8 research outputs found

    Towards Design and Development of a BIM-based 3D Property Formation Process

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    With the increased interest and demand for 3D property, 3D property formation has shown increased significance. It is important to provide efficient, clear and unambiguous methods to form 3D property units, as well as register 3D property RRRs (rights, restrictions and responsibilities). The 3D property formation process should facilitate solutions to complicated problems within building projects (for example space above and below the ground) and provide secure and lasting rights in complex situations. Therefore, 3D property formation could use the same processes as for the formation of other property units, but adding specific rules and standards concerning the use of 3D models. Building Information Modelling (BIM) contains rich details of building characteristics such as structures, elements, spaces, schedules, etc. that can form the physical models of the 3D cadastre. The 3D property formation process requires that BIM data are exchanged between actors. To model this exchange, we utilize an open BIM process standard Information Delivery Manual (IDM). IDM helps to clarify the detailed property formation process, facilitates actors’ communication, harmonizes different product data models delivered and stored, identifies the results of that activity, as well as improves the management more efficiently and collaboratively. Level of Information Need (LOIN) is a framework that defines the extent and granularity of information, in order to prevent delivery of too much information. The LOIN specifies the granularity of information exchanged in terms of geometrical information, alphanumerical information and documentation, which should be used to specify the information delivery between actors. In this paper, we use LOIN as a basis to specify information requirements according to the 3D property formation purposes, and design a developed process of the Swedish 3D property formation in IDM. In the study, LOIN fulfills the requirements of forming 3D cadastral property in BIM models and harmonizes all involved actors in the whole process in IDM with a more common and standardized approach. The proposed methodology aims to facilitate a standardized and unambiguous digital 3D property formation process on a national level in order to improve and enhance the digital Swedish Cadastral and Land Administration Systems

    Investigating the state of play of geoBIM across Europe

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    In both the Geographic Information (Geo) and Building Information Modelling (BIM) domains, it is widely acknowledged that the integration of data from both domains is beneficial and a crucial step in facing the multi-disciplinary challenges of our built environment. The result of this integration – which can broadly be termed GeoBIM –could answer questions such as identifying anappropriate Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning system for a building based on room usage, outside air temperature, solar exposure and traffic pollution or validating whether a proposed built asset meets relevant planning constraints.Developing a coherent approach to GeoBIM integration requires consensus between multiple stakeholders from both the Geo and the BIM side and at an international level. This multi-country and multi-stakeholder approach is the topic of a 2-year EuroSDR project on GeoBIM integration that started in November 2017. The general aim of the project is to detail both the needs and the issues of GeoBIM integration, studied from use cases as well as from existing experiences in the participating countries and to develop initial solutions accordingly. This paper reports initial results – it identifies strong potential for GeoBIM but also rather fragmented activity, with no national level focus. It also notes that research (both in industry and academia) primarily focuses on standards, interoperability and data integration or exchange. Based on these findings – and with a focus on existing work and topics of interest to NMCAs – the next phase of the work will develop more detailed case studies for Asset Management and Urban Planning.Urban Data Scienc

    GeoBIM Benchmark 2019: Intermediate Results

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    An investigation into the implementation state of open standards in software is currently ongoing through the ISPRS/EuroSDR ‘GeoBIM benchmark 2019’ initiative, which kicked off earlier this year. The benchmark activity provides a way of assessing and comparing the functionality of different software packages in GIS and BIM in terms of their ability to handle standardised data (IFC and CityGML) and undertake various tasks using this data. Approximately 65 people have registered to participate so far, with participants from a wide range of backgrounds and proposing to test a variety of software packages. This confirms that the issues under investigation are of interest, and also meets the wider benchmark aim of having a variety of participants, since the project is conceived as using a bottom-up approach with cross-disciplinary and cross-expertise participation. While full benchmark results are not due to be submitted until later this year, interim results have highlighted a number of common issues across multiple software packages, and a web meeting for participants held in July 2019 also led to some improvements in how the benchmark results are being captured.Urban Data Scienc

    GeoBIM benchmark 2019: Design and initial results

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    GeoBIM, the integration of 3D geoinformation (Geo) with building information models (BIM), is a subject of increasing attention in both domains. A well-known practical challenge for this integration is the mixed state of software support for open standards in each domain that would ease the integration. This is often known by practitioners but poorly documented. In order to solve this problem, we devised the GeoBIM benchmark, in which we compile the experiences of volunteering participants, who perform a guided study to test the software they are most familiar with against a few provided datasets structured in open standards. The aim of the tests is to improve the knowledge of the state of the art in the software support for GeoBIM open standards and to identify points for improvement. In this paper, we present the design of the benchmark, especially explaining and discussing the chosen data to be used with their connected issues to be tested, and some initial results.Urban Data Scienc

    EuroSDR GeoBIM Project a Study in Europe on how to use the Potentials of BIM and Geo Data in Practice

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    In both the Geo and BIM domains, it is widely acknowledged that the integration of geo-data and BIM-data is beneficial and a crucial step in facing the multi-disciplinary challenges of our built environment. The result of this integration – broadly termed as GeoBIM – has a range of potential uses from district study to road safety. However, from the data perspective, this integration raises the question of how to integrate very detailed design and construction data from the BIM domain with contextual geospatial data (both 2D and 3D) that model a very diverse range of aspects of the wider built and natural environment.This paper reports work carried out during the second phase of the EuroSDR GeoBIM project, which sets out to understand the general status of GeoBIM across Europe with particular focus from a National Mapping and Cadastral Agency perspective. The first phase of the project reviewed the current status of GeoBIM in participating countries and identified the need for specific detailed use cases to overcome both the lack of awareness and the lack of understanding of the potential of GeoBIM. We present both an update on the current status of GeoBIM, and additional details of one of the selected use cases relating to planning/development permits. For the latter, we have been able to develop a detailed workflow highlighting specific data exchange points within the process to issue a development permit, allowing a more in-depth identification of both the roles and data needs at each stage.Urban Data Scienc

    Reference study of CityGML software support: The GeoBIM benchmark 2019—Part II

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    OGC CityGML is an open standard for 3D city models intended to foster interoperability and support various applications. However, through our practical experience and discussions with practitioners, we have noticed several problems related to the implementation of the standard and the use of standardized data. Nevertheless, a systematic investigation of these issues has never been carried out, and there is thus insufficient evidence for tackling the problems. The GeoBIM benchmark project is aimed at finding such evidence by involving external volunteers, reporting on various aspects of the behavior of tools (geometry, semantics, georeferencing, functionalities), analyzed and described in this article. This study explicitly pointed out the critical points embedded in the format as an evidence base for future development. A companion article (Part I) describes the results of the benchmark related to IFC, the counterpart of CityGML within building information modeling.Urban Data Scienc

    Reference study of IFC software support: The GeoBIM benchmark 2019—Part I

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    Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), the buildingSMART open standard for BIM, is underused with respect to its promising potential, since, according to the experience of practitioners and researchers working with BIM, issues in the standard’s implementation and use prevent its effective use. Nevertheless, a systematic investigation of these issues has never been carried out, and there is thus insufficient evidence for tackling the problems. The GeoBIM benchmark project is aimed at finding such evidence by involving external volunteers, reporting on various aspects of the behavior of tools (geometry, semantics, georeferencing, functionalities), analyzed and described in this article. Interestingly, different IFC software programs with the same standardized data sets yield inconsistent results, with few detectable common patterns, and significant issues are found in their support of the standard, probably due to the very high complexity of the standard data model. A companion article (Part II) describes the results of the benchmark related to CityGML, the counterpart of IFC within geoinformation.Urban Data Scienc

    Tools for BIM-GIS Integration (IFC Georeferencing and Conversions): Results from the GeoBIM Benchmark 2019

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    The integration of 3D city models with Building Information Models (BIM), coined as GeoBIM, facilitates improved data support to several applications, e.g., 3D map updates, building permits issuing, detailed city analysis, infrastructure design, context-based building design, to name a few. To solve the integration, several issues need to be tackled and solved, i.e., harmonization of features, interoperability, format conversions, integration of procedures. The GeoBIM benchmark 2019, funded by ISPRS and EuroSDR, evaluated the state of implementation of tools addressing some of those issues. In particular, in the part of the benchmark described in this paper, the application of georeferencing to Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) models and making consistent conversions between 3D city models and BIM are investigated, considering the OGC CityGML and buildingSMART IFC as reference standards. In the benchmark, sample datasets in the two reference standards were provided. External volunteers were asked to describe and test georeferencing procedures for IFC models and conversion tools between CityGML and IFC. From the analysis of the delivered answers and processed datasets, it was possible to notice that while there are tools and procedures available to support georeferencing and data conversion, comprehensive definition of the requirements, clear rules to perform such two tasks, as well as solid technological solutions implementing them, are still lacking in functionalities. Those specific issues can be a sensible starting point for planning the next GeoBIM integration agendasUrban Data Scienc