3,895 research outputs found

    Precision voltage regulator

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    Balanced positive and negative voltage output circuit, in which error voltage for control is developed from difference in absolute value of positive and negative voltages referenced to a common point, regulates voltage for use with inertial reference unit. Fast-acting, temperature-compensated, high-gain operational amplifier circuits maintain common point

    Electronic integrator for gyro rate output voltages

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    Circuit which integrates spacecraft gyro output voltages to provide analog position signals has been developed. Accurate integration is provided by all solid state system which uses no choppers and takes advantage of commercially available flight qualified components

    An optical fibre dynamic instrumented palpation sensor for the characterisation of biological tissue

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    AbstractThe diagnosis of prostate cancer using invasive techniques (such as biopsy and blood tests for prostate-specific antigen) and non-invasive techniques (such as digital rectal examination and trans-rectal ultrasonography) may be enhanced by using an additional dynamic instrumented palpation approach to prostate tissue classification. A dynamically actuated membrane sensor/actuator has been developed that incorporates an optical fibre Fabry–Pérot interferometer to record the displacement of the membrane when it is pressed on to different tissue samples. The membrane sensor was tested on a silicon elastomer prostate model with enlarged and stiffer material on one side to simulate early stage prostate cancer. The interferometer measurement was found to have high dynamic range and accuracy, with a minimum displacement resolution of ±0.4μm over a 721μm measurement range. The dynamic response of the membrane sensor when applied to different tissue types changed depending on the stiffness of the tissue being measured. This demonstrates the feasibility of an optically tracked dynamic palpation technique for classifying tissue type based on the dynamic response of the sensor/actuator

    Simulation-assisted control in building energy management systems

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    Technological advances in real-time data collection, data transfer and ever-increasing computational power are bringing simulation-assisted control and on-line fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) closer to reality than was imagined when building energy management systems (BEMSs) were introduced in the 1970s. This paper describes the development and testing of a prototype simulation-assisted controller, in which a detailed simulation program is embedded in real-time control decision making. Results from an experiment in a full-scale environmental test facility demonstrate the feasibility of predictive control using a physically-based thermal simulation program

    Efficient estimation of AUC in a sliding window

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    In many applications, monitoring area under the ROC curve (AUC) in a sliding window over a data stream is a natural way of detecting changes in the system. The drawback is that computing AUC in a sliding window is expensive, especially if the window size is large and the data flow is significant. In this paper we propose a scheme for maintaining an approximate AUC in a sliding window of length kk. More specifically, we propose an algorithm that, given ϵ\epsilon, estimates AUC within ϵ/2\epsilon / 2, and can maintain this estimate in O((logk)/ϵ)O((\log k) / \epsilon) time, per update, as the window slides. This provides a speed-up over the exact computation of AUC, which requires O(k)O(k) time, per update. The speed-up becomes more significant as the size of the window increases. Our estimate is based on grouping the data points together, and using these groups to calculate AUC. The grouping is designed carefully such that (ii) the groups are small enough, so that the error stays small, (iiii) the number of groups is small, so that enumerating them is not expensive, and (iiiiii) the definition is flexible enough so that we can maintain the groups efficiently. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that the average approximation error in practice is much smaller than the approximation guarantee ϵ/2\epsilon / 2, and that we can achieve significant speed-ups with only a modest sacrifice in accuracy

    Patterns in Change of Opioid Overdose Death Rate with the Day of the Week and Their Implications

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the dependencies of opioid overdose death rates on the day of the week and understand the implications of the dependencies Understanding and presenting the dependencies is useful for first responders and for health care system resource planning It can provide additional insights in the opioid epidemic and should be considered in prevention effortshttps://jdc.jefferson.edu/phbposters/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Effects of Using Different Death Rate Metrics on the Analysis of Drug-Overdose Death Rates and Socioeconomical Factors

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    Age-adjusted death rate (AADR) and raw death rate (RDD) used in drugoverdose studies typically involves death-record data and populationsurvey data. Difference can exist between the two data sources, leading to the so-called dual data-source error. Proportionate mortality avoids the error; however, no studies have been done comparing the conclusions drawn using the different metrics. The objective of this study is to evaluate the differences and merits of using different death-rate metrics in overdose analysis.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/phbposters/1003/thumbnail.jp