1,495 research outputs found

    Virtual Reality Techniques for 3D Data-Warehouse Exploration

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    This paper focuses on the evaluation of virtual reality (VR) interaction techniques for exploration of data warehouse (DW). The experimental DW involves hierarchical levels and contains information about customers profiles and related purchase items. A user study has been carried out to compare two navigation and selection techniques. Sixteen volunteers were instructed to explore the DW and look for information using the interaction techniques, involving either a single WiimoteTM (monomanual) or both WiimoteTM and NunchuckTM (bimanual). Results indicated that the bimanual interaction technique is more efficient in terms of speed and error rate. Moreover, most of the participants preferred the bimanual interaction technique and found it more appropriate for the exploration task. We also observed that males were faster and made less errors than females for both interaction techniques

    Nutrition Tea Club : engaging students in reading scientific papers

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    Many students do not engage with reading the scientific literature, which is a core skill in undergraduate students. The learning environment has an important impact upon learning. It was postulated that taking reading out of the formal learning environment might impact upon students’ willingness to engage with the literature, and confidence in doing so. A staff-student research partnership initiative funded by Kingston University allowed this hypothesis to be tested. Three Tea Club sessions, informal drop-in reading sessions were offered in a student-owned space within the Students’ Union. Refreshments were supplied, aiming for a ‘coffee house’ feel. Although the numbers of students who engaged with the Tea Club were small, evaluations were positive. In particular students valued the opportunity for peer learning. However the chosen environment was too noisy. Future sessions will be offered within a different, less noisy environment with facilities for refreshments, and will be offered throughout the academic year to facilitate student engagement.Keywords: Learning environment, peer support, extracurricular, scientific readin

    Ekstraksi Magnetik pada Methanol-Soap Bathed Muds

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    Telah ditemukan metode ekstraksi yang efektif untuk conto lumpur yang merupakan pengembangan dari metode magnetic finger. Ekstraksi ini dilakukan dalam rangka memisahkan mineral magnetik dari lumpur dan mineral lainnya, sehingga didapatkan mineral magnetik murni tanpa merusak bulir yang ada. Pada paper ini akan dibahas suatu metode ekstraksi yang disebut dengan metode methanol-soap bath. Pada metoda ini sebagai pengganti penggerusan, lumpur yang diekstrak dicuci dengan campuran sabun dan methanol. Pencucian dengan campuran sabun-methanol bertujuan untuk menghilangkan ikatan antara mineral magnetik dengan mineral non-magnetik pada conto. Keuntungan menggunakan metode ini adalah bahwa bulir magnetic yang didapatkan tidak mengalami kerusakan serta waktu yang dibutuhkan lebih cepat. Untuk membuktikan keberadaan mineral magnetic dalam conto yang sudah diobservasi dengan metode kemagnetan batuan sama dengan hasil ekstraksi maka mineral magnetik hasil ekstraksi tersebut diukur dengan metode lain yaitu metode XRD dan SEM-EDAX. Ternyata dari hasil pengukuran dengan XRD dan SEM juga didapatkan mineral magnetik dari jenis oksida besi dan sulfide besi. Dengan demikian metode methanol-soap bath ini secara efektif dapat digunakan untuk mengekstrak atau memisahkan mineral magnetik dari mineral non-magnetik

    Business Marketing Tips Pecel Lele Tent Shop All the Way of Cross North Sumatra Lirik District Indragiri Hulu Regency Riau Province

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    This research on pecel lele business marketing tips in the tent stalls and was held on 17 June to 3 July 2015 along the East Sumatera Lirik District of Indragiri Hulu Regency Riau province. The purpose of this study was to describe the business activities pecel lele in the tent stalls and separately describe the factors that influence marketing efforts in the shop tent pecel lele. The method used in this study is a survey method.The results showed that the tent stalls pecel lele is a trading business meal is done in the afternoon until midnight and even some are open at 17:00 pm until 24.00 pm which amounted to 6 waung pecel lele, while the business is located near the dismissal of intercity public transport this province which amounted to 3 stalls open at 15:00 pm until 3:00 pm, because the location is always crowded prospective buyers. The existence of business pecel lele by employers pecel lele in the Trans Eastern Sumatra District of Lirik Indragiri Hulu influenced by some external factors: the probability that the rate of population growth, innovation cookware, policies and government\u27s role in business development pecel lele, where location support, availability raw materials, consumer purchasing power, the development of the marketing area. Internal factors are the factors by an employer to conduct business activities tent stalls pecel lele. the results of research conducted by the tips of respondents different merchants, among them there maid, facilities, strategic location, quality of product, service / service and cleanliness

    The Analysis Of Fishing Effort By Scraping Net In Sungai Nyamuk, Sinaboi Sub District, Rokan Hilir Regency Of Riau Province

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    Research on the analysis of fishing effort by fishing scraping net, held in April2015 in Sungai Nyamuk, Sinaboi Sub District, Rokan Hilir Regency Of Riau Province.The research of aims to analyze large venture capital investments, and how large grossincome and net income of using fishing scraping net. The method used is a surveymethod. Determination respondents stratification of random sampling performed usinga method that is done by looking at the motor boat scraping levels at the study siteconsisting of a motor boat with a cargo scraping net 0,7 GT and GT 1. Respondentswere drawn consists of a fishing effort using the tool catches scraping net to charge 1GT by 3 fishermen and fishermen scraping net 0,7 GT by 3 people.The total investments invested in doing scraping net fishermen fishing effort is Rp29.647.000, for a motor boat fishermen 0,7 GT and Rp 44.295.000 for boat motors 1GT. Gross income of scraping net fishermen for season of motor boat 0,7 GT Rp.305.000 of day and Rp. 109.000 for not season of day. For motor boat 1 GT Rp.385.000 for season of day and Rp. 183.000. Net income scraping net fishermen of 0,7GT Rp. 196.000 for season of day and not net income for not season of day. As forfishermen of motor boat 1 GT is Rp. 220.000 for season of day and Rp. 18.000 for notseason of day

    The Quality Evaluation of Smoke Flavored Catfish (Cryptopterus Bicirchis) Compared to Traditionally Smoked Fish During Storage

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    The research aimed to compare the quality of smoke flavored to the traditionally smokedcatfish smoked catfish (Cryptopterus bicirchis). The research was using experimental methodand composed as a randomized block design. There were two smoking methods, those weretraditionally hot smoking and liquid smoking. The liquid smoke used for soaking the fish wasvaried to crude liquid smoke and redistilled liquid smoke. The quality of the smoked fishproducts were evaluated for the value of sensory, water content, value of pH, content of totalacid, content of total phenol, and TPC. The result showed that the quality of all smoke catfishproduct could be stored for 30 days at room temperature. At the first day before storage, thevalue of the appearance was 8,8, the value of the odor was 8,7, the value of the flavor was 8,8,and the value of the texture was 8,8. The chemical characteristic showed that the content ofmoisture was 14.38 %, the pH value was 6.7, content of the total acids was 3.75%, content of thetotal phenols was 0.97 ppm, and the TPC was 3.65 cfu/g. However, up to the end of the storage,the ptoduct of traditionally smoked catfish was indicating the highest quality, showed by thehighest sensory value of the product at the end of storage. The value of the appearance was 6,8(the surface appearance was intact, tidy, the color was getting dim), the value of the odor was 7,1(the specific smell of smoke started dwindling and bad odor compounds started to smell), thevalue of the flavor was 6,6 (the savory flavor and the specific flavor started dwindling, bad flavorcompounds started to taste), and the value of the texture was 6,8 (the texture started fragile andsomewhat moist)
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