6 research outputs found

    Case Report: Uniportal Video Assisted Thoracoscopic Excision of a Giant Thymic Cyst Mimicking a Pericardial Cyst

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    Most of the mediastinal cysts are benign but still needs surgical excision for a definitive diagnosis and to prevent compressive symptoms. Radiological examination itself may sometimes have limited diagnostic value. A pericardial cyst is always a benign lesion and does not need an excision unless it reaches to an extreme size while a thymic cyst should be excised when diagnosed since it may rarely show malignant degeneration. Here we present an extreme sized thymic cyst radiologically mimicking a pericardial cyst

    Mediastinotomi ile Tanı Konulan Blastomikoz Olgusu

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    Pulmoner blastomikozis, Blastomyces dermatitidis tarafından oluşturulan ve genellikle güç tanı konulabilen bir mantar enfeksiyonudur. Tanı mikroorganizmanın doku, balgam, eksuda veya kültürde direk olarak mikroskopik incelemesi ile konur. Balgam ya da bronşiyal veya gastrik yıkamaların incelemesi tanı için yetersiz olabilir. Bu olgu sunumunda paraaortik bölgedeki lenf bezlerinin tutulumu ile birlikte seyreden ve sol üst lobunda blastomikoz saptanan 49 yaşındaki erkek olguyu sunuyoruz. Balgam ve bronkoskopi ile alınan bronş lavajı örneklerinin sitolojik ve direk mikroskopik incelemeleriyle tanı konulamayan olguda mediastinotomi ile yapılan paraaortik lenf nodu biopsisi ise tanı için yeterli olmuştur. Pulmoner blastomikoz olgularında sitolojik incelemeleri de içeren tanısal işlemler yetersiz kaldığında daha invaziv işlemler öncesinde mediastinotomi ile yapılacak lenf bezi biopsisinin tanıya yardımcı olabileceğini vurgulamayı amaçladık

    Spontaneous pneumomediastinum: report of two cases Spontan pnömomediastinum: İki olgu sunumu Süreyyapaşa Göğüs Hastalıkları ve Göğüs Cerrahisi Eğitim ve

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    Spontan pnömomediastinum (SPM) nadir, çoğunlukla genç erkeklerde görülen, zemin hazırlayan faktör bulunmayan, ya da altta yatan sebebi bulunmayan selim bir hastalıktır. SPM konservatif tedaviye oldukça iyi yanıt verir ve tekrarlama riski oldukça düşüktür. Çalışmamızda, kliniğimiz-de yatırılarak takip edilen iki SPM olgusu literatür eşliğin-de tartışıldı. Anahtar Sözcükler: Mediasten; mediastinal amfizem; spontan pnömomediastinum. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum (SPM) is an uncommon, benign, self-limited disorder that usually occurs in young adult males without any apparent precipitating factor or disease. SPM responds extremely well to conservative treatment, without recurrence in the great majority of cases. In this report, two patients who were admitted for SPM are discussed together with the associated literature. Key Words: Mediastinum; mediastinal emphysema; spontaneous pneumomediastinum. Mediastinal emphysema or pneumomediastinum is the presence of air within the confines of mediastinal structures. Mediastinal emphysema was first described by Laennec [3] Two cases of SPM are presented with respect to clinical and radiological findings and are discussed in light of the related literature. CASE REPORTS Case 1-A 33-year-old male patient presented to our clinic for dyspnea. He had a history of asthma for 20 years and intermittently received bronchodilator treatment; however, he suffered from increased dyspnea during the last 10 days. On physical and routine laboratory examinations, no abnormal findings were revealed. His chest X-ray demonstrated a linear doublecontour along the cardiac border of the left mediastinal pleura. The patient was hospitalized to monitor for possible SPM. Thorax computerized tomography (CT) revealed air around the mediastinal vessels that separated vascular structures from adjacent soft tissues Case 2-A 21-year-old male patient presented to our clinic with dyspnea that developed within the last two days. His medical history included a traffic accident 10 years before. Physical examination revealed limited subcutaneous emphysema of the neck and left side of the thorax. Routine laboratory test results were within normal limits. Chest X-ray revealed a linear air shadow along the cardiac border in the left mediastinal regio