2,834 research outputs found

    Making PhUn Week Part of an English Language Learners\u27 Summer Program- PhUn Week Poster Session EB 2017

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    Students performed an exercise physiology experiment. All students were English language learners

    Creating Core Concepts in Animal Physiology

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    A PhUn Week Incursion in Australia Teaches 3-4 and 5-6 Graders Exercise Physiology-PhUn Week Poster Session EB16

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    In Australia, primary schools grades 3 and 4 are combined in one class (3-4), as is grades 5 and 6 (5-6). To set up the outreach I made direct contact via email with the Assistant Principal. She connected me with the physical education (PE) teacher. Together, the PE teacher and I planned the event. Over the course of two days, I taught four classes of 3-4 graders, and four classes of 5-6 graders for a total of 177 students. All classes were held in the gymnasium and on the playground track. I started each lesson with asking “Does anyone know what a physiologist is”? The most common answer was “A Physiotherapist” which is called a physical therapist in the US. The Scientific Method was described and explained. A hypothesis was designed, “Exercise Increases Heart Rate”- and a testing method in which students would measure their heart rates, run for two laps, and measure their heart rates again. After data collection students were urged to report their data using the format “My resting heart rate was # beats per minute and my post exercise heart rate was # beats per minute”. The students all agreed their data had supported their hypothesis. We discussed heart function and explained why heart rate increases with exercise. Students then were given pedometers and calibrated them by walking 20 paces. The students performed their next experiment by estimating how many steps it would take to walk around the track. After completing the walk they then made predictions of the number of steps running around the track would be higher or lower. They performed this experiment successfully and understood why fewer steps were needed when running due to a longer stride. Note: Make sure to check with the teacher and/or students to determine if any preexisting medical conditions will preclude the student from the activity

    Patricia Halpin, Assistant Professor of Life Sciences, UNHM travels to Brazil

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    Professor Halpin attended the International Union of Physiological Sciences World Congress as well as the ADInstruments Teaching Workshop

    Using Social Media to Enhance Student Learning

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    Use of Twitter for asynchronous discussions on selected science topics

    Collaboration is the Key to Success in Publishing Your Work

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    The Benefits of Having Nontraditional Age Students in Your Class

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    Getting Fourth Graders Excited About The Cardiovascular System-PhUn Week Poster Session EB 2012

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    Elementary school students are eager to learn and perform science experiments. Providing an explanation of the cardiovascular system is a great way to demonstrate how the systems of the body work together. Most of students have measured their heart rate in physical education class and they understand the concept of breathing rate. However they are unfamiliar with the concept of blood pressure. In order to tie these three concepts together an introductory lecture was given via a SMART Board on the physiology of the heart and lungs with the concept of blood pressure introduced. As a group a hypothesis was designed for our experiment; heart rate, breathing rate and blood pressure increase after exercise. To test the hypothesis the students measured their breathing rate. Then using wrist blood pressure and heart rate monitors they were able to obtain their blood pressure and heart rate. Working in pairs the class exercised on the playground for five minutes and took their post exercise breathing rate, heart rate and blood pressure. On the second day of PhUn week the class analyzed their data. Integrating their fourth grade math curricula they determined the mean, mode and median of the rates before and after exercise. They concluded they had proven their hypothesis. They completed their lab reports and passed them in for a grade to their classroom teachers. To determine the effectiveness of the learning activity the students completed pre and post tests. There was an increase in understanding of the concept of blood pressure. Also that blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate went up after exercise. When asked Why do we need math to help explain (analyze) our data? The most common answers were to prove that our hypothesis was right and to convince others. The most common answer to What did you like most about PhUn week ? was exercising outside and using the heart rate blood pressure monitors

    Too busy to be healthy? join the club

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    Fall 2017, A Summer of New UNH International Program, An UnBelizeable Experience!

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