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    Alat bukti kebahasaan sangat diperlukan dalam penanganan tuturan yang berpotensi bermakna perundungan siber. Tuturan yang bermakna cyberbullying dilakukan melalui hasil analisis linguistik yang dapat mengungkapkan jenis bentuk perundungan siber dan tuturan ketidakpatuhan maksim yang terkandung di dalam tuturan tersebut. Penelitian ini menganalisis implikatur dalam tuturan pada kolom komentar Instagram yang berpotensi bermakna perundungan siber. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan bentuk perundungan siber yang digunakan warganet di kolom komentar Instagram dalam melakukan perundungan siber dan mengidentifikasi implikatur percakapan yang terkandung dalam tuturan yang berpotensi perundungan siber. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Adapun data yang diperoleh adalah hasil purposive sampling, screenshoot dan transkripsi data tuturan-tuturan pada kolom komentar Instagram dalam konteks situasi non-formal. Penelitian ini mengaplikasikan teori bentuk perundungan siber yang dikemukakan oleh Willard (2007) dan non-observance maxim yang digagas oleh Grice (1975). Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapan bahwa jenis perundungan siber yang dominan terjadi di kolom komentar Instagram DC adalah harassment yaitu sebanyak 62%. Sementara itu, non-observance maxim yang muncul ketika adanya ujaran yang mengandung perundungan siber adalah flouting the maxim, dengan jenis flouting maxim of quantity sebanyak 42% dari total keseluruhan tuturan. Dari seluruh kesimpulan ini, terlihat bahwa non-observance the maxim khususnya flouting the maxim terdapat hubungan yang sangat koheren dengan bentuk perundungan siber. Ketika penutur menuturkan bentuk perundungan siber dapat diidentifikasi non-observance the maxim dengan jenis flouting the maxim yang muncul di dalam tuturan tersebut. Temuan dan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberi manfaat baik secara teoritis maupun praktis untuk masyarakat terutama para peneliti berikutnya. Linguistic evidence is very necessary essential in handling cyberbullying cases. The proof of cyber bullying speech is carried out through the results of linguistic analysis that is able to show the nature of speech and expression of bullying with legal implications. This study analyzes the implicatures in the utterances found in the Instagram comments section which are suspected of being cyber-bullying cases by using a pragmatic-forensic analysis. The purpose of this study is to find the forms of cyber bullying used by netizens in the comments section, to identify the conversational implicatures contained in cyber bullying utterances, and to identify the legal implications of speech on cyber bullying in the Instagram comments section. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The data obtained are the results of purposive sampling, screenshots and transcription of data on utterances in the Instagram comments section in the context of non-formal situations. This research applies the theory of cyber bullying forms proposed by Willard (2007) and non-observance maxim initiated by Grice (1975). The results of this study reveal that the dominant type of cyber bullying that occurs in the DC Instagram comment section is harassment, which is 62%. Meanwhile, the non-observance maxim that appears when there is an utterance containing cyberbullying is flouting the maxim, with the type of flouting the maxim of relevance as much as 42% of the total utterances. From all these conclusions, it can be seen that the non-observance of the maxim especially flouting the maxim has a very coherent relationship with the form of cyberbullying. When speakers say the form of cyberbullying can be identified non-observance the maxim by the type of flouting maxims that appear in the speech. The findings from the results of this study are expected to provide benefits both theoretically and practically for future researchers

    Flouting Maxim in Netizen’s Utterance on The Comment Page of Danise Chariesta’s Instagram Account

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    To achieve the goals of communication, it is important for the participants in every conversation to obey the cooperative principle in order to avoid misunderstanding of interpretation between them. Danise Chariesta is a content creator who is known for her arrogance. She often received a negatif reaction from netizens. This study aims to reveal the types of flouting maxim by netizen in and also the meaning behind their utterances. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative method. Then, to analyze the data, the researchers used Grice’s theory, Cooperative Principles consisting of four maxim types: quality, quantity, relation, and manner. The study revealed the rationales behind maxims flouting which were beneficial to build fun communication and to elaborate more explanations. The result of the research shows that there are 15 data of flouting maxim in comment page. The highest occurrence of flouting maxim in this movie is flouting maxim of quantity and quality with 5 data (33%). Then followed by flouting maxim of relevance with 3 data (20%). Flouting maxim of manner is the highest occurrence of flouting maxim with 7 data (47%). From all the types of flouting maxim that are performed by the characters in the comment page, the most dominant data that appear in the movie is flouting maxim of manner.  