278 research outputs found

    Simulation of waviness in neutron guides

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    As the trend of neutron guide designs points towards longer and more complex guides, imperfections such as waviness becomes increasingly important. Simulations of guide waviness has so far been limited by a lack of reasonable waviness models. We here present a stochastic description of waviness and its implementation in the McStas simulation package. The effect of this new implementation is compared to the guide simulations without waviness and the simple, yet unphysical, waviness model implemented in McStas 1.12c and 2.0

    Der Verbraucher in der sozialen Rechnungslegung

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    Der Bock als guter GĂ€rtner?

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    Nicht nur Staat und Verbraucherorganisationen, auch Unternehmen stellen reglementierte Verbraucherinformationen bereit. Unternehmerische Verbrauche­rinformationen beruhen auf gesetzlich vorgeschriebenen Informationspflichten oder auf Informationsstandards, an die Unternehmen sich freiwillig binden. Warum sollten Unternehmen – im eigenen und im gesellschaftlichen Interesse – solche Informationen bereitstellen? Wo liegen die Grenzen der freiwilligen Ver­braucherinformation durch Unternehmen

    Growth response to 4-hydroxy-l-threonine of Escherichia coli mutants blocked in vitamin B6 biosynthesis

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    AbstractMutants of Escherichia coli (pdx B and pdx C) which are blocked in the biosynthesis of pyridoxol (vitamin B6) showed a growth response to 4-hydroxy-l-threonine. This observation constitutes the first direct evidence in support of the view that 4-hydroxy-l-threonine is implicated in the biosynthesis of vitamin B6. 1-Aminopropan-2,3-diol, the decarboxylation product of 4-hydroxy-l-threonine, does not support the growth of these mutants. Deuterium from deuterium-labelled 1-aminopropan-2,3-diol was not incorporated into pyridoxol

    Refinement and Normalisation of the University of Canterbury Auditory-Visual Matrix Sentence Test

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    Developed by OBeirne and Trounson (Trounson, 2012), the UC Auditory-Visual Matrix Sentence Test (UCAMST) is an auditory-visual speech test in NZ English where sentences are assembled from 50 words arranged into 5 columns (name, verb, quantity, adjective, object). Generation of sentence materials involved cutting and re-assembling 100 naturally spoken ‟original” sentences to create a large repertoire of 100,000 unique ‟synthesised” sentences. The process of synthesising sentences from video fragments resulted in occasional artifactual image jerks (‟judders”)‒quantified by an unusually large change in the ‟pixel difference value” of consecutive frames‒at the edited transitions between video fragments. To preserve the naturalness of materials, Study 1 aimed to select transitions with the least ‟noticeable” judders. Normal-hearing participants (n = 18) assigned a 10-point noticeability rating score to 100 sentences comprising unedited ‟no judder” sentences (n = 28), and ‟synthesised” sentences (n = 72) that varied in the severity (i.e. pixel difference value), number, and position of judders. The judders were found to be significantly noticeable compared to no judder controls, and based on mean rating score, 2,494 sentences with ‟minimal noticeable judder” were included in the auditory-visual UCAMST. Follow-on work should establish equivalent lists using these sentences. The average pixel difference value was found to be a significant predictor of rating score, therefore may be used as a guide in future development of auditory-visual speech tests assembled from video fragments. The aim of Study 2 was to normalise the auditory-alone UCAMST to make each audio fragment equally intelligible in noise. In Part I, individuals with normal hearing (n = 17) assessed 400 sentences containing each file fragment presented at four different SNRs (-18.5, -15, -11.5, and -8 dB) in both constant speech-shaped noise (n = 9) and six-talker babble (n = 8). An intelligibility function was fitted to word-specific data, and the midpoint (Lmid, intelligibility at 50%) of each function was adjusted to equal the mean pre-normalisation midpoint across fragments. In Part II, 30 lists of 20 sentences were generated with relatively homogeneous frequency of matrix word use. The predicted parameters in constant noise (Lmid = 14.0 dB SNR; slope = 13.9%/dB ± 0.0%/dB) are comparable with published equivalents. The babble noise condition was, conversely, less sensitive (Lmid = 14.9 dB SNR; slope = 10.3%/dB ± 0.1%/dB), possibly due to a smaller sample size (n = 8). Overall, this research constituted an important first step in establishing the UCAMST as a reliable measure of speech recognition; follow-on work will validate the normalisation procedure carried out in this project

    Accuracy of the Aspartic Acid Racemization Technique in Age Estimation of Mammals and the Influence of Body Temperature

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    The aspartic acid racemization (AAR) technique has been applied for age estimation of humans and other mammals for more than four decades. In this study, eye lenses from 124 animals representing 25 mammalian species were collected and D/L ratios obtained using the AAR technique. The animals were either of known age or had the age estimated by other methods. The purpose of the study was to: a) estimate the accuracy of the AAR technique, and b) examine the effect of body temperature on racemization rates. Samples from four of the 25 species covered the range of ages that is needed to estimate species-specific racemization rates. The sample size from a single species of known age, the pygmy goat (Capra hircus, n = 35), was also large enough to investigate the accuracy of ages obtained using the AAR technique. The 35 goats were divided into three datasets: all goats (n = 35), goats >0.5 yrs old (n = 26) and goats >2 yrs old (n = 19). Leave-one-out analyses were performed on the three sets of data. Normalized root mean squared errors for the group of goats >0.5 yrs old were found to be the smallest. The higher variation in D/L measurements found for young goats 0.5 yrs old was for three age groups of the goats: 0.934 yrs for young goats 8 yrs (n = 4). Thus, the age of an adult or an old animal can be predicted with approximately 10% accuracy, whereas the age of a young animal is difficult to predict. A goat specific racemization rate, as a 2kAsp value, was estimated to 0.0107 ± 3.8 x 10-4 SE (n = 26). The 2kAsp values from 12 species, four estimated in this study and another eight published, were used to examine the effect of core body temperature on the rate of racemization. A positive relationship between AAR and temperature was found (r2 = 0.321) but results also suggest that other factors besides temperature are involved in the racemization process in living animals. Based on our results we emphasize that non-species-specific racemization rates should be used with care in AAR age estimation studies and that the period of postnatal growth of the eye lens be considered when estimating species-specific D/L0 values and ages of young individuals
