6 research outputs found

    The Liver Parameters In The Collagen-Induced Arthritis Rat Model

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    The living organisms use defensive mechanisms in their struggle to keep the inner homeostasis and potect themselves from the changes induced by external factors and penetrative agents. The manifestation of these changes depends on the character, the intensity and the duration of the agents’ activity, and on the physiological characteristics of the organism (gender, age, health condition etc.). The aim of our study was to analyze, the effects of collagen-induced arthritis (that is, the autoimmune reaction and the inflammation) on some liver parameters. We determined the content of proteins, DNA and RNA. Animals with collagen-induced arthritis showed decreased relative content of proteins in liver, compared to controls. On the contrary, the relative content of DNA and RNA were increased in animals treated with collagen. Кеywords: rheumatoid arthritis, collagen-induced arthritis, inflamation, Wistar rats, proteins, DNA, RNA, serum. Introduction

    The influence of collagen type II induced arthritis over activity of certain hepatal enzymes in white lab rat

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    Колаген индуцираниот артритис доведува до автоимуно инфламаторно воспаление, што пак, од своја страна, не само што предизвикува отоци, деформитети и ограничена подвижност на зглобовите, туку предизвикува промени како на хематолошките така и на биохемиските параметри во крвта, односно серумот. Испитувани беа бели лабораториски стаорци од сојот вистар со цел да се видат ефектите на колаген индуцираниот артритис врз некои параметри на црниот дроб, како АСТ и АЛТ во серум. Од испитувањата се дојде до сознание дека активноста на аспартат трансферазата и аланин аминотрансферазата кај контролната група стаорци, кај сите единки, се движи околу некоја нормална референтна вредност, додека кај третираните животни сигнификантно се зголемува АСТ, додека вредностите на АЛТ се зголемени, но остануваат на ниво поблиску до контролната група

    l-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate influence on age- and heat exposure-dependent peroxidation in rat's liver and kidney

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    Abstract To investigate the impact of acute heat exposure on maintenance of redox homeostasis and antioxidant balance related to aging, we have determined the GSH levels in the liver and kidney, and the activity of antioxidant enzymes in the same organs from Wistar rats at two different ages, 35 days and 18 months. The animals were housed individually in a special heated chamber maintaining a constant temperature of 40±0.5 °C. The results showed that the level of endogenous GSH was significantly lower in aged than in young animals. In general, the activity of antioxidant enzymes in investigated tissues displayed an age-dependent decline. Indeed, we found unchanged CAT activity and decreased GPx activity with age. On the other hand acute heat exposure led to disproportion between peroxide metabolizing enzymes (CAT, GPx) and GR, thus promoting H2O2 accumulation and prooxidative state in the liver of young animals. The results for the impact of l-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate in combined stress model suggested that in spite of restore levels of GSH, the restoration of oxido-reductive balance might have only been partial due to irreversible alterations in antioxidant enzymes set by acute heat exposure and aging. Interestingly, young animals appeared to be more sensitive to the supplementation of the l-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate, likely because of the more extensive increase of GSH observed in young l-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate treated animals

    PGE2 concentration in teeth pulp tissue as a marker for the effectivenes of different types of treatment for periodontopathy

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    Activation of the immune system, followed by an increase in the concentration of different immune mediators (among which is found PGE2)is observed during different types of infections and diseases. In our experiment, we monitored the concentration of PGE2 in patients with generalized periodontopathy. The disease is characterized by severe inflammation of the gingival tissue

    Ефектот на високата надворешна температура во интраутериниот и раниот постнатален период врз масата протеините и нуклеинските киселини во тимусот кај белиот лабораториски стаорец

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    The thematic contents of this scientific project is to examine the characteristic reactions that appear in homoeothermic organisms (Wistar rats) during hyperthermic conditions. Our aim was to determine the influence of the high external temperature and its teratogenal potential on the Wistar laboratory rat, as a homoeothermic organism, during the intrauterine and early post natal growth and development. We recorder the body mass, absolutely and relatively to the thymus mass, the relative content of proteins in the thymus and the relative contents of RNA and DNA in the thymus of both experimental groups of animals and control groups

    Protective role of vitamins E and C in carbon tetrachloride induced acute liver damage

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    The CCL4 hepatotoxic impact is achieved when it is activated to from highly reactive radicals, which have various effects; initiation of lipid peroxidation being probably the most important one. The toxic outcome may be prevented through use of antioxidants; vitamin E presenting the first line of defence. Keeping the concentration of reduced vitamin E,requires a network of other antioxidants that can reduce the radical from of vitamin E to its native from. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that is able to reduce vitamin E directly