121 research outputs found

    Challenges for Interdisciplinary Use in Forest Management Prompts of Coalition of Forest Management, Economic and Institutional Sciences: 2005, 361 pages

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    In general, the science of forest management provides guidance on how forest managers set the forest, so that it is ready to be sustainably managed and used. The forest setting is based on the natural properties of forest - bio- physical characteristics, social condition, financial, and economic. In forest management practice, the quite broad science coverage is not fully used (Kartodihardjo 2013).  Regulations regarding forest management are determined more only by the forestry physical property basis, as they are contained in the various settings of the silviculture system, forest inventory, as well as forest harvesting, either in natural forest or plantation forest (Kartodihardjo et al. 2006). This practice leds science of forest management become a kind of discourse which does not have a strong relationship with other disciplines such as institutional science and political science. DOI: 10.7226/jtfm.19.3.20

    Challenges for Interdisciplinary Use in Forest Management Prompts of Coalition of Forest Management, Economic and Institutional Sciences: 2005, 361 pages

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    In general, the science of forest management provides guidance on how forest managers set the forest, so that it is ready to be sustainably managed and used. The forest setting is based on the natural properties of forest - bio- physical characteristics, social condition, financial, and economic. In forest management practice, the quite broad science coverage is not fully used (Kartodihardjo 2013).  Regulations regarding forest management are determined more only by the forestry physical property basis, as they are contained in the various settings of the silviculture system, forest inventory, as well as forest harvesting, either in natural forest or plantation forest (Kartodihardjo et al. 2006). This practice leds science of forest management become a kind of discourse which does not have a strong relationship with other disciplines such as institutional science and political science. DOI: 10.7226/jtfm.19.3.20

    Wide Scope of Forestry Issues and The Way of Thinking Thereoff

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    Masalah Kapasitas Kelembagaan dan Arah Kebijakan Kehutanan: Studi Tiga Kasus ((Problem of Institutional Capacity and Direction of Forestry Policy: Three Cases Study)

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    It has been shown by various references that performance of forestry development is determined by institutional capacity. This study was conducted to acquire knowledge of problem of forest management institution and policy change which should be able to be implemented. Studies in three locations and implementation of national policy indicated that forestry programs implemented by district/province government and central government were not accompanied by institutional strengthening efforts. The weaknesses of institution have been proven to be followed by policy failure to reach its target. Resistance to policy change stems from policy narrative and discource embedded in decision makers belief.Key words: institutional capacity, problem, policy narrative, discourc

    Diskursus dan Aktor dalam Pembuatan dan Implementasi Kebijakan Kehutanan: Masalah Kerangka Pendekatan Rasional (Discourses and Actors in the Forest Policy Formulation: Problems of Rational Framework)

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    This study was conducted to acquire how forest policy making process and implementation have been going on. The role of discourses, knowledge, actors and their networks determine effectiveness of policy debate to meet its goal. Forest policy making process and implementation was not occurred in a linear process as constructed in the rational framework. Imperfected knowledge creates dispute resolution. Effective interaction among actors to solve their diverse perception was determined by knowledge as well as discourses. The strength of actors and their networks and gap of their interest are significant factors to meet their agreed solution. The facts of forest policy process and implementation are expected to be understood by stakeholders and they should bear in mind that effort to improve performance of forestry development based on implementation of existing policy and policy reform remain unpredictable. This analysis are also expected to be used by stakeholders to get better policy intervention strategy

    Analysis of Policy Implementation for Peatland Ecosystem Degradation Control on Community Land in the Ex-PLG Area of Central Kalimantan Province

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    Degradation of peatland ecosystem on community land  is controlled by the article 32 A paragraph (3) of Government Regulation Number 57 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 71 of 2014 concerning Protection and Management of Peatland Ecosystems which provide explicit direction that the restoration of peatland ecosystem forest and functions owned by the community or indigenous peoples is their responsibility. To assist the community to have countermeasures actions for peatland ecosystem degradation on the community land, the government has implemented the Peatland Self-supporting Villages (Desa Mandiri Peduli Gambut) program since 2016 in several provinces including Central Kalimantan Province. This study aims to: (1) analyze the current policy for controlling degradation to the peatland ecosystem if it applied to community land, and (2) Analyze the implementation of the policy for controlling degradation to the peatland ecosystem through the implementation of the Peatland Self-supporting Villages in the ex PLG area of Central Kalimantan Province by assessing the sustainability and implementation strategy of the program. The results of the study are: (1) The peatland ecosystem destruction control policy that has been applied to the licensed land can be applied to community land as long as they has sufficient capacity (2) the sustainability assessment of the implementation of the Peatland Self-supporting Villages program in the ex-PLG Area of ​​Central Kalimantan Province is included in the “moderate” category with an index value of 68.54, while the main strategy for proper implementation is by conducting exposure meetings of the Community Work Plan (Rencana Kerja Masyarakat, RKM) document to the relevant agencies and collaborating through programs that are in accordance with their duties. &nbsp

    Diskursus dan Aktor dalam Pembuatan dan Implementasi Kebijakan Kehutanan: Masalah Kerangka Pendekatan Rasional (Discourses and Actors in the Forest Policy Formulation: Problems of Rational Framework)

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    This study was conducted to acquire how forest policy making process and implementation have been going on. The role of discourses, knowledge, actors and their networks determine effectiveness of policy debate to meet its goal. Forest policy making process and implementation was not occurred in a linear process as constructed in the rational framework. Imperfected knowledge creates dispute resolution. Effective interaction among actors to solve their diverse perception was determined by knowledge as well as discourses. The strength of actors and their networks and gap of their interest are significant factors to meet their agreed solution. The facts of forest policy process and implementation are expected to be understood by stakeholders and they should bear in mind that effort to improve performance of forestry development based on implementation of existing policy and policy reform remain unpredictable. This analysis are also expected to be used by stakeholders to get better policy intervention strategy

    Masalah Kapasitas Kelembagaan dan Arah Kebijakan Kehutanan: Studi Tiga Kasus ((Problem of Institutional Capacity and Direction of Forestry Policy: Three Cases Study)

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    It has been shown by various references that performance of forestry development is determined by institutional capacity. This study was conducted to acquire knowledge of problem of forest management institution and policy change which should be able to be implemented. Studies in three locations and implementation of national policy indicated that forestry programs implemented by district/province government and central government were not accompanied by institutional strengthening efforts. The weaknesses of institution have been proven to be followed by policy failure to reach its target. Resistance to policy change stems from policy narrative and discource embedded in decision makers belief.Key words: institutional capacity, problem, policy narrative, discourc
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