40 research outputs found

    Realitas Bernalar Kritis Elemen Profil Pelajar Pancasila Wacana Membaca Buku Teks Bahasa Indonesia Sekolah Dasar

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    Pembelajaran karakteristik bercirikan kepribadian bangsa merupakan fundamental terpenting dalam pengembangan potensi anak didik menjadi manusia yang bertaqwa kepada Tuhan YME, berakhlak, berpengetahuan, memiliki kecakapan, bernalar berkepekaan, dalam jiwa kemandirian, serta menjadi warga negara yang demokratis bertanggung jawab sebagai manusia yang mampu bernalar kritis. Riset bertujuan mendeskripsikan realitas nilai-nilai bernalar kritis elemen Profil Pelajar Pancasila pada wacana sastra Membaca Buku Teks Bahasa Indonesia Sekolah Dasar. Kajian menggunakan ancangan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan konsep dasar analitik-didaktis, teknis riset deskrifiti-kualitatif digunakan sebagai upaya pemahaman dan interpretasi nilai-nilai bernalar kritis yang terdapat dalam wacana membaca. Akumulasi bahan kajian menggunakan konsep telaah teks-konteks wacana, pendataan kajian meliputi nilai bernalar, berpikir kritis elemen kunci Profil Pelajar Pancasila, serta implikasi dan solusinya. Hasil riset menyatakan bahwa ditemukan aplikasi karakter nilai-nilai berpikir kritis dalam wacana Membaca Buku Teks Bahasa Indonesia Sekolah dasar Alam Sekitar

    Analisis Nilai Budi Pekerti Luhur Kumpulan Cerita Pendek Anak Aku Anak Baik Anisa Widiyarti

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    Indikasi cerita pendek anak dengan segala kisah mempesona, mengharukan, berdampak pada sikap memaksa bertindak, sehingga kekurangan perwatakan mengurangi fungsi terapan. Kesenjangan deskripsi fungsi terapan keteladanan lakuan tokoh secara jelas berimplikasi minim edukasi. Tujuan penelitian menggambarkan adanya permasalahan nilai moral dan agama sebagai bagian fungsi terapan nilai edukatif budi pekerti luhur. Pengkajian berdasar konsep pendekatan kualitatif deskripstif mengacu pada pendekatan analitik dan didaktik. Teknik observasi deskriptif sebagai upaya pemahaman dan interpretasi topik kajian. Pengumpulan data dengan menganalisis teks (kebahasaan) sebagai dokumenter yang berupa data terkait kesenjangan fungsi terapan nilai moral, dan agama. Hasil menunjukkan cerita pendek anak karya Anisa Widiyarti terdapat kesenjangan fungsi terapan nilai edukatif berbudi pekerti luhur akibat penokohan hanya menekankan adegan insiden dan kejadian

    Pengaruh Media Belajar terhadap Perkembangan Belajar Peserta Didik Siswa SD

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    Fundamental penyebab percepatan tujuan pengajaran salah satunya adalah sumber media untuk pembelajaran. Realitas bahwa pelaksanaan pembelajaran masih berhadapan beberapa kendala & kompleksitas konvensional, maka diperlukannya daya dukung bukan Cuma finansial, akan tetapi diadakannya berbagai macam media pembelajaran. Sumber media pembelajaran yang seharusnya menjadi tolok ukur percepatan siswa dalam pemahaman esensial materi ajar menjadi faktor pendukung ketercapaian indikator capaian mapela. SLR, riset perpustakaan, dikhusukan penelitian teks, terdahulu atau baru, objek 10 artikel. Menunjukkan pengaruh cukup besar dalam perkembangan belajar,  peserta didik semakin berkembang dalam pembelajarannya, baik dari pemahamam materi yang dijelaskan guru saat pembelajaran berlangsung maupun saat mengerjakan tugas mereka

    Story-telling: Upaya Meningkatkan Daya Simak dalam Keterampilan Menyimak Interaktif Berbahasa

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    Keterampilan menyimak merupakan suatu kegiatan berbahasa yang bertujuan menangkap dan memahami lafal, ujaran, intonasi, makna kata-kata atau kelompok kata, kalimat, alinea atau paragraf, untuk mengungkapkan ide/gagasan yang disampaikan. Proses kognitif penyimak menjadi pengaruh  kemampuan menyimak dan tidak mungkin dapat diamati secara langsung. Melalui story telling, bercerita, mendongeng baik yang bersifat fiksi maupun nonfiksi sesuai yang diinginkan akan memberikan kemudahan daya simak anak didik dalam mencerna makna dan isi pesan yang dikandungnya. Melalui pemahaman kegiatan berbicara melalui dongeng dengan menekankan menyimak akan terjadi akulturasi pola sikap dan tingkah laku siswa didik

    Verbleib und Verhalten von bromierten Flammschutzmitteln (BFRs) bei der simulierten Schlammbehandlung

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    Sewage sludge is a main sink of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and is likely a carrier of further emission of the compounds into the environment. Detailed knowledge about the fate and behaviour of BFRs during sludge treatment, thus, is important in order to prevent further distribution of BFRs in the environment. In this study, batch experiments of BFRs in sludge under different conditions (anaerobic, aerobic, anaerobic-aerobic, and UV/Vis irradiation) were performed in order to simulate different treatment processes of sludge. Four test compounds were selected: tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA), hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209), and decabromodiphenyl ethane (deBDethane). In the anaerobic batch test, the dissipation rate decreased according to the following order: HBCD > TBBPA > BDE-209 >> deBDethane. It was found that anaerobic conditions are preferable for BFRs degradation by reductive debromination. In the aerobic batch test, the dissipation of BFRs was slower, and the order of dissipation was as the following: HBCD >> TBBPA > BDE-209 ~ deBDethane. Higher than anaerobic dissipation rates for BFRs were not measured under the sequential anaerobic-aerobic treatment. In the UV/Vis irradiation test, fast dissipation of BDE-209 and HBCD was observed, and the order of dissipation was as the following: BDE-209 ~ HBCD > TBBPA >> deBDethane. The irradiation test also showed that dissipation process was highly dependent on the penetration of light into the deeper layer of the sludge. Degradation products of test compounds were detected during the batch tests. Lower brominated congeners were identified as biodegradation products of BDE-209 under anaerobic and UV/Vis irradiation test. In total, not all BFRs have to be classified as persistent in sewage sludge. DeBDethane was the most persistent compound under all test conditions. It is remarkable since deBDethane was chosen for replacement of BDE-209 in the context of PBDD/PBDF regulation.Klärschlamm ist eine Hauptsenke der bromierten Flammschutzmittel (BFRs), welcher wahrscheinlich zur weiteren Emission dieser Verbindungen in die Umwelt beiträgt. Detaillierte Kenntnisse über den Verbleib und das Verhalten von BFRs während der Schlammbehandlung sind wichtig um eine weitere Verteilung der BFRs in die Umwelt zu verhindern. In dieser Studie wurden Batchexperimente mit BFRs in Schlamm unter verschiedenen Bedingungen (anaerob, aerob, anaerob-aerob und UV/Vis-Bestrahlung) durchgeführt um die verschiedenen Behandlungsverfahren von Schlamm zu simulieren. Vier Testverbindungen wurden ausgewählt: Tetrabrombisphenol A (TBBPA), Hexabromcyclododecan (HBCD), Decabromdiphenylether (BDE-209) und Decabromdiphenylethan (deBDethane). Beim anaeroben Batch-Test nahmen die Verlustraten nach folgender Reihenfolge ab: HBCD > TBBPA > BDE-209 >> deBDethane. Es wurde festgestellt, dass der Abbau von BFRs unter anaerobe Bedingungen aufgrund von reduktiven Debromierungen begünstigt wird. Beim aeroben Batch-Test fanden die Konzentrationsabnahmen langsamer statt. Es wurde folgende Reihenfolge der Verlustraten ermittelt: HBCD >> TBBPA > BDE-209 ~ deBDethane. Bei der sequentiellen anaeroben-aeroben Schlammbehandlung wurden geringere Verlustraten gemessen als unter anaerobe Bedingungen. Im UV/Vis-Bestrahlungstest wurde eine schnelle Konzentrationsabnahme von BDE-209 und HBCD beobachtet. Die Reihenfolge der Verlustraten waren wie folgt: BDE-209 ~ HBCD > TBBPA >> deBDethane. Der Bestrahlungstest zeigte ebenfalls, dass die Konzentrationsannahme stark abhängig von der Eindringtiefe des Lichts in die Schichten des Schlamms war. Abbauprodukte der Testverbindungen wurden während der Batchexperimente festgestellt. Nieder bromierte Kongenere wurden als biologische Abbauprodukte von BDE-209 unter anaeroben und UV/Vis-Bestrahlungstest identifiziert. Zusammenfassend ist zu bemerken, dass nicht alle BFRs einen persistenten Charakter im Klärschlamm aufweisen. DeBDethane war die Verbindung, die unter allen Testbedingungen die höchste Persistenz aufwies. In dem Zusammenhang ist es bemerkenswert, dass deBDethane im Rahmen der PBDD/PBDF Regelung als Ersatz für BDE-209 gewählt wurde

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Flavonoids Content in Fruit of Okra (Abelmoschus escullentus L. Moench) from Magelang Central Java Indonesia

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    Okra (Abelmoschus escullentus L. Moench) is a vital vegetable crop widely grown in tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world with high medicinal value. its great potential use as a medicinal plant. Okra is rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, minerals, free amino acids, as well as bioactive ingredients, such as flavonoids, alkaloids, steroids, terpenoids. Flavonoids are one important bioactive with many biological activities, such as anti-hepatotoxic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant. In this work, the optimum extraction conditions and spectrophotometric method for determining the total flavonoid content from the fruit of okra were investigated. The coarse powder of fruits of okra from Magelang Central Java Indonesia was subjected to extraction by the maceration method with different solvents (water, hexane, and ethyl alcohol). Qualitative analysis using a TLC method of flavonoids was performed in optimized systems chloroform : acetone : formic acid (75 : 16.5 : 8.5 v/v), and visualization by observing on UV lamp (at l = 254 and 366 nm) spraying with reagent ammonia. UV-Vis spectrophotometry analysis for quantification of flavonoid was previously validated in terms of linearity, the limit of detection, the limit of quantification, precision, and accuracy. The quantitative results of the fruits crude extracts of okra revealed the percentage yield of the flavonoids at the level of 4.41 mg/g ethanolic extract, which was significantly higher than that of the other extracts. The findings of the present study suggest that the okra fruit extracts have significant amounts of total flavonoid with potential applications in biomedical and pharmaceutical fields


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    Indonesian society in general is bilingual. They mastered the first language (B1) of the local language and discussed the second (B2) Indonesian language. There is a small part of the multilingual community, besides mastering BD and BI, also mastering foreign languages. Nevertheless, the mastery process of each language varies according to the development of Indonesian society. Regarding language and culture, the famous adage that has become truism is "language exists and grows in a cultural environment, and cultural values are expressed in a typical manner in the local language" symptoms associated with the occurrence of bilingual societies in Indonesia specifically or in the world at generally, the other one is through language contact. language contact is the influence of one language on another language either directly or indirectly. due to the occurrence of language contact for users of the language is often interferent or transfer arises. A form of language relativity and cultural relativity is a form of sporadic cultural values often revealed at the lexical level. If the relativity of language and cultural relativity are brought into the realm of second language teaching or foreign languages, there will probably be misunderstandings in communication and in the learning process

    Synthesis and Characterization of Pectin–Chitosan crosslinked of BADGE for Adsorbents Candidate of Textile Dye Waste Water

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    The increasing development of the textile industry in Indonesia has resulted in a negative effect on the dyes' wastewater that can pollute the environment. There are several methods developed to reduce the dyestuff levels in water pollution, such as coagulation and flocculation, membrane filtration, adsorption, precipitation, photocatalytic degradation, ion exchange, advanced oxidation, and biological treatment. In order to find out the solution, it is necessary to process liquid dyes waste, which has several advantages, including the relatively low cost and high efficiency in the process of absorbing liquid dyes. Commercial Chitosan and Pectin, Bisphenol A Diglysidyl Ether (BADGE) were purchased from Sigma Aldrich (Germany), Aceton, Acetic Acid 5%, and Aquadest. Mesoporous Pectin-Chitosan crosslinked BADGE (Pec-Chi-BADGE) membrane was successfully synthesized by the coacervation method, by mixing chitosan solution in 5% acetic acid and pectin solution in aqua dest, then added BADGE as a crosslinker to the solution.  The structure and surface characteristics of Chi-Pec-BADGE membranes were analysed using Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and XRD. Based on the FTIR characterization indicate that pectin chitosan crosslinked BADGE was successfully synthesized. The results showed that Chi-Pec-BADGE membranes could show the shift of peaks characterized by FTIR meant interactions of functional groups carboxyl, amine, and hydrogen. The results of XRD show that the Chi-Pec-BADGE membranes characteristic was amorphous. Furthermore, SEM data shows that the structure of the adsorbent was porous


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    Indonesian society in general is bilingual. They mastered the first language (B1) of the local language and discussed the second (B2) Indonesian language. There is a small part of the multilingual community, besides mastering BD and BI, also mastering foreign languages. Nevertheless, the mastery process of each language varies according to the development of Indonesian society. Regarding language and culture, the famous adage that has become truism is "language exists and grows in a cultural environment, and cultural values are expressed in a typical manner in the local language" symptoms associated with the occurrence of bilingual societies in Indonesia specifically or in the world at generally, the other one is through language contact. language contact is the influence of one language on another language either directly or indirectly. due to the occurrence of language contact for users of the language is often interferent or transfer arises. A form of language relativity and cultural relativity is a form of sporadic cultural values often revealed at the lexical level. If the relativity of language and cultural relativity are brought into the realm of second language teaching or foreign languages, there will probably be misunderstandings in communication and in the learning process

    Utilization of Powerful Words in Compiling Effective Communication Materials

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    In the Indonesian language course, communication can be included in the area of speaking and writing. To carry out effective communication, the stages must be carried out, namely fact finding, planning, communicating, and evaluation. The purpose of this research is to describe the concept map of effective communication material based on powerful words. This research method uses qualitative research methods with data sources in the form of books by Erwin Parengkuan et al. entitled Talk-inc Points published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Trianto's book entitled Designing an innovative-progressive learning model published by KencanaPrenada Media Group.  The data analysis carried out by researchers is as follows: (1) data reduction (2) displaying data by compiling relevant data, (3) drawing conclusions to get a meaning that scattered symptoms have deep meaning. The results of this study indicate that the use of powerful words in the preparation of effective communication materials produces a concept map for effective communication materials. Making a concept map for effective communication material becomes easier to learn and understand, that in effective communication there are four stages that must be done, namely fact finding, planning, communicating, and evaluation.&nbsp