22 research outputs found

    Memahami keperluan pelajar penyelidikan siswazah FTSM menggunakan SERVQUAL dan Model Kano

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    Sebagai sebuah universiti penyelidikan, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) menitik beratkan aktiviti penyelidikan termasuk pelajar penyelidikan yang mengikuti pengajian Siswazah. Justeru, keperluan pelajar Siswazah perlu diukur bagi mencerminkan iltizam UKM untuk menjadi antara universiti penyelidikan terbaik di negara ini. Kaji selidik merupakan satu cara mengukur kualiti perkhidmatan dengan mendapatkan maklum balas daripada pelajar Siswazah. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan keperluan pelajar Siswazah terhadap perkhidmatan berkaitan di Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat (FTSM) menggunakan Model Kano. Pemilihan Model Kano adalah disebabkan model tersebut menetapkan prioriti dalam memberikan perkhidmatan terbaik. Instrumen kaji selidik dibina berasaskan instrumen SERVQUAL yang tertumpu kepada lima dimensi penting bagi mendapat maklum balas berkenaan kerjasama daripada penyelia, keselesaan di bilik penyelidikan dan perkhidmatan yang diberikan oleh staf daripada Unit Pengajian Siswazah (UPS). Responden bagi kaji selidik ini ialah 96 orang pelajar Sarjana dan Doktor Falsafah tanpa mengira pelajar tempatan atau antarabangsa. Hasil analisis menggunakan Model Kano mendapati satu-satunya aspek yang perlu berjalan lancar bagi memastikan keperluan pelajar Siswazah dipenuhi adalah komunikasi antara penyelia dan pelajar. Kaji selidik ini juga mendapat beberapa cadangan berguna bagi tujuan penambahbaikan terhadap perkhidmatan di FTSM. Melalui kaji selidik seperti ini, tahap kepuasan pelajar Siswazah dapat diketahui dengan lebih jelas dan pihak pentadbiran FTSM dapat meningkatkan tahap perkhidmatan yang diberikan di FTSM pada satu tahap yang lebih baik

    Indeks kepuasan pelajar siswazah terhadap prasarana penyelidikan di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

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    Revolusi Perindustrian Keempat membawa cabaran baharu kepada institusi pengajian tinggi bagi menarik peluang untuk aktiviti penyelidikan berkualiti tinggi. Bagi memastikan institusi dapat menyokong secara tekal penyelidikan berimpak tinggi, prasarana bersesuaian disediakan sebagai pemangkin aktiviti penyelidikan cemerlang. Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti tahap kepuasan pelajar siswazah terhadap prasarana penyelidikan di Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), dan mengukur indeks kepuasan terhadap prasarana penyelidikan. Kajian dilaksanakan terhadap sampel 992 orang pelajar siswazah UKM melalui kaedah tinjauan dengan menggunakan borang soal selidik. Enam faktor prasarana penyelidikan telah dikenal pasti dan dianalisis, iaitu perpustakaan, perkhidmatan pelajar, kemudahan fizikal, kemudahan keselamatan, kemudahan awam, dan kafeteria. Hasil kajian menunjukkan lebih 60% daripada item dikaji berada dalam kategori tahap kepuasan yang tinggi. Bagi Indeks Kepuasan Pelajar, UKM memperlihatkan pencapaian cemerlang bagi faktor perpustakaan, pencapaian baik bagi empat faktor berkaitan penyediaan kemudahan dan pencapaian sederhana bagi faktor kafeteria. Pengukuran kualiti prasarana berasaskan persepsi pelajar adalah penting bagi membantu menambah baik sektor penyelidikan dan menjadi tanda aras perkhidmatan penyelidikan

    Technology Integration to Promote Desire to Learn Programming in Higher Education

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    The use of technology integration is the way of innovation in todayā€™s world-class learning. Technology integration is a combination of technologies such as computers, mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, digital cameras, the internet, and more in the practice of daily lecture sessions. Technology integration could help the process of learning especially for courses that considered as tough by the students. Therefore, educators need to be aware of the choice of methods or approaches so that teaching and learning are conducted in meaningful ways. Programming courses are compulsory for students in Faculty of Information Sciences and Technology, National University of Malaysia. However, some students find it difficult to excel in programming courses. In this study, technology integration in learning programming courses challenges the limitations of student opportunities in solving real problems lead to inconsistently use of the expertise and skills. In addition, the challenge of learning programming leads students to generate rote learning. Hence, technology integration in learning programming should be appropriate with the application of technology and applying meaningful learning so that the technology integration will be effective and meaningful. This study is conducted to propose and verify a technology integration framework for learning programming courses. Stratified Random Sampling through quantitative study method is used which involving 109 respondents. Quantitative data are analyzed using multiple linear regression method. Based on previous studies, five factors have been identified namely learning technology, learning competence, technology implementation, meaningful learning and contextual learning that would affect studentsā€™ desire to learn programming courses. The results discover that all the factors have significant relationships in influencing the desire to learn programming courses among undergraduate students for the faculty. This study is expected to assist educators and administrators to apply and improve the use of technology integration in meaningful learning for programming courses

    Indikator kewibawaan maklumat Islam di media sosial melalui kesepakatan pakar

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    Media sosial merupakan alat penting dalam perkongsian maklumat yang dapat menyebar maklumat dengan segera berbanding media arus perdana tradisional. Sarjana Islam juga menggunakan media sosial bagi tujuan dakwah untuk mendekati belia khususnya kerana sifat mereka yang celik digital. Namun, sesetengah maklumat sukar ditentukan kebenarannya, sengaja direka untuk mencetus perbalahan atau sengaja ditular untuk menyokong sentimen. Maklumat Islam yang tidak tepat dikhuatiri merosakkan akidah belia muslim yang kurang matang dan banyak bergantung kepada media sosial untuk mencari sumber maklumat yang diperlukan. Kajian empirikal berkaitan dengan indikator kewibawaan maklumat Islam di media sosial yang sah adalah terhad. Objektif kajian adalah untuk mengenal pasti dan mengesahkan dimensi dan indikator kewibawaan maklumat Islam di media sosial. Kajian menggunakan kaedah perbincangan kumpulan fokus sebagai sebahagian daripada proses pengesahan dalam fasa reka bentuk dan pembangunan, metod Fuzzy Delphi (FDM). Data kumpulan fokus yang dilanjutkan dengan soal selidik terhadap 15 panel pakar digunakan untuk menilai dan mengesah definisi indikator kewibawaan maklumat Islam. Keputusan menunjukkan kebanyakan pengguna bersetuju indikator autoriti dan sumber penulisan berdasar Al-Quran dan hadis sahih adalah rujukan utama dalam menilai kandungan maklumat Islam. Pengguna tidak hanya memproses maklumat secara sistematik, tetapi juga mengambil kira ciri kandungan maklumat dan pengaruh sosial rangkaian terdekat apabila menilai kewibawaan maklumat dalam talian. Hasil kajian adalah indikator kewibawaan maklumat yang sah yang dapat membantu pengguna media sosial terutama belia muslim untuk menentukan kesahihan dan sumber maklumat Islam di media sosial. Kajian dimanfaat bagi mencadangkan beberapa cara untuk menjalankan penyelidikan dan penilaian kewibawaan maklumat Islam dalam talian

    Factors Affecting FTSM Studentsā€™ Achievement in Statistics Course

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    AbstractIn learning a statistics course, students are forced to deal with complicated formula which makes them feel under a lot of pressure and find it difficult to understand certain concepts. Previous researches show that Faculty of Information Science and Technology (FTSM) studentsā€™ achievement is only average, nevertheless their attitude towards this course is generally positive. The question is, doesnā€™t the positive attitude contribute to the studentsā€™ achievement in the course? What are the other factors which really contribute towards the studentsā€™ achievement in the statistics course? Based on this inquiry, a research is carried out to investigate the factor(s) which may affect studentsā€™ achievement in the statistics course. This survey involves first-year students from the 2010/2011 session from the FTSM. The methodology of the survey is using questionnaires. Data collected is analysed using the SPSS software version 18.0. Analysis of research data is made using the chi-squared test. Findings of the research show that demographic factors such as gender and pre-university achievements do not affect the studentsā€™ achievement. Race, program of study as well as studentsā€™ entrance qualifications are among the factors which influenced their achievement. Although attitude in general does not influence achievement, affective and cognitive components however, do relate to studentsā€™ achievement

    Construction and selection of usefulness evaluation items

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    The purpose of this research was to construct a set of indicators or items that could measure the usefulness of mathematics courseware (MC). Usefulness is a quality attribute to which a person believes that using a particular MC would enhance students mathematical understanding of certain topics and engage them in learning activities. In order to construct the items, open ended survey forms were distributed to five mathematics courseware developers. They were asked to list down the essential factors and items that are important in a of good mathematics courseware. In parallel to that several mathematics courseware reviews and evaluation instruments were analyzed. Ultimately, the preliminary survey and literature-based produced a checklist with 85 items consisting of three factors, which were usability, functionality and efficiency and seven criteria which were ease of use, attractiveness, concepts presentation, assessment, reinforcement, accuracy and learning support material. The mapping of items according to their criteria and factors are discussed. The items were then reviewed by 10 experts in two rounds of content validity check. Finally 66 usefulness items from seven factors with reliability range between 0.723 to 0.911 were produced

    Student Centered Learning in Statistics: Analysis of Systematic Review

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    AbstractThis paper reports the initial results of research relatedto student-centered learning in statistics education. Student-centered learning (SCL) suggests students to engage actively as doers in education setting who are empowered to decide on what, when, where, and how to learn. Although SCL in statistics instruction research has rapidly increased, there is little study to evaluate and synthesize the results of relevant research in this area, specifically within the context of computer support education. The objective of this paper is to identify the direction of recent research in SCL usage in statistics teaching and learning. Four research questions were raised in this study: What are the important issues in student centered concept in statistics teaching and learning? What are the SCL methods in statistics course? Which methods are used in statistics education research? What type of computer supported material sources involved? This paper applies systematic review to summarize the research by performing synthesis on research resources. Results of the review were presented and discussed in the paper


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    This study examines the contribution of a pair of opposite factors: technology versus people, and innovation vs. continuous improvement to obtain manufacturing flexibility. These factors are opposing as they play different roles in TQM and BPR. An exploratory multiple case study was conducted that involves three Malaysian manufacturing companies from electronic and electric sector. The results show that flexibility could not be achieved through technology solely, but by combining technology with people, the required outcome is attainable. By applying innovation and continuous improvement simultaneously, it will yield better flexibility than if only one of them was used. The contribution of these factors in the selected manufacturing setting could guide practitioners to obtain flexibility and verify the research model that could be tested further in a survey.Manufacturing flexibility, technology, innovation

    Model pembelajaran bermakna melalui penggunaan media sosial di institusi pendidikan tinggi

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    Dalam dunia pendidikan hari ini, penggunaan media sosial bagi menyokong tugas pengajaran dan pembelajaran diterima dan dilaksanakan secara meluas. Perkembangan ini bersesuaian dengan corak kehidupan pelajar yang mewakili generasi Z dalam mengakses maklumat dan berkomunikasi. Masih belum banyak kajian berkenaan penggunaan media sosial bagi tujuan pembelajaran bermakna yang boleh memberi pemahaman mendalam tentang perlaksanaannya di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi. Justeru, kertas ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti ciri penggunaan media sosial dan pembelajaran bermakna dan mencadangkan model pembelajaran bermakna melalui penggunaan media sosial di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi. Kajian ini dilakukan melalui pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan kajian literatur dengan melaksanakan analisis kandungan terhadap data yang dikumpulkan. Hasil kajian menunjukkan penggunaan media sosial dalam pembelajaran mempamerkan ciri kebebasan, fleksibel, autentik, individual dan masa nyata yang berpotensi untuk merangsang pelajar berinteraksi dengan bahan dan persekitaran pembelajaran bagi mengukuhkan pemahaman konsep dan mendorong kegunaan konsep dalam kehidupan. Model pembelajaran bermakna melalui penggunaan media sosial yang dicadangkan dijangka dapat memberi panduan kepada tenaga pengajar dan penyelidik tentang keserasian dua pendekatan dikaji untuk dilaksanakan di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi