39 research outputs found

    Perjuangan Emansipasi Wanita yang Naif dalam Kalau Tak Untung dan Kehilangan Mestika

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    In general, novels describe about forced marriage which suffered women also pictured in two novels, Kalau Tak Untung, and Kehilangan Mestika. In this matter, the meaning and moral messages of both novels will be analyzed through reconstruction and reflection towards the novel as an effort to appreciate it.Kalau Tak Untung which is absolute in love story, or Kehilangan Mestika which is absolute in tolerances are thesis, but both are also antithesis from the tolerances are thesis, but both are also antithesis from the previous book association, such as Siti Nurbaya dan Azab dan Sengsara. Siti Nurbaya dan Azab dan sengsara

    Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dalam Mengatasi Masalah Belajar Bahasa Arab

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    Teknologi informasi merupakan serangkaian tahapan penaganan informasi, yang meliputi penciptaaan, seleksi, penyimpanan dan penggunaan informasi dengan menggunakan seperangkat komputer dan sistem jaringan serta teknologi telekomunikasi. Ruang lingkup teknologi informasi pada enam teknologi yaitu: a) teknologi komunikasi (communication technology), b) teknologi masukan (input technology), c) teknologi keluaran (output technology), d) teknologi perangkat lunak (software technology), e) teknologi penyimpanan (storage technology), f) teknologi mesin pemroses (processing machine) atau CPU. Teknologi informasi memiliki peran dan manfaat dalam meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi pekerjaan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan.Pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dalam pembelajaran antara lain ditandai dengan adanya interaksi antara pengajar dan peserta didik melalui teknologi internet, adanya bahan ajar yang sudah terprogram, pengajar berperan sebagai fasilitator dan adanya fleksibilitas dalam proses pembelajaran baik dari segi waktu maupun tempat.Kehadiran teknologi informasi memberi angin segar yang bisa mengatasi masalah-masalah belajar bahasa Arab. Peningkatan keterampilan berbahasa yang mencakup menyimak, berbicara, membaca dan menulis dapat dilakukan melalui proses pembelajaran berbasis teknologi komputer dan memanfaatkan teknologi telekomunikasi. Di sini guru dituntut untuk melek teknologi sehingga dapat memanfaatkannya untuk mengatasi kesulitan belajar yang dialami peserta didik dan meningkatkan minat peserta didik serta kualitas pembelajaran.Perkembangan teknologi informasi setidaknya telah memberi dampak positif dalam dunia pembelajaran termasuk pembelajaran bahasa Arab. Mengelola bahan ajar menjadi lebih mudah dan menarik berkat adanya teknologi informasi. Tinggal bagaimana guru dan peserta didik dapat memanfaatkan teknologi tersebut

    Pengaruh Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan terhadap Perubahan Zona Nilai Tanah di Kecamatan Gayamsari Kota Semarang Tahun 2004 dan 2014

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    Semarang city is the capital of Central Java Province which has 16 districts, one of the districts is Gayamsari. Gayamsari district was growing from year to year, one of caused by increased population growth resulted in the control of utilization or land use which is expected to be able to accommodate the ever growing population activities. Changes in land use and community activities are quite high resulting the value of land in the Gayamsari district is changes. So that research is needed to perform the analysis of land use change on changes in the value of land.This research was originally done by making an initial zone using administrative map of Gayamsari district and Quickbird imagery. Furthermore, the making of maps of land value zone in 2004 and 2014. In the land use maps of 2004 and 2014 have been overlaid, in order to obtain a map of land use changes. At the final stage of the analysis of land use changes to changes in the value of land in Gayamsari district.The results showed the total area of land use change in Gayamsari district in the period 2004 to 2014 was 106 ha. The land-use change occurs on dry land into residential use with an area of 24 ha. While the smallest land-use change occurs in the use of unused land into a trade and services with an area of 0,16 ha. The highest increase in value of land occur on changes of the unused land into a trade and services in the amount of Rp. 1.678.000 per m2. While the lowest increase in value of land occur on changes of the fishpond into unused land is Rp. 44.000 per m2

    Klasifikasi Tutupan Vegetasi Menggunakan Metode Dekomposisi Polarimetrik

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    Indonesia is an exceedingly wide country which having much a natural resources. Development in every field occurs to increase the country, protect the natural resource, and increase a society welfare. There are two crucial aspects in every process of the development, namely to recognize the forest area and estimate the forest biomass in Indonesia. Moreover, the benefit of the forest area is extremely crucial for the survival of living things on Earth. This research utilized ALOS PALSAR L-band level 1.5 data with quad polarization. In this research, the process was performed by exctract the data into the matrix Sinclair and then do the multilook process and speckle filtering to remove noise. Once the process was performed, some data will process into coherency matrix to obtain the information from the result of classification using polarimetric decomposition that have been describe by Cloude and Pottier. The result of classification of vegetation cover that have been obtained the next process is to provide coordinate information on the result of classification that the data generated has coordinate information appropriate withcatual condition. Validation in this research is performed to adjust classification result polarimetric decomposition with landsat 8 to get the suitability of land cover in order to obtain information appropriate with actual conditionThis final research showed in an image of the polarimetric decomposition classification result used Cloude & Pottier method. The classification result produces a classification that separated water and non-water (forest and residence area). The total vegetation cover area according from classification polarimetric decomposition amounted to 52.793 ha, residence area amounted to 31.209 ha and waters area amounted to 12.312 ha. The result is expected to be reference to develop conservation of forest area for the survival of living things in the future

    Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Untuk Perkebunan Kopi Di Kabupaten Semarang

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    Semarang Regency is located on the high ground and has relatively low temperature, so many commodities of plantation produced. One of the plantation commodities in Semarang Regency is coffee. Based on statistical data Semarang Regency in Figures 2009, the area of coffee plantation increased 60% from before. Land use for coffee plantations are not always in accordance with the conditions and actual capability of the land. Potential of the land is usually determined by the state of the biophysical and environment of the land, so by applying that principle, the plant productivity can be optimized and keep the quality of the land. This study was conducted to determine the suitability of coffee plantation in Semarang Regency. So, based on that suitability of coffee plantation, the land can be used in accordance with its capabilities. On the basis of the method by FAO, the determination of land suitability classes conducted using the method of matching and scoring method (AHP). The result from this study are the land suitability of arabica coffee based on matching method are 46.938,81 Ha marginal suitable (S3) and 5.387,25 Ha not suitable (N). The land suitability of robusta coffee are 238,11 Ha very suitable (S1), 33.372,84 suitable (S2), 17.920, 25 Ha marginal suitable (S3) and 790,81 Ha not suitable (N). The results of the land suitability of arabica coffee based on AHP are 14.089,93 Ha very suitable (S1), 34.167,95 Ha suitable (S2), 4.062,13 Ha marginal suitable (S3) and 6,35 Ha not suitable (N). The land suitability of robusta coffee are 37.211,36 Ha very suitable (S1), 14.994,20 Ha suitable (S2), and 8,28 Ha not suitable (N)