29 research outputs found

    A SLUGGS and Gemini/GMOS combined study of the elliptical galaxy M60: wide-field photometry and kinematics of the globular cluster system

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    We present new wide-field photometry and spectroscopy of the globular clusters (GCs) around NGC 4649 (M60), the third brightest galaxy in the Virgo cluster. Imaging of NGC 4649 was assembled from a recently obtained Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys mosaic, and new Subaru/Suprime-Cam and archival Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope/MegaCam data. About 1200 sources were followed up spectroscopically using combined observations from three multi-object spectrographs: Keck/Deep Imaging Multi-Object Spectrograph, Gemini/Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph and Multiple Mirror Telescope/Hectospec. We confirm 431 unique GCs belonging to NGC 4649, a factor of 3.5 larger than previous data sets and with a factor of 3 improvement in velocity precision. We confirm significant GC colour bimodality and find that the red GCs are more centrally concentrated, while the blue GCs are more spatially extended. We infer negative GC colour gradients in the innermost 20 kpc and flat gradients out to large radii. Rotation is detected along the galaxy major axis for all tracers: blue GCs, red GCs, galaxy stars and planetary nebulae. We compare the observed properties of NGC 4649 with galaxy formation models. We find that formation via a major merger between two gas-poor galaxies, followed by satellite accretion, can consistently reproduce the observations of NGC 4649 at different radii. We find no strong evidence to support an interaction between NGC 4649 and the neighbouring spiral galaxy NGC 4647. We identify interesting GC kinematic features in our data, such as counter-rotating subgroups and bumpy kinematic profiles, which encode more clues about the formation history of NGC 4649

    Globular cluster luminosity function as distance indicator

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    Globular clusters are among the first objects used to establish the distance scale of the Universe. In the 1970-ies it has been recognized that the differential magnitude distribution of old globular clusters is very similar in different galaxies presenting a peak at M_V ~ -7.5. This peak magnitude of the so-called Globular Cluster Luminosity Function has been then established as a secondary distance indicator. The intrinsic accuracy of the method has been estimated to be of the order of ~0.2 mag, competitive with other distance determination methods. Lately the study of the Globular Cluster Systems has been used more as a tool for galaxy formation and evolution, and less so for distance determinations. Nevertheless, the collection of homogeneous and large datasets with the ACS on board HST presented new insights on the usefulness of the Globular Cluster Luminosity Function as distance indicator. I discuss here recent results based on observational and theoretical studies, which show that this distance indicator depends on complex physics of the cluster formation and dynamical evolution, and thus can have dependencies on Hubble type, environment and dynamical history of the host galaxy. While the corrections are often relatively small, they can amount to important systematic differences that make the Globular Cluster Luminosity Function a less accurate distance indicator with respect to some other standard candles.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Science. Review paper based on the invited talk at the conference "The Fundamental Cosmic Distance Scale: State of the Art and Gaia Perspective", Naples, May 2011. (13 pages, 8 figures

    An evolutionary study of magnetic Ap stars in 4 northern open clusters

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    This poster describes the first results of a study of magnetic Ap stars in nearby northern open clusters. Using the MuSiCoS spectropolarimeter on the 2 m Bernard Lyot telescope at Pic du Midi observatory, high-resolution circular polarisation spectra have been obtained for 9 Ap stars proposed as members of 4 open clusters (M 39, IC 4756, the Pleiades and the Hyades). The aim of this study is to explore the evolution of chemical peculiarities and magnetic fields of Ap stars.

    Tracking Eye Gaze under Coordinated Head Rotations with an Ordinary Camera

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    Spectroscopy of Globular Clusters in NGC 4472

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    Optical multi-slit spectra have been obtained for 47 globular clusters surrounding the brightest Virgo elliptical NGC 4472 (M49). Including data from the literature, we analyze velocities for a total sample of 57 clusters and present the first tentative evidence for kinematic differences between the red and blue cluster populations which make up the bimodal colour distribution of this galaxy. The redder clusters are more centrally concentrated and have a velocity dispersion of 240 km/sec compared with 320 km/sec for the blue clusters. The origin of this difference appears to be a larger component of systematic rotation in the blue cluster system. The larger rotation in the more extended blue cluster system is indicative of efficient angular momentum transport, as provided by galaxy mergers. Masses estimated from the globular cluster velocities are consistent with the mass distribution estimated from X-ray data, and indicate that the M/L rises to 50 times solar at 2.5 R_e.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in June 1998 issue of The Astronomical Journa

    Ages and metallicities of globular clusters in NGC 4472

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    We have derived ages and metallicities from co-added spectra of 131 globular clusters associated with the giant elliptical galaxy NGC 4472. Based upon a calibration with Galactic globular clusters, we find that our sample of globular clusters in NGC 4472 span a metallicity range of approximately −1.6≤[Fe/H]≤0 dex. There is evidence of a radial metallicity gradient in the globular cluster system which is steeper than that seen in the underlying starlight. Determination of the absolute ages of the globular clusters is uncertain, but formally, the metal-poor population of globular clusters has an age of 14.5±4 Gyr and the metal-rich population is 13.8±6 Gyr old. Monte Carlo simulations indicate that the globular cluster populations present in these data are older than 6 Gyr at the 95 per cent confidence level. We find that within the uncertainties, the globular clusters are old and coeval, implying that the bimodality seen in the broadband colours primarily reflects metallicity and not age differences