adverse effects on broader infant health and development. In addition, pain-induced stress in neonates, such as repeated heel sticks, may itself impair brain development.7 Thus, to determine appropriate glycemic thresholds for treatment, there have been repeated calls for studies of the effect of neonatal hypoglycemia on long-term development.2,8 We report the results of the Children with Hypoglycaemia and Their Later Development (CHYLD) study, a large prospective cohort study of term and late-preterm neonates born at risk for hypoglycemia. The study investigated the relation between the duration, frequency, and severity of low glucose concentrations in the neonatal period and neuropsychological development at 2 years.Supported by grants from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R01HD069622), the Health Research Council of New Zealand (10-399), and the Auckland Medical Research Foundation (1110009)
