55 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Metode Latihan Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Permulaan Siswa Kelas I SDN Sibaluton

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis permulaan siswa kelas 1 SDN Sibaluton, untuk mengetahui penerapan pembelajaran menulis permulaan dengan metode latihan di kelas I SDN Sibaluton, agar dapat diketahui keefektifan siswa dalam penggunaan metode latihan dalam pembelajaran menulis permulaan serta untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan pembelajaran menulis permulaan dengan menggunakan metode latihan dalam upaya meningkatkan pemahaman siswa tentang bagaimana cara menulis di kelas I SDN Sibaluton. Proses pembelajaran dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode latihan dimaksudkan agar siswa dapat secara langsung melakukan latihan secara berulang-ulang agar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam menulis permulaan. Data penelitian ini dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan tes kemampuan menulis. Penelitian tindakan kelas ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus dengan hasil yang diproleh menunjukkan peningkatan dari observasi awal sebesar 10%, menjadi 60% pada siklus satu, dan mencapai 90% pada siklus dua. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode latihan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis permulaan siswa kelas 1 SDN Sibaluton

    Upaya Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Siswa Kelas I SDN Inpres Popisi Kecamatan Peling Tengah Melalui Metode Kupasnrangkai Suku Kata

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    Pokok permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnya tingkat kemampuan membaca permulaan siswa kelas I SDN Inpres Popisi dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Dari hasil observasi yang didapatkan bahwa siswa kurang termotivasi dalam belajar sehingga mengakibatkan rendahnya tingkat kemampuan membaca. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan maka peneliti menggunakan salah satu metode yaitu, metode kupas rangkai suku kata. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, peneliti melakukan penelitian tindakan kelas yang menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Perencanaan penelitian yang dilakukan berdasarkan empat tahap, yaitu 1) perencanaan, 2) pelaksanaan, 3) observasi dan 4) refleksi. Data-data yang dikumpulkan berupa data dari aktivitas guru dan siswa dengan menggunakan lembar observasi dan data hasil belajar siswa yang diperoleh dengan memberikan tes kepada siswa. Penelitian tindakan dilaksanakan sebanyak 2 siklus. Dari hasil penelitian tindakan siklus I diperoleh daya serap klasikal sebesar 66,1% dan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 57,1 %. Pada siklus II mengalami peningkatan, daya serap klasikal 83,3% dan ketuntasan klasikal 100%. Semua siswa dikatakan tuntas karena nilai-nilai yang diperoleh lebih dari 65. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode kupas rangkai suku kata dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan pada siswa kelas I SDN Inpres Popisi Kecamatan Peling Tengah

    Penerapan Pembelajaran IPA Terpadu Tipe Connected Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Siswa Tentang Materi Sistem Peredaran Darah Manusia Di Kelas VIII a SMP Negeri 17 Palu

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    This study aimed to improve students' learning motivation and learning achievement on the topic of human circulatory system of grade VIIIA at SMP Negeri 17 Palu. The method implemented in this study was classroom action research, which comprised of four stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The techniques of data collection were done through the observations on teacher's activity, observations on students' activity, questionnaire and learning achievement test. The technique of data analysis on the teacher and students' activities were done through qualitative analyses while analyses on students' learning achievement were done through individual learning mastery formula and classical learning mastery formula. The result of analyses showed that the students' activity in cycle I was 66% which was categorized as good and in cycle II they reached up to 85% with a very good category, thus it proved that there was an improvement of 19%. The teaching activity of the teacher was in good category which rated at 73% and then was categorized as very good with the value of 96% in cycle II, thus proved that there was a 23% of enhancement. The students' motivation level in cycle I showed the value of 3,43% then increased up to 4,48% in cycle II. The improvement on students' learning achievement was identified from the accomplishment of learning mastery at the pre-treatment session which was, the individual learning mastery was achieved by 14 students (44%) from the total of 32 students, then in cycle I the number increased to 20 students (63%) and finally reached 29 students ( 91%) in cycle II. Based on the result of analyses, subsequently it was explained that the classical learning mastery has been accomplished. Therefore, the implementation of the integrated science learning type connected could improve students' learning motivation and learning achievement on the topic of human circulatory system of grade VIII A at SMP Negeri 17 Palu

    Pengaruh Multi-dimensi Komitmen Organisasional Terhadap Kepuasan Kerjaakuntan Pendidik Pada Perguruan Tinggi Swasta Di Bandung

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    Educator Accountant as long one part of from accountant procession owning big enough role indetermining growth of human research in next period and affect growth of accountancy as one sciencearea.One of factor influence thing performance of educator accountant so that can run it profession better issatisfaction in work area. Satisfaction in work area to represent the positive attitude that coming fromjob experience it self.Goals which wish reached in this research are : (1) learning relation of Multidimensional oforganizational commitment developed by Allen and Meyer with the satisfaction work felt by the educatoraccountant, (2) learning influence of Multidimensional of organizational to satisfaction work, (3)learning influence of dimension of affective commitment satisfaction work, (4) learning influence ofdimension of continuance commitment to satisfaction work, (5) learning influence of dimension ofnormative commitment to satisfaction work.Research conducted descriptive and verification while reset method used descriptive survey method byusing technical of with drawls simple random sampling. Institutes which are being research object are13 private sector colleges opening programmed first degree in accountancy and accreditation B by BANPT.gathering technical used is spreading questionnaire. Analyzer used Path Analysis using programmedLisrel 8.30.Results of this research hypothesis examination express: (1) Multidimensional of organizationalcommitment with this satisfaction work is positive correlation and significant, (2) dimension of affectivecommitment have an effect on positive and significant to satisfaction work, (3) dimension of continuancecommitment have an effect on positive and significant to satisfaction work, (4) dimension of normativecommitment don't have an effect on positive and significant to satisfaction work

    Kepemimpinan Dan Insentif Finansial Terhadap Motivasi Kerja Karyawan Pada PT. Fast Food Indonesia, Tbk Cabang Megamall Manado

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    Perusahaan merupakan organisasi bisnis yang terdiri atas orang-orang, maka kepemimpinan dalam Perusahaan harus mampu memotivasi, memberikan stimulus berupa insentif finansial dan menciptakan kondisi sosial yang menguntungkan bagi karyawan agar motivasi kerja karyawan dapat meningkat. Pemberian finansial insentif yang layak dan adil cenderung akan meningkatkan motivasi kerja karyawan khususnya pada presensi karyawan untuk setiap periode. PT. Fast Food Indonesia, Tbk (KFC) cabang Megamall Manado sebagai sebuah Perusahaan harus mampu meningkatkan nilai kepemimpinan dan insentif finansialnya sehingga presensi karyawan akan optimal dan pekerjaan akan lebih efektif untuk diselesaikan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepemimpinan dan insentif finansial terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan pada PT. Fast Food Indonesia, Tbk (KFC). Sampel digunakan sebanyak 57 responden dari populasi 74 karyawan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara simultan Kepemimpinan dan Finansial berpengaruh terhadap motivasi kerja karyawan PT. Fast Food Indonesia Tbk (KFC) signifikan. Secara parsial yang dominan berpengaruh adalah kepemimpinan dengan nilai t yang lebih besar. Kata kunci: kepemimpinan, insentif finansial, motivasi kerj

    Peningkatan Aktifitas Siswa Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Interaktif pada Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam di Kelas IV Sdn 15 Nanga Pinoh Kabupaten Melawi

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    Improved Student Activities Interactive Learning Model Using On Effect Of Style In Motion Objects Lesson In Class IV IPA SDN 15 Nanga Pinoh, Melawi District. The method used is to perform the act of learning through interactive methods. This study used a qualitative approach to the design of the implementation of the class action. In this study involved pelaksanaaan peers as the mother Sa'diah observer. In particular, the purpose of this study is 1. To determine students' prior use interactive model, 2. To determine student learning outcomes after using the interactive model, 3. To determine the improvement of student learning outcomes before and after use interactive model. The results obtained in the first cycle average initial test (pre-test) 43.2 and the average post-test 53.5 so increased 10.3 average. The results obtained in the second cycle the average pre-test 51 and the average post-test 66.5 obtained an average increase of 19, mastery learning outcomes on the second cycle increased by 34% from the mastery obtained at pre-test 60% to 94 %. Based on the findings and conclusions above can be expressed several suggestions: 1. Before the start of interactive learning, students were given an explanation about the first stages of an interactive model, 2. Teachers give guidance to students who are not yet complete


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    Samama (Neolamarckia macrophylla (Roxb.) Bosser) is a type of local Indonesian commercial plant that proliferates, can grow in various types of soil, and spreads evenly naturally in Maluku, Papua, and Sulawesi which has good potential for development. Many soil microorganisms play a role in providing and absorbing nutrients by plants. To support the growth of samama in various types of soil, it is necessary to provide it with beneficial soil microbes, one of which is AMF. This research aims to determine the effect of mycorrhiza from three types of soil (entisol, inceptisol, and ultisol) from the rhizosphere of samama stands on the growth of samama seedlings in the nursery. The research was conducted in the Greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, Pattimura University, Ambon, in June-October 2022 using a non-factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with treatment of mycorrhizal soil types from under samama stands, consisting of entisol, inceptisol and ultisol soil with three replications. The result showed a very significant effect on the observed parameters (percentage of root infection (A1= 67.78%), seedling height (A1=5.66 cm), increase in diameter (A1=0.155 cm), increase in number of leaves (A2=8 .44 strands) and root dry weight (A1=0.65 gr)). Specifically, to improve the quality of growth of Samama plant seedlings, it is recommended to use the mycorrhizal entisol soil type taken from Samama stands

    Effect of Mycorrhizal Inoculation and Frequency of Watering to The Seedling Growth of Agarwood (Aquilaria malacensis, Lamk)

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    Currently, many farmers have been trying to cultivate agarwood plants, after various studies have produced fungi that can be infected to agarwood plants to produce gaharu sap. However, the propagation of agarwood plants until now still has several inhibiting factors, especially problems with soil fertility and optimal water availability for seedling growth. Controlling soil fertility using synthetic fertilizers is no longer recommended due to pollution problems, so efforts towards using biological fertilizers are now the focus of utilization. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of mycorrhizal fungus inoculation and frequency of watering on the growth of agarwood seedlings in nurseries with the growth parameters, namely: increase in plant height, stem diameter, number of leaves and percentage of mycorrhizal fungal infections in agarwood seedling roots. The research results showed that the treatment between mycorrhizal inoculation (I1) and the frequency of watering every 2 days (A2) resulted in good average growth of agarwood seedlings. This is because the highest mycorrhizal fungal infection, which is 93.3%, occurred in the treatment of the combination between mycorrhizal inoculation and the frequency of watering in every 2 days. The highest agarwood seedling was 25.70 cm, obtained from a variety of treatment between mycorrhiza inoculation and the frequency of watering in every 2 days. Meanwhile, the treatments without mycorrhizal inoculation at all levels of frequency of watering resulted low growth rates of agarwood seedlings

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Dalam Pembelajaran IPA Dengan Metode Demonstrasi Di Kelas IV SDN 14 Ampana

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    Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) ini dilaksanakan di kelas IV SDN 14 Ampana dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 20 orang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam pembelajaran IPA dengan metode demonstrasi di kelas IV SDN 14 Ampana, yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Data yang diambil dari penelitian ini adalah data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif. Data kualitatif diperoleh dari hasil observasi aktivitas siswa dan aktivitas guru pada saat proses belajar mengajar berlangsung sedangkan data kuantitatif diperoleh dari hasil belajar siswa pada setiap akhir tindakan. Hasil analisa data kualitatif dari lembar observasi siswa pada siklus I menyatakan cukup dan pada siklus II sangat baik. Selanjutnya hasil analisa data kuantitatif hasil tes tindakan siklus I diperoleh siswa yang tuntas 12 orang dari 20 orang siswa dengan persentase daya serap klasikal sebesar 64,0% dan ketuntasan belajar klasikal sebesar 60,0%. Pada siklus II hasil tes akhir tindakan mengalami peningkatan, siswa yang tuntas 18 orang dari 20 orang siswa dengan persentase daya serap klasikal sebesar 86,5% dan ketuntasan belajar klasikal sebesar 90,0%. Dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hasil yang diperoleh dari siklus I dan II baik hasil observasi aktivitas siswa dan guru maupun hasil tes akhir tindakan mengalami peningkatan. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa penggunaan metode demonstrasi dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SDN 14 Ampana pada mata pelajaran IPA
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