392 research outputs found

    Genome Integrity: A new open access journal

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    The full and final version of this article can be found at the link belowThis article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.This article is available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund


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    Розглянуто методи діагностики та управління показниками якості палива у вигляді суміші вугілля і газу (або топкового мазуту) на теплових електростанціях. Результати досліджень можна використа- ти для автоматизації процесу оптимізації якості суміші цих палив методом математичного лінійного програмування. Рассмотрены методы диагностики и управления показателями качества топлива в виде смеси углей и га- за (или топочного мазута) на тепловых электростанциях. Результаты исследований предложено ис- пользовать для автоматизации процесса оптимизации качества смеси этих топлив методом матема- тического линейного программирования

    BRCA1 function in T lymphocytes: a cellular specificity of a different kind

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    Recent work by Mak et al demonstrates that mice carrying a T-cell-specific disruption of the brca1 gene display markedly impaired T-lymphocyte development and proliferation in the absence of any increased tendency for the formation of tumors. Interestingly, the extent of these defects was found to be highly dependent on cellular context. Contrasting the rather broad tissue expression pattern of brca1 against its exquisitely selective etiologic role in cancers of the breast and ovary, many of us are left to ponder - where is the specificity

    Are Trp53 rescue of Brca1 embryonic lethality and Trp53/Brca1 breast cancer association related?

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    Brca1 is involved in multiple biological pathways including DNA damage repair, transcriptional regulation, and cell-cycle progression. A complex pattern of interactions of Brca1 with Trp53 has also emerged. Xu and coworkers found that haploid loss of Trp53 significantly reduces the embryonic lethality observed in mice with a homozygous in-frame deletion of Brca1 exon 11. They report that widespread apoptosis correlates with the embryonic lethality resulting from this homozygous Δ11 Brca1 mutation. A mechanism responsible for Brca1-associated carcinogenesis is proposed. These experiments extend our knowledge of a complex Brca1/Trp53 relationship. However, the precise mechanisms through which Brca1 interacts with Trp53 to suppress mammary tumor formation have yet to be elucidated

    BRCA1 is an essential regulator of heart function and survival following myocardial infarction

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    The tumour suppressor BRCA1 is mutated in familial breast and ovarian cancer but its role in protecting other tissues from DNA damage has not been explored. Here we show a new role for BRCA1 as a gatekeeper of cardiac function and survival. In mice, loss of BRCA1 in cardiomyocytes results in adverse cardiac remodelling, poor ventricular function and higher mortality in response to ischaemic or genotoxic stress. Mechanistically, loss of cardiomyocyte BRCA1 results in impaired DNA double-strand break repair and activated p53-mediated pro-apoptotic signalling culminating in increased cardiomyocyte apoptosis, whereas deletion of the p53 gene rescues BRCA1-deficient mice from cardiac failure. In human adult and fetal cardiac tissues, ischaemia induces double-strand breaks and upregulates BRCA1 expression. These data reveal BRCA1 as a novel and essential adaptive response molecule shielding cardiomyocytes from DNA damage, apoptosis and heart dysfunction. BRCA1 mutation carriers, in addition to risk of breast and ovarian cancer, may be at a previously unrecognized risk of cardiac failure

    CD28-dependent Activation of Protein Kinase B/Akt Blocks Fas-mediated Apoptosis by Preventing Death-inducing Signaling Complex Assembly

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    The T cell costimulatory molecule CD28 is important for T cell survival, yet both the signaling pathways downstream of CD28 and the apoptotic pathways they antagonize remain poorly understood. Here we demonstrate that CD4+ T cells from CD28-deficient mice show increased susceptibility to Fas-mediated apoptosis via a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)-dependent pathway. Protein kinase B (PKBα/Akt1) is an important serine/threonine kinase that promotes survival downstream of PI3K signals. To understand how PI3K-mediated signals downstream of CD28 contribute to T cell survival, we examined Fas-mediated apoptosis in T cells expressing an active form of PKBα. Our data demonstrate that T cells expressing active PKB are resistant to Fas-mediated apoptosis in vivo and in vitro. PKB transgenic T cells show reduced activation of caspase-8, BID, and caspase-3 due to impaired recruitment of procaspase-8 to the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC). Similar alterations are seen in T cells from mice which are haploinsufficient for PTEN, a lipid phosphatase that regulates phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PIP3) and influences PKBα activity. These findings provide a novel link between CD28 and an important apoptosis pathway in vivo, and demonstrate that PI3K/PKB signaling prevents apoptosis by inhibiting DISC assembly

    Inactivation of Chk2 and Mus81 Leads to Impaired Lymphocytes Development, Reduced Genomic Instability, and Suppression of Cancer

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    Chk2 is an effector kinase important for the activation of cell cycle checkpoints, p53, and apoptosis in response to DNA damage. Mus81 is required for the restart of stalled replication forks and for genomic integrity. Mus81Δex3-4/Δex3-4 mice have increased cancer susceptibility that is exacerbated by p53 inactivation. In this study, we demonstrate that Chk2 inactivation impairs the development of Mus81Δex3-4/Δex3-4 lymphoid cells in a cell-autonomous manner. Importantly, in contrast to its predicted tumor suppressor function, loss of Chk2 promotes mitotic catastrophe and cell death, and it results in suppressed oncogenic transformation and tumor development in Mus81Δex3-4/Δex3-4 background. Thus, our data indicate that an important role for Chk2 is maintaining lymphocyte development and that dual inactivation of Chk2 and Mus81 remarkably inhibits cancer

    Consanguinity decreases risk of breast cancer – cervical cancer unaffected

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    Marriages between third-degree and more distant relatives are common in many parts of the world. Offspring of consanguineous parents have increased morbidity and mortality related to recessive gene disorders. In a population with a high frequency of consanguinity, we examined the frequency of breast cancer (related in part to tumour genes) and cervical cancers (related to virus infection) among offspring of consanguineous and non-consanguineous parents. Study was done prospectively in the United Arab Emirates. Selected were married female citizens, ages 40–65, who attended 12 primary health care clinics for whatever reason. In a face-to-face interview, subjects were asked: (a) about consanguineous marriages in family; (b) if they have or have had breast or cervical cancer; (c) about family history of cancer, cancer screening and other parameters. Tumour diagnosis was confirmed by review of medical records. Of 1750 women invited into study, 1445 (79%) could be used in analysis. Among 579 (40%) women of consanguineous and 866 (60%) of non-consanguineous parents there were 24 and 54 with breast cancer, respectively (RR = 0.66, CI 0.42 – 1.06). In the 40 to 50 age group, breast cancer reported 13 of 446 women of consanguineous and 37 of 633 of non-consanguineous parents (RR = 0.50, Cl 0.27 – 0.93). Cervical cancer had 15 women in consanguineous and 32 in non-consanguineous group (RR = 0.70, Cl 0.38 – 1.28). Number of families with history of breast cancer in consanguineous and non-consanguineous group was 21 and 23, respectively (P = 0.29). The cancer screening rates and other variable values had fairly balanced distribution between the 2 groups. Having consanguineous parents decreases the risk of breast cancer especially in younger women, risk of cervical cancer being unaffected. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co