664 research outputs found

    Learning trough games? Educational games in diverging contexts at secondary schools (Sek I and II) and their influence on learning achievement and motivation in children and young people

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    Die Dissertation „Spielend lernen?“ beschäftigt sich mit einer methodisch-didaktischen Vergleichsstudie zu den Unterrichtsmethoden Lernspiel und fragend-entwickelndem Unterricht im Hinblick auf die Parameter Lernerfolg, Motivation und veränderte Spieleinstellungen durch die Schullaufbahn. Ziel der Studie war es, die Einsatzmöglichkeiten und die Effizienz des Unterrichtskonzepts Lernspiel, stellvertretend für eine Vielzahl alternativer Unterrichtsmethoden, mit dem altbewährten fragend-entwickelnden Unterricht zu vergleichen. An der Studie nahmen 382 Gymnasialschüler/innen der Jahrgangsstufen sechs, acht, elf und dreizehn in den Unterrichtsfächern Biologie, Pädagogik und Deutsch teil. Beide Methodenkonzepte wurden aufbereitet und in Unterrichtseinheiten der Sekundarstufen auf ihre jeweiligen Effekte hin verglichen. Mittels Kontrollgruppendesign, Leistungstests und eines Schülerfragebogens wurden die Ergebnisse zum Einfluss von Lernspielen auf die Konstrukte gewonnen. Ausgehend vom aktuellen Forschungsstand vereint das Lernspiel überdurchschnittlich viele lern-, sozial- und motivationsfördernde Elemente, was sich in einer Effektsteigerung in den Konstruktbereichen auswirken könnte. Entgegen der Erwartungen schnitten Lernspiel und fragend-entwickelnder Unterricht im Hinblick auf den Lernerfolg gleich stark ab. Auf motivationaler Ebene setzte sich das Lernspiel hingegen deutlich ab. Sozialisationsbedingte Zuschreibungsprozesse beeinflussten die Einschätzungen der Schüler/innen im Hinblick auf einem effektiven Lernspieleinsatz durch die Schullaufbahn. Zusätzlich zeigte sich ein hoher Grad an Lernpassivität auf Seiten der Schüler/innen, eine Stigmatisierung des Lernens und des Spielens, erlernte Hilflosigkeit gegenüber unbekannten Unterrichtsmethoden und der deutliche Wunsch nach einer Lehrerpersönlichkeit mit methodischem Rückgrat. Diese Aspekte wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit vertiefend diskutiert.Motivated by the current debate on education as well as against the background of requirements for a reformation of the German educational system a methodical comparative study was realised at a secondary school in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany). The study included 382 pupils at the age of ten to twenty. The aim was to compare the effect on learning archievement and motivation and to explore general opportunities of a modern educational concept, the educational game, as a representative for a multiplicity of alternative teaching concepts with traditional ex-cathedra teaching concepts. Both educational concepts were developed for and tested in a sixth, eighth, eleventh and thirteenth form at a grammar school. Empirical results concerning the influence of educational design on learning achievement and motivation as well as gaming attitude through school career were based on control-group design, performance tests, student-questionnaires and teachers monitoring. Based on the current research status, the modern educational game combines superior elements of (social) learning and motivational advancement. These aspects are supposed to have a positive effect on the constructs of the present empirical study. Despite all expectations, the pupils learning through educational games showed no significantly better school performance in any categories than the pupils of the control-group, taught by ex-cathedra teaching concept. There was only one exception: The pupils using the educational games were more motivated to learn intensively than the control-group. Another aspect was also interesting to recognize: Over the years the general attitude towards gaming changed as expected, whereas educational games were rated to be advantageous rather for younger children than for older ones. Through their school career, pupils are accustomed to remain passive in most lessons, because the teachers take the active part. Pupils often show obedience related to teaching methods their teachers prefer - which is in most cases the traditional ex-cathedra way. During thirteen years of school, pupils reveal a sort of acquired helplessness towards modern teaching methods. New teaching methods such as educational games are connected with fun which does not fit with the pupils` experiences with learning. Pupils tend to stigmatize the learning process during school days based on plenty of negative experiences. This stigmatism is not the only critical aspect the empirical study revealed: Pupils show a clear wish for teacher personalities who stand behind the methodical teaching concepts they use. Teachers with methodical willingness are required to have courage to break new grounds through trying out new didactical teaching methods with no regrets but the capability of critical reflection

    Administration of Vitamin D Metabolites Affects RNA Expression of Xenobiotic Metabolising Enzymes and Function of ABC Transporters in Rats

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    From studies on different species and in cell culture systems, it has been suggested that vitamin D metabolites might affect themetabolism and elimination of xenobiotics. Although most studies performed on rodents and cell cultures report an upregulationof respective enzymes and transporters, data from the literature are inconsistent. Especially results obtained with sheep differ fromthese observations. As vitamin D metabolites are widely used as feed additives or therapeutics in livestock animals, we aimed toassess whether these differences indicate species-specific responses or occurred due to the very high dosages used in the rodentstudies. -erefore, we applied treatment protocols to rats that had been used previously in sheep or cattle. Forty-eight female ratswere divided into three treatment and corresponding placebo groups: (1) a single intraperitoneal injection of 1,25-(OH)2D3 orplacebo 12 h before sacrifice; (2) daily supplementation with 25-OHD3 by oral gavage or placebo for 10 days; and (3) a singleintramuscular injection of vitamin D3 10 days before sacrifice. In contrast to a previous study using sheep, treatment of rats with1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 did not result in an upregulation of cytochrome P450 3A isoenzymes (CYP3A), but a decrease wasfound in hepatic and intestinal expressions. In addition, a downregulation of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and breast cancer resistanceprotein was found in the brain. Taken together, the stimulating effects of vitamin D metabolites on the expression of genesinvolved in the metabolism and elimination of xenobiotics reported previously for rodents and sheep could not be reproduced. Incontrast, we even observed a negative impact on the expression of CYP3A enzymes and their most important regulator, thepregnane X receptor. Most interestingly, we could demonstrate an effect of treatment with 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 and vitamin D3on the functional activity of ileal P-glycoprotein (P-gp) using the Ussing chamber technique.Fil: Klumpp, Karoline. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. Institute of Physiology and Cell Biology; AlemaniaFil: Lange, Frauke. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. Institute of Physiology and Cell Biology; AlemaniaFil: Muscher-Banse, Alexandra S.. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. Institute of Physiology and Cell Biology; AlemaniaFil: Schnepel, Nadine. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. Institute of Physiology and Cell Biology; AlemaniaFil: Hansen, Kathrin. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. Institute of Physiology and Cell Biology; AlemaniaFil: Lifschitz, Adrian Luis. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Centro de Investigación Veterinaria de Tandil. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Centro de Investigación Veterinaria de Tandil. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comision de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigación Veterinaria de Tandil; ArgentinaFil: Maté, María Laura. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Centro de Investigación Veterinaria de Tandil. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Centro de Investigación Veterinaria de Tandil. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comision de Investigaciones Científicas. Centro de Investigación Veterinaria de Tandil; ArgentinaFil: Wilkens, Mirja. University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. Institute of Physiology and Cell Biology; Alemani

    Design sprint week evaluation

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    Summary Report of the MaineCare Listening Sessions

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    In September of 2010, the Muskie School of Public Service conducted four Listening Sessions with MaineCare members to gather in-depth information about their experiences on MaineCare, their likes and dislikes, and suggestions, needs and wants for improving the program. The overall goal of these sessions was to provide rich information to help inform DHHS in their design of a new managed care initiative. Funding for this project was provided by the Maine Health Access Foundation (MeHAF)

    Developmental stability in a cystic fibrosis mouse model

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of cystic fibrosis (CF) and chronic experimental lung  infection with Pseudomonas aeruginosa on developmental instability and behaviour in the transgenic  Cftrtm1Unc -TgN(FABPCFTR) mouse compared to different heterozygote (CFTR+/-) and wildtype (CFTR+/+)  controls. Developmental instability measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA), body weight and open-field  behaviour were assessed in CFTR-/-, CFTR+/- and CFTR+/+ mice. FA and different behavioural tests were  investigated in relation to tracheotomy and lung infection with P. aeruginosa. Body weight was in general  decreased in the CFTR-/- mice and increased in the CFTR+/- mice. CFTR-/- mice had a significantly higher  degree of FA (4%-5.5%) than all other groups (1%-3%) (P<0.001), while having cystic fibrosis did not  seem to influence the behaviour of these mice indicating that the clinical impact from the model is rather  low, which is positive from a welfare point of view. FA and motor performance was influenced by neither  the lung infection nor the tracheotomy. Tracheotomy increased the level of fear in the light-dark box  (P<0.05), and the lung infection decreased activity in the open field (P<0.05). From this we may conclude  that well-being expressed as changed behaviour is a result of the lung infection more than a consequence  of the mutation.

    Faculty and Student Online Experiences Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Study (Part 1)

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    Background: With the declaration of a global pandemic in March 2020, post-secondary institutions closed campuses, learner clinical experiences were suspended, and teaching moved to a fully online format. Prior to data collection, a literature review yielded few results beyond editorials, student and faculty reflections, and blog postings in relation to COVID-19. It is crucial that we learn from the experience of students and faculty to evaluate the novel teaching and learning realized during the pandemic and prioritize a scholarly plan including potential innovative approaches for future educational programming. Objectives: The overall goal for this multi-site research was to capture the perspectives of nursing students, and nursing faculty members on their teaching and learning experiences online during a declared pandemic and provincial state of emergency. Design: Descriptive survey study Setting: Online environment in one province in Eastern Canada Participants: Nursing students and faculty in three Canadian bachelor of science in nursing programs during the spring and summer semester 2020. Method: Participants were invited via email to complete an online survey (via Opinio) related to their experience of learning or teaching in the fully online environment. Results: Quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive (frequencies, means, modes) statistics to describe the experience from the participants’ perspectives and inferential (Chi-square test, t-test) statistics to investigate perceptual differences between the faculty members’ and the students’ perspective related to the effectiveness, engagement, and comfort in the online learning and teaching experience. Qualitative data were analyzed using thematic analysis. The focus of this article is the presentation and discussion of the quantitative data. Conclusions: The resulting knowledge provides an in-depth understanding of the fully online learning and teaching experience during a global pandemic that is invaluable to inform future program planning in relation to online learning and teaching in a practice profession. Résumé Contexte : Avec la déclaration d’une pandémie mondiale en mars 2020, les établissements postsecondaires ont fermé leurs campus, les activités cliniques des apprenantes ont été suspendues et l’enseignement est passé à un format entièrement en ligne. Avant la collecte de données, une revue de la littérature a donné peu de résultats au-delà d’éditoriaux, de réflexions d’étudiantes et de professeures ainsi que d’articles de blogue concernant la COVID-19. Il est essentiel que nous apprenions de l’expérience des étudiantes et des professeures pour évaluer les nouveaux enseignements et apprentissages réalisés pendant la pandémie et prioriser un plan soutenu par la recherche comprenant de potentielles approches avant-gardistes pour les futurs programmes de formation. Objectifs : L’objectif global de cette recherche multisites était de saisir les points de vue des étudiantes et des membres du corps professoral en sciences infirmières sur leurs expériences d’enseignement et d’apprentissage en ligne pendant une pandémie déclarée et un état d’urgence provincial. Devis : Étude descriptive à l’aide d’un sondage. Milieu : Environnement virtuel, dans une province de l’est du Canada. Participantes : Étudiantes en sciences infirmières et membres du corps professoral dans trois programmes canadiens de baccalauréat en sciences infirmières au cours du semestre de printemps et d’été 2020. Méthode : Les participantes ont été invitées par courrier électronique à répondre à un sondage en ligne (par Opinio) au regard de leurs expériences d’apprentissage ou d’enseignement dans un environnement entièrement en ligne. Résultats : Les données quantitatives ont été analysées à l’aide de statistiques descriptives (fréquences, moyennes, modes) pour décrire l’expérience du point de vue des participantes et de statistiques inférentielles (test du chi carré, test de t) pour étudier les différences de perception entre des membres du corps professoral et celle des étudiantes relativement à l’efficacité, à l’engagement et au confort des expériences d’apprentissage et d’enseignement en ligne. Les données qualitatives ont été analysées à l’aide d’une analyse thématique. Les objectifs de cet article sont de présenter et de discuter des résultats quantitatifs. Conclusion : Les connaissances qui en résultent offrent une compréhension approfondie de l’apprentissage et de l’enseignement entièrement en ligne pendant une pandémie mondiale, ce qui est inestimable pour éclairer la planification future des programmes de formation professionnelle comme les sciences infirmières, en ce qui concerne l’apprentissage et l’enseignement en ligne

    Faculty and Student Online Experiences Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive Study (Part 2)

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    Background: Prior to the declaration of the global pandemic in March 2020, little research was available related to online teaching and learning within a professional practice discipline. Post secondary institutions pivoted from “learning as usual” to teaching almost completely in the online environment during a very short time frame. A plethora of related publications have since contributed to knowledge development across many educational programs. Method: This multi-site research study was conducted to gather and examine the perspectives of nursing faculty and students’ lived experiences while teaching and learning online at the beginning of the global pandemic. Design: Descriptive survey study. Setting: Online environment in Eastern Canada. Participants: Nursing students (N=195) and faculty (N=38) in three BScN programs in the province during the spring and summer semesters of 2020. Participants were invited via email to complete an online survey (via Opinio) about their lived experience of learning or teaching in the fully online environment. The survey included quantitative and qualitative questions. Results: The findings from the quantitative aspect of this study have been detailed in Part I, which addressed academic stressors, faculty and student perceptual differences related to student engagement, need for building capacity for online learning, the imperative of technological support and reliable internet connections, and the attempt to maintain a healthy work life balance. The findings from the qualitative aspect of this study are captured in this article. The team conducted thematic analysis and determined a pattern of three primary themes and 10 sub-themes including: Learning and Teaching (Environment, Evaluation), Relationships (Social Isolation, Virtual Relations, Communications), and Mental Health (Academic Shock, The Waiting Game, Technology, Resiliency, Work-Life Balance). Conclusion: Opportunities and implications for nursing education related to learning and teaching in the online environment are discussed. Résumé Contexte : Avant la déclaration de la pandémie de COVID-19 en mars 2020, peu de recherches étaient disponibles sur l’enseignement et l’apprentissage en ligne dans une discipline de pratique professionnelle. Les établissements d’enseignement postsecondaire sont passés de « l’apprentissage habituel » à l’enseignement presque entièrement en ligne en très peu de temps. Une pléthore de publications connexes a depuis contribué au développement des connaissances dans de nombreux programmes de formation. Méthode : Cette recherche multisite a été menée pour recueillir et examiner les points de vue de membres du corps professoral en sciences infirmières et des expériences vécues par des étudiant(e)s avec l’enseignement et l’apprentissage en ligne au début de la pandémie. Devis : Une étude descriptive à l’aide d’un sondage en ligne a été réalisée dans l’est du Canada. Participant(e)s : Des étudiant(e)s en sciences infirmières (N =195) et membres du corps professoral (N = 38) de trois programmes de baccalauréat en sciences infirmières (B.Sc. inf.) d’une province ont participé au cours des semestres de printemps et d’été 2020. Les participant(e)s ont été invité(e)s par courrier électronique à répondre à un sondage en ligne (par Opinio) quant à leurs expériences vécues d’apprentissage ou d’enseignement dans un environnement entièrement en ligne. Le sondage comprenait des questions ouvertes et fermées. Résultats : Les résultats du volet quantitatif de cette étude ont été détaillés dans Partie 1, qui traitait des facteurs de stress en milieu universitaire, des différences de perceptions du corps professoral et des étudiant(e)s liées à l’engagement de ces derniers, du besoin de renforcer les capacités d’apprentissage en ligne, de l’impératif d’un soutien technologique et de connexions Internet fiables, ainsi que de l’effort de maintenir un équilibre sain entre vie personnelle et professionnelle. Les résultats du volet qualitatif de l’étude sont présentés dans cet article. L’équipe a effectué une analyse thématique et a proposé un modèle regroupant 3 thèmes principaux et 10 sous-thèmes, notamment : apprentissage et enseignement (environnement, évaluation), relations (isolement social, relations virtuelles, communications) et santé mentale (choc universitaire, l’attente, technologie, résilience, équilibre vie personnelle et professionnelle). Conclusion : Les perspectives et les retombées de l\u27apprentissage et de l\u27enseignement dans l\u27environnement en ligne pour la formation en sciences infirmières sont abordées
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