6 research outputs found

    Helikobakter pilori enfeksiyonu Mikozis fungoides için risk faktörü müdür?

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    Giriş: Kutane T hücreli lenfomalar KTHL ’ın iki önemli varyantı; Mikozis fungoides ve Sezary sendromudur. KTHL’ın oluşumun- daki, otolog dendiritik hücrelerin, tümöral yöndeki dönüşümlerini, hangi antijenlerin başlattığı bilinmemektedir. Helicobacter py- lori’nin H.pylori bazı dermatozlarla ilişkili olduğu bilinmektedir. H.pylori; kronik gastrit, peptik ülser ve gastrik mukoza ilişkili lenfoid doku lenfomanın MALT gastrik B hücreli lenfoması ile kuvvetle ilişkili gram - bakteridir. Bu çalışmada H.pylori enfeksi- yonu ile MF gelişimi arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çalışma yaş-cinsiyet eşlemeli vaka-kontrol çalışmasıdır. MF’i olan 50 olgunun 37 %74 ’si evre1 n=13 %26 evre1A n=24 %48 evre 1B , 13 %26 ’ü evre 2A’ıydı. H.pylori enfeksiyonu ile ilişkisiz dermatolojik hastalığı bulunan 50 olgu kontrol olguları olarak alındı. H.pylori için H. pylori gayta antijen tes- tiyle bakıldı. Bulgular: MF olgularının ortanca yaşı 48 38.75-59.25 , kontrol olgularının ortanca yaşı 53 yıldı. MF olgularının ortalama hastalık süresi 7 yıldı. MF ve kontrol olgularının yaş ve cinsiyet açısından aralarında fark saptanmadı. MF olguları- nın 12 %24 ’sinde H.pylori gayta antijen test + idi. Cinsiyet p=0.185 , evre p=0.1570 , hastalık süresi p=0.846 ile H.pylori + ‘liği arasında fark saptanmadı. MF ve kontrol olgularının H.pylori gayta antijen + ’liği arasında fark saptanmadı p=0.648 . Sonuç: Çalışmamızda H.pylori enfeksiyonu ile MF arasında ilişki saptanmadı. Farklı toplumlarda prospektif, multimerkez çalışmaların ya- pılmasının faydalı olacağını, H.pylori antijeninin MF olgularının MF lezyonu olan dokusunda bakılmasının olası ilişkiyi araştırmada yardımcı olabileceğini düşünmekteyi

    Hyperpigmentation-Ashy dermatosis

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    Ashy dermatosis-like hyperpigmentation Erythema dyschromicum perstans (EDP), also known as ashy dermatosis, is a hypermelanotic condition characterised by the development of a slate-grey macula in otherwise healthy individuals. Here, we describe sudden-onset EDP in a 19-year-old male patient.His lesions had started 3 months ago and increased in the last 2 weeks. Dermatological examination revealed pigmented macules and patches of different sizes, which tended to coalesce, on the back and anterior aspect of the trunk. The lesions did not regress after local treatment with a prescribed corticosteroid cream of moderate potency. The patient was free from systemic disease, was not taking any drugs and had no relevant family history. Histopathological examination of lesional biopsy tissue from the back and anterior of the trunk revealed EDP, characterised by vacuolar degeneration of the basal layer, mild lymphohistiocytic inflammatory cell infiltration around the vessels in the upper dermis, melanophages, pigment incontinence, and low-level lymphocyte exocytosis in the epithelium. Dapsone (100 mg/day) controlled the lesions. EDP is a rare dermatosis, for which differential diagnosis and treatment may thus sometimes be inadequate

    Bir dermatoloji polikliniğine geçici koruma kapsamındaki Suriyeli göçmenler tarafından yapılan başvuruların incelenmesi: retrospektif kesitsel bir çalışma

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    Objective: Globally, the number of immigrants is increasing, and they bring with them many health problems. In this study, we examined the applications of Syrian immigrants under temporary protection to a dermatology polyclinic by comparing them with those of local people. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted retrospectively. Applications made to the Konya City Hospital Dermatology Polyclinic in March-May 2021 were reviewed. SPSS 22.0 software was used in the analysis of the data. Percentage and median (minimum-maximum) are given in descriptive statistics. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney U tests were used according to the characteristics of the data. A p-value <0.05 was accepted as the significance level. Results: The median age of the patients was 22 (1-81) years. It was determined that 85.2% of those who applied to the polyclinic were residents and 64.0% of these applications were women. When the polyclinic applications were examined, no significant difference was found between the settled population and the Syrian immigrants under temporary protection in terms of age and gender. The results showed that Syrian immigrants under temporary protection visited the dermatology polyclinic proportionately more often than residents. Dermatitis was the most common reason for the visit among Syrian immigrants under temporary protection, residents, and overall, and acne was the second most common complaint. Conclusion: It has been determined that immigrants have more problems in terms of dermatological diseases than the local people. Protective measures should be taken in terms of dermatological diseases, and interventions should be made to improve living conditions

    Lack of Association of Acne Severity with Depression, Anxiety, Stress, and Eating Attitudes: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: this study aimed to investigate the relationship between acne severity and depression, anxiety, stress, and negative eating attitudes in patients with acne vulgaris. Method: This study was conducted with 81 patients with acne vulgaris who applied to the dermatology outpatient clinic of Karaman Training and Research Hospital. The patients were asked to complete a sociodemographic data form, the three-factor nutrition questionnaire (TFEQ-21), and the depression anxiety stress scale (DASS-21). Acne severity was assessed using the global acne grading system (GAGS) by an expert dermatologist. Results: Of the 81 patients, 74.1% were female and the average age of the cohort was 22.86 years. The average body mass index of the patients was 21.78 and the GAGS average score was 24.25. Correlation tests revealed the lack of any relationship between the GAGS score and the DASS-21 and TFEQ-21 scale scores (and their subscales). The DASS-21 depression subscale was correlated with the TFEQ-21 total score, and TFEQ-21 emotional eating and TFEQ-21 uncontrolled eating scores. Additionally, a relationship was identified between the DASS21-stress subscale score and TFEQ-21 uncontrolled Eating and TFEQ-21 total score, as well as between the DASS21-anxiety scale and the TFEQ-21 total score and TFEQ-21 uncontrolled eating subscale score. Conclusions: Although no relationship was found between acne severity and depression, anxiety, or eating disorders, these conditions can increase the risk of eating disorders among acne patients. Therefore, it is critical to take the necessary precautions for the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders in this patient population

    Is Helicobacter pylori infection a risk factor for Mycosis fungoides ?

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    Giriş: Kutane T hücreli lenfomalar (KTHL)'ın iki önemli varyantı; Mikozis fungoides ve Sezary sendromudur. KTHL'ın oluşumun- daki, otolog dendiritik hücrelerin, tümöral yöndeki dönüşümlerini, hangi antijenlerin başlattığı bilinmemektedir. Helicobacter py- lori'nin (H.pylori) bazı dermatozlarla ilişkili olduğu bilinmektedir. H.pylori; kronik gastrit, peptik ülser ve gastrik mukoza ilişkili lenfoid doku lenfomanın (MALT) gastrik B hücreli lenfoması ile kuvvetle ilişkili gram (-) bakteridir. Bu çalışmada H.pylori enfeksi- yonu ile MF gelişimi arasındaki ilişkiyi değerlendirmeyi amaçladık. Gereç ve yöntem: Bu çalışma yaş-cinsiyet eşlemeli vaka-kontrol çalışmasıdır. MF'i olan 50 olgunun 37 (%74)'si evre1 ((n13 (%26) evre1A) (n24 (%48) evre 1B)), 13 (%26)'ü evre 2A'ıydı. H.pylori enfeksiyonu ile ilişkisiz dermatolojik hastalığı bulunan 50 olgu kontrol olguları olarak alındı. H.pylori için H. pylori gayta antijen tes- tiyle bakıldı. Bulgular: MF olgularının ortanca yaşı 48 (38.75-59.25), kontrol olgularının ortanca yaşı 53 yıldı. MF olgularının ortalama hastalık süresi 7 yıldı. MF ve kontrol olgularının yaş ve cinsiyet açısından aralarında fark saptanmadı. MF olguları- nın 12 (%24)'sinde H.pylori gayta antijen test () idi. Cinsiyet (p0.185), evre ( p0.1570), hastalık süresi (p0.846) ile H.pylori () 'liği arasında fark saptanmadı. MF ve kontrol olgularının H.pylori gayta antijen ()'liği arasında fark saptanmadı (p0.648). Sonuç: Çalışmamızda H.pylori enfeksiyonu ile MF arasında ilişki saptanmadı. Farklı toplumlarda prospektif, multimerkez çalışmaların ya- pılmasının faydalı olacağını, H.pylori antijeninin MF olgularının MF lezyonu olan dokusunda bakılmasının olası ilişkiyi araştırmada yardımcı olabileceğini düşünmekteyizObjectives: The most common forms of Cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCL) are Mycosis fungoides (MF) and Sezary Syndrome (SS). Etiology of triggering antigenic stimulation causes to form clonal T cell proliferation is not clear. Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) known to be associated some dermatologic disorders. H.pylori causes primary gastric B cell lymphoma of MALT-type by chronic antigenic stimulation forming clonal proliferation. We evaluated the relationship between H. pylori infection and the development of MF. Materials and methods: This is a sex-age matched case-control study. We studied 50 MF patient, 37 (%74) patient were stage 1 (n13 (%26) stage 1A) (n24 (%48) stage 1B), 13 (%26) patient were stage 2A. 50 controls have other dermatologic disorders without any relation between H. pylori infection and their dermatologic disorder. H.pylori infection detected with H. pylori stool antigen. Results: Median age for MF patients were 48 (38.75-59.25). Median age for controls were 53 . Mean MF disease duration was 7 year. There is no difference between ages and sex of MF and controls. 12 (%24) of MF patient have () results for H.pylori stool antigen. There is no difference for H. pylori () results with sex (p0.185), stage( p0.1570) and disease duration (p0.846). MF and control patients have no difference for H. pylori stool antigen () results (p0.648). Conclusion: Our study did not confirm the relationship between H.pylori infection and MF. We suggest that investigators should plan prospective multicenter studies in different populations. Investigation for antigenic stimulation of H.pylori antigen may be looked in MF tissue