4 research outputs found


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    BSFG model priors and posterior distributions, when estimating G based on random noise. File names follow the convention established by the BSFG model (Runcie & Mukherjee, 2013)


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    Information on species' trait means and branch lengths used when estimating rate of morphological evolution. Branch names correspond to the names reported in the main text


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    Variance/covariance matrices used in this study, separated by species. The BSFG G-matrix is named G_Bayes. The BSFG P-matrix is named P_Bayes


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    BSFG model input data and resulting posterior distributions. File names follow the convention established by the BSFG model (Runcie & Mukherjee, 2013). A file containing the 30 linear measurements collected in the skull of each strain specimen is also attached