8,529 research outputs found

    Immunization of Children in a Rural Area of North Kashmir, India: A KAP Study.

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    Background: Knowledge, attitude and practices about immunization among mothers of children aged 1-2 years was assessed. Method: 300 mothers were administered a semi-structured questionnaire at PHC Hajan from 1st march to 1st may 2011 to elicit the information about the knowledge, attitude and practices of the mothers regarding immunization. Results: 100% of mothers knew that vaccination is beneficial and protects their children from diseases. 39% knew OPV protects from polio while only 1% were aware of protective role of BCG. All mothers knew about immunization in pregnancy but 86% were unaware about its preventive role. 26% mothers believed that 3 doses of T.T (tetanus toxoid) are to be given during pregnancy. Whereas 98% of children were completely immunized, 93% completed on schedule. Eighty percent of mothers reported of fever following DPT. All mothers had received tetanus toxoid during pregnancy. Conclusion: Considering mothers' poor knowledge and good attitude, health education on immunization is emphasized to improve their practices

    Food Safety Knowledge and Practice Among Community in Sg. Pelek, Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan

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    Food safety is a basic requirement of food quality. It is an increasingly important public health issue to prevent and control food borne illnesses. A cross-sectional study was designed to determine level of knowledge and practice on food safety, to determine the association between knowledge and practice, and also to identify the association between socio-demographic factors and practice score of the population studied. This study was conducted among adult population in Taman Bahagia, Sungai Pelek, Sepang, Selangor Darul Ehsan. Data were collected using an interviewed structured questionnaire. A stratified random sampling was performed to obtain houses, followed by simple random sampling to select sample in the house. A total of 115 data sets were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20.0. Analysis showed that 35% of respondents have poor level of knowledge on food safety, whereas 27% of the respondents have poor level of practices on food safety. Multiple linear regression revealed that there are a significant association between education level (p<0.001), Adj b=2.57 (95% CI: 1.15, 3.99) and gender (p=0.048), Adj b=1.15 (95% CI: 0.01, 2.29) with practice score on food safety. Therefore, health promotion and education on the importance of practicing food safety at home should be focused to prevent further unwanted health effects

    Teknik Penerjemahan Lisan Dalam Tradisi Bekayat Di Lombok

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    Sasak ethnic group\u27s community in Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, has an oral tradition of reciting hikayat namely bekayat. During the performance, step of the recitation is followed by interpretation from Melayu language to Sasak. As a part of literary work interpreting, the interpreter applies certain method, technique and ideology. This research is aimed at revealing interpreting technique applied in bekayat performance. Sample of this research is taken from Lombok Barat District, out of three other districts in Lombok. Data collection is conducted through recording and an interview technique. The data are transcribed and then analized by an interlinguistic and descriptive method. Result of the analysis shows that the interpreter of bekayat performance applied three techniques, namely paraphrase, contextual conditioning, and compensation

    Faktor-faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Terjadinya Tanah Absentee dan Dampaknya Bagi Masyarakat di Kecamatan Binuang Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    Relating absentee land ownership, the rule refers to the implementation of Law No. 5 of 1960 on the Basic Principles of Regulation Agraia (BAL) The government passed Law 56 Prp 1960 on Hold Size Determination Farms with implementation of PP No. 224 of 1961 on the Implementation of Land Distribution and Compensation Division, in article 3, paragraph (1) PP 224 of 1961 in conjunction with Article 1 PP 41 of 1964 stipulates the prohibition of land ownership In Absentee, which states that "ownership of agricultural land by people who live outside the districts where geography is prohibited, namely that farmers actively and effectively in work on his farm land so that productivity can be increased. This study used a sociological juridical approach through qualitative descriptive analysis is an approach that is conducted to analyze the extent to which a rule / law or the law being applied effectively. The results showed the ban on absentee land ownership in the District Binuang has yet to be implemented effectively

    Persepsi Orang Tua Siswa dan Guru Tentang Pendidikan Dasar Gratis

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    This study aimed to determine 1 ) whether they ( parents and teachers ) have a clear understanding of the free education policy 2 ). How their perceptions about the meaning of " free " in the administration of education services as well as the role and responsibility of government stork , parents and other stakeholders in the implementation of free primary education policy . 3 ) How do they think about the model of implementation of free primary education policy , including the role of society in overseeing the program. (FGD - Focus Group Discussion ) is used as the primary method to achieve the objectives of this research . Parents of students and teachers realize that education is the main factor and the needs of future asset depan.Biaya important as education becomes a major factor when parents want to send their anaknya.Terutama of families of middle economic strata , feel experiencing difficulties with respect to the cost of education is getting more expensive . This is due in addition to the rising prices of basic needs is also the need for additional school expenses necessary to improve the quality of education of children, also there is still performed peraktek school tuition fees . In addition BOS considered not effective in helping parents to overcome the limitations of school need

    Nilai Budaya Masyarakat Suku Sasak yang Tercermin dalam Lelakaq

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    Masyarakat suku Sasak di Pulau Lombok, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, dikenal kaya akan berbagai karya sastra daerah. Salah satu jenis karya sastra daerah yang berkembang dalam masyarakat suku Sasak ialah lelakaq atau pantun berbahasa Sasak. Lelakaq memiliki fungsi sosial yang cukup signifikan terutama sebagai media untuk menyampaikan pesan dan nilai-nilai etika dan budaya. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan nilai-nilai budaya masyarakat suku Sasak yang tercermin dalam lelakaq yang terkait dengan hakikat hidup, hakikat hubungan manusia dengan sesama, dan hakikat karya.Tulisan ini disusun berdasarkan hasil penelitian lapangan di beberapa lokasi di Pulau Lombok yang diyakini masih berkembangnya lelakaq tersebut. Data kesastraan berupa lelakaq dan informasi terkait nilai budaya yang terkandung di dalamnya dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam. Data yang terkumpulkan kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode deskrtiptif dan semiotik.Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa sebagai salah satu jenis karya sastra sekaligus foklor yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat suku Sasak, lelakaq berisi berbagai muatan nilai budaya yang mencerminkan nilai budaya masyarakat pendukungnya. Nilai budaya tersebut terdiri atas hakikat hidup, hakikat hubungan manusia dengan sesama, dan hakikat karya. Berbagai mutan nilai budaya tersebut secara implisit dan ekplisit terkandung baik dalam sampiran dan isi lelaka

    Penerjemahan Manuskrip di Lombok: suatu USAha untuk Memahami Nilai Budaya Sasak

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    Manuskrip atau naskah kuno merupakan salah satu artefak warisan nenek moyang yang sangat berharga karena di dalamnya tersimpan jejak sejarah, ilmu pengetahuan, dan nilai-nilai budaya masa lalu. Pulau Lombok dikenal menyimpan banyak koleksi manuskrip baik yang tersimpan di museum maupun yang berada di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan preservasi fisik dan non-fisik manuskrip – preservasi kandungan. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menawarkan sebuah gagasan bahwa penerjemahan teks manuskrip merupakan salah satu USAha untuk memahami nilai-nilai budaya masyarakat Sasak. Penerjemahan dianggap sebagai-bagian dari upaya preservasi manuskrip secara non-fisik. Data-data dalam kajian ini dikumpulkan melalui studi lapangan di desa Sakra tempat disimpannya beberapa manuskrip berbahan lontar. Hasil wawancara dengan pemilik manuskrip dan penduduk sekitar menunjukkan bahwa manuskrip-manuskrip tersebut sarat akan nilai-nilai budaya seperti nilai hubungan manusia dengan Tuhan dan nilai hubungan manusia dengan sesama. Data pendukung dikumpulkan melalui kajian pustaka terhadaap berbagai referensi tertulis. Data-data itu kemudian dianalisis untuk mendukung tema kajian ini. Masyarakat tidak dapat mengambil manfaat dari keberadaan manuskrip itu karena kendala bahasa dan aksara. Hanya segelintir orang yang dapat memahami teksnya karena bahasa dan aksara yang digunakan tidak dipakai lagi di tengah-tengah masyarakat Sasak. Penerjemahan manuskrip Sasak pernah dilakukan tapi tidak ada keberlanjutan disebabkan oleh kurangnya perhatian pemerintah terhadap pengkajian dan penerjemahan manuskrip serta sedikitnya ahli yang memahami bahasa dan aksara manuskrip yang dikenal dengan aksara jejawan. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemerintah perlu membentuk bidang atau lembaga yang khusus bertugas untuk mengkaji dan menerjemahkan manuskrip serta melanjutkan pengajaran aksara jejawan sebagai muatan lokal di tingkat sekolah dasar

    Development of health food products

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