95 research outputs found

    Modul SEHAT (Syukur Selalu Hati Dan Tubuh)

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    Introduction: One of the demands of clients who access health services is patient safety. The hospital is required to maintain and upgrade the patient's safety goals. Nurses as health care providers are at risk of making error and mistakes during their duty which may cause harm to the patient. The purpose of this study was to develop a model of supervision based on experiential learning in the implementation of patient safety goals. Method: This research used explanatory survey. The sample was from nurses who were working at a ward UNAIR hospital, one hundred respondents were selected by using stratified random sampling technique. The variables in this research were organizational characteristics, individual characteristics, work characteristics, supervision based on experiential learning and the implementation of patient safety goals. Data collection was through the survey using questionnaires. The data were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). Result: There were a significant effect of organizational characteristics, individual characteristics and work characteristic on the supervision based on experiential learning. This result indicated that the improvement of organizational, individual and work characteristics also improved the implementation of supervision based on experiential learning. Supervision based on experiential learning affects the implementation of patient safety goals. Conclusion: Supervision based on experiential learning uses four stages: concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization and active experimentation. Supervision affects the implementation of patient safety goals by nurses in the hospital

    The Internet Based Intervention and Digital Technology Use for Improving Medication Adherence of Patients with Schizophrenia or Another Mental Illness: a Systematic Review

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    A growing body of literature sheds light on internet based interventions and digital technology use in mental illness. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of internet based  interventions and digital technology use  in patients with schizophrenia or mental illness  and their documented outcomes of the medication adherence and relapse prevention. Methods: Databases searched for this systhematic review were Scopus, CINAHL, Science Direct, Sage, and Pubmed at the time of publication between 2016 and 2021 which was limited by journal source type. The search terms, truncated when relevant, were ("schizophrenia" OR psychosis OR "mental illness") AND (“internet based intervention” OR “online intervention” OR “mobile health” OR telemedicine OR telehealth”) AND (“medication adherence” OR “medication compliance”). Eleven peer reviewed intervention studies targeting adults with schizophrenia or another mental illness were reviewed and analyzed. The Joanna Briggs Institute Guideline was used for critical appraisal. Results: There are eight categories of interventions emerged: telephone intervention, video conference, mobile texting, texting combined telephone, smartphone intervention, texting combined smartphone intervention, web based intervention, and WeChat based intervention. Conclusions: Most of  the previous literatures stated that there were significant effects of  internet based intervention and digital technology use for improving  medical adherence of patients with schizophrenia or another mental illness

    Perbedaan MBSR dan Terapi Musik untuk Menurunkan Stres pada Pasien Kanker Payudara di Era Pandemi COVID-19

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    This study aims to determine the differences in the effectiveness of MBSR and music therapy in reducing the stress level of breast cancer patients in the COVID-19 pandemic era. The method used is a systematic review using the Scopus, ScienceDirect, Web of Science, PubMed and CINAHL databases. The JBI critical assessment checklist was used to assess the methodological quality of the included randomized controlled trials. The results showed that the MBSR intervention was carried out in 4-12 weeks, while music therapy was carried out in 12-40 minutes. MBSR and music therapy can reduce stress in breast cancer patients, but MBR therapy is more effective in the long term. In conclusion, MBSR and music therapy can be used as psychological therapy for breast cancer patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.  Keywords: Breast Cancer, MBSR, Stress, Music Therap

    An Effect of Breath Dhikr on the Stress Level of Patients with Pulmonary Tuberculosis

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    Introduction: Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious chronic disease that can cause a stress condition on patients, such as the symptoms of tuberculosis disease, the long treatment process with a large amount of drugs, daily activity disruption, job loss and death threats. Unresolved stress can lead to irritability, anxiety, negative thinking, despair and helplessness. Some even blame God. Objective: This study aimed to determine the effect of dhikr breath on the stress levels of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in the public health centres of Tanah Kalikedinding Surabaya. Method: A quasi-experimental design method with pre- and post-control groups was used. There was a treatment group and a control group; each group consisted of 16 respondents. The data analysis was performed using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test and the Mann Whitney U test with a significance level of p <0.05. Results: The result of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test showed that the stress level of the treatment group had significance with p=0.000. The control group had no significance; p=0.317. The Mann Whitney U test showed the differences in the stress levels post-intervention with p=0,000. Discussion: Dzikir breath was a positive stimulus that affected the cognator process according to Roy’s adaptation theory in the form of merging dhikr and breath, which is aimed at realizing God. Further research is expected to use cortisol measurements to obtain more accurate results. This should be performed at stress levels in other chronic disease patients. Conclusion: Breath Dzikir is a spiritual therapy that can change stress into eustress (positive stress) and decrease the stress level of pulmonary tuberculosis patients overall. Keywords: Breath Dzikir, Stress, Pulmonary Tuberculosi


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    Introduction: Schizophrenia is a disease which affects the brain, causing impaired perception, thought, emotion, movement, and behavior, such as self-care deficit. Self-care deficit is an impaired ability to bathing, dressing, eating and toileting. Modeling participant is a technique required to address the problem of self-care deficit where clients are taught and trained to meet the needs of self-care. The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of participants modeling on self-care ability in schizophrenic clients with self-care deficit. Method: This study used quasi-experimental design. Sampling was carried out with total sampling to all affordable population comprising 20 respondents in Dr. Radjiman Wediodiningrat Mental Hospital, Lawang. This study analyzed by Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann-Whitney Test with a significance level of p < 0.05. Result: The results showed the influence of participants modeling on self-care ability in schizophrenic clients with self-care deficit. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test in treatment group showed p = 0.005 and control group showed p = 0,206. Mann-Whitney Test showed p = 0.030. Modeling participant improved self-care ability in schizophrenic clients with self-care deficit. Analysis: Modeling participant will improve cognitive, self-confidence and motivation of schizophrenic clients so that their ability to bathing, dressing, eating and toileting will increase. Discussion: Modeling participant can be applied as a technique to improve self-care ability in schizophrenic clients with self-care deficit. For further research can be explored further implementation of the modeling of participants in the group activity therapy


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    Background: The child may unconsciously use passive-aggressive strategies for various motives such as in obtaining freedom, maintaining dependence, masking a low sense of self-esteem and masking anxiety. One of the impact of aggressive behavior and low self esteem in elementary school children is children unable to socialize with other children, so the academic field will also decrease. The Holistic UKS Program is indispensable in the prevention of aggressive behavior and low self-esteem of children. It is one of the UKS basic school development programs in improving the biological, psychological, social and spiritual health of the school children. Method: The design that done in this writing is sytematic review. Using 15 journals 2010-2017. Data sources get from PubMed, ScienceDirect, Google shcolar. The apprasial study uses the Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal. Result: physical and mental health services in primary schools have a significant effect on aggressive behavioral changes and low self-esteem in primary schoolaged children. Conclussions: Many countries have implemented school health services both physically and mentally. This can have an effect on the promotion and preventive efforts of primary school age children. It is therefore expected that in Indonesia the School Health Program program is able to provide programs Holistik

    Peran Dukungan Kelompok Sebaya terhadap Psikologis Remaja dengan Acne Vulgaris

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    This study aims to analyze the role of peer group support on the psychology of adolescents with acne vulgaris. The method used is a descriptive analysis of literature studies obtained from various national and international journal references from 2020-2021. The results showed that peer support could provide positive energy, especially for adolescents with acne vulgaris prone to feeling insecure. In conclusion, psychological peer group support can increase self-confidence, reduce anxiety levels and prevent adolescents from committing suicide due to their Acne vulgaris infection.&nbsp; Keywords: Acne Vulgaris, Peer Group Support, Adolescent Psycholog


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    Introduction: Aging is a natural process in individuals. Most of the elderly have problems in dealing with this natural process. Lost of occupation, friends and loneliness may result in depression in this age group. Cognitive therapy changes pessimistic idea, unrealistic hopes and excessive self evaluation may result and justify depression. Cognitive therapy may help elderly to recognize the problem in life, to develop positive objective of life and to create more positive personality. The aimed of this study was to analyze the effect of cognitive therapy to reduce the level of depression. Method: This study was used a pre experimental pre post test design. Sample were 10 elderly people who met to the inclusion criteria. The independent variable was cognitive therapy and dependent variable was the level of depression in elderly. Data were collected by using Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) 15, then analyzed by using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test with significance levelα≤0.05. Result: The result showed that cognitive therapy has an effect on reducing depression with significance level p=0.005. Discussion: It can be concluded that cognitive therapy was effective in reducing depression level in elderly. Further studies are recommended to analyze the effect of cognitive therapy on decreasing anxiety in elderly by measuring cathecolamin

    Javanese Family Resilience in Taking Care of Mental Disorder Clients After Pasung

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    Abstract--- The study was conducted to find out about Javanese family resilience among those who cared for mental disorder clients after pasung. The study was focused to know how the family adjusts themselves with an inconvenient situation in taking care of mental disorder clients after pasung according to the perspective of the Javanese family. The research used a qualitative design with an interpretive phenomenology approach. The participants were eight family members who cared for mental disorder clients after pasung. The samples were obtained by purposive sampling technique. The data were collected by interview and using field notes, then analyzed by Collaizi technique. This research produced two themes, positive aspects of family resilience and Javanese culture value. The beliefs, compliance values, communication patterns, norms, and the rule of community leaders were able to provide support for achieving family resilience as the positive aspects of family resilience in taking care of mental disorder clients. The willing, accepting, and patient were able to interpret the events that must be confronted so that they were able to carry out coping strategies that were right for themselves as Javanese culture values. This research explained how positive aspects of the two themes above must be managed by the family to survive, rise, and become better in caring for mental disorder clients after pasung. Further research may focus on family role interventions consisting of family, patient, and environmental factors in taking care of mental disorder clients through family resilience
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