498 research outputs found

    Geodesic equations and algebro-geometric methods

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    For an investigation of the physical properties of gravitational fields the observation of massive test particles and light is very useful. The characteristic features of a given space-time may be decoded by studying the complete set of all possible geodesic motions. Such a thorough analysis can be accomplished most effectively by using analytical methods to solve the geodesic equation. In this contribution, the use of elliptic functions and their generalizations for solving the geodesic equation in a wide range of well known space-times, which are part of the general Pleba\'nski-Demia\'nski family of solutions, will be presented. In addition, the definition and calculation of observable effects like the perihelion shift will be presented and further applications of the presented methods will be outlined.Comment: 8 pages, no figures; based on presentation at the conference "Relativity and Gravitation: 100 Years after Einstein in Prague," Prague, 2012. Relativity and Gravitation, volume 157 of Springer Proceedings in Physics, p 91. Springer International Publishing, 201

    Separate and Unequal at Hillsborough High: A Principal’s Challenges in Integrating “Academic” and Career and Technical Education Coursework

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    Dr. Edward White, Hillsborough High School principal, has decided to allocate faculty in-service time to address an unproductive chasm between academic and Career and Technical Education programming within the school, which has created tensions among the faculty. Upon returning to his office after the professional development session, which was generally positive, he is confronted by his associate principal for curriculum, who is upset because she was excluded from the process. This case provides an opportunity for students to explore the importance of developing a college- and career- readiness curriculum, as well as to strategize mechanisms to resolve conflicts among colleagues

    Racial/Ethnic and Gender Equity Patterns in Illinois High School Career and Technical Education Coursework

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    This study analyzed high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) enrollments in Illinois, with comparisons to national data when possible, by career cluster and pathway and with respect to gender and racial/ethnic makeup of students. Enrollment patterns in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) CTE programming were emphasized. Gender and ethnicity- based inequities were found in certain areas and more equitable patterns were apparent in others. Of concern, student enrollment in courses fitting within STEM pathways included substantially greater male than female participation (64.1% male vs. 35.9% female), whereas other pathways showed the reverse enrollment pattern (45.0% male and 55.0% female). With respect to ethnicity, all subgroups except White students were underrepresented in CTE programming in general. The underrepresentation was exacerbated for all but Asian students when concerning STEM CTE programming. Considering implications, we recommend heightened focus, support, and goal setting concerning equity of CTE programming

    Enantiomeric separation and quantitative determination of propranolol enantiomers in pharmaceutical preparations by chiral liquid chromatography

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    Neste trabalho é descrito um método validado empregando a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com fase estacionária quiral para a separação e determinação quantitativa dos enantiômeros do propranolol em formulações farmacêuticas. A separação foi obtida em meio orgânico polar empregando a coluna ±-Burke 2® como fase estacionária quiral (250 x 4,6 mm, 5 µm) e fase móvel constituída por diclorometano: metanol (90:10 v/v) juntamente com 12 mM de acetato de amônio e vazão de 0,9 mL/min. A detecção foi efetuada por absorção no ultravioleta a 280 nm. Em todos casos o tempo de corrida foi menor do que 10 min. O coeficiente de correlação obtido pelo método de regressão linear foi de 0,9995 para o R-prop e de 0,9998 para o S-prop. A precisão intra-dia, expressa como desvio padrão relativo, foi menor do que 2%. A exatidão, determinada pela recuperação média de R- e S-prop nas amostras foi de 97,3% e 100,1% para a amostra comercial e de 99,5% e 100,4% para a amostra simulada, respectivamente. Excelentes níveis para os limites de detecção (1,34 ng) e de quantificação (4,47 ng), além do tempo rápido de eluição dos enantiômeros do propranolol, confirmam a aplicabilidade do método no controle de qualidade de preparações farmacêuticas contendo este fármaco.This paper describes validated direct liquid chromatographic chiral methods for enantiomeric separation and quantitative determination of clinically significant ²-blocking agent, propranolol. A liquid chromatographic method was validated and applied for enantiomeric determination of propranolol enantiomers in pharmaceutical formulations. Separation were obtained in polar organic mode on a ±-Burke 2® chiral stationary phase (250 x 4.6 mm, 5µm) with mobile phase composed of dichloromethane:methanol (90:10 v/v), along with 12 mM of ammonium acetate, at a flow rate of 0.9 mL/min. Detection was made by ultraviolet absorption at 280 nm. In all cases the run time was less than 10 min. The correlation coefficient for linear regression curves of R-propranolol and S-propranolol were 0.9995 and 0.9998 respectively. The intra-day precision, expressed as RSD was less than 2%. The accuracy determined by average recovery of R-propranolol and S-propranolol from sample matrices were 97.3% and 100.1% in commercial sample and 99.5% and 100.4% in simulated samples, respectively. Excellent levels of limit of detection (mean value = 1.34 ng) and limit of quantitation (mean value = 4.47 ng), along with rapid elution time of both enantiomers, makes the method useful for routine enantiomeric quality control applications

    Characteristics of Tenure-Line Faculty in Leadership Preparation Programs: An Analysis of Academic Preparation and Administrative Experience

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    This study investigated the credentials of 755 tenure-line educational leadership faculty members, using data collected through an online questionnaire. Findings disclosed that research institutions were significantly more likely than doctoral or comprehensive institutions to hire faculty with a PhD from a research university and who identified research as their primary professional strength. A greater proportion of faculty in comprehensive universities had served as school administrators before entering academe than was the case for those at research universities. These findings have significant implications for the field, given that an increasing number of school leaders nationally are prepared at comprehensive institutions

    Particle motion in the field of a five-dimensional charged black hole

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    In this paper, we have investigated the geodesics of neutral particles near a five-dimensional charged black hole using a comparative approach. The effective potential method is used to determine the location of the horizons and to study radial and circular trajectories. This also helps us to analyze the stability of radial and circular orbits. The radius of the innermost stable circular orbits have also been determined. Contrary to the case of massive particles for which, the circular orbits may have up to eight possible values of specific radius, we find that the photons will only have two distinct values for the specific radii of circular trajectories. Finally we have used the dynamical systems analysis to determine the critical points and the nature of the trajectories for the timelike and null geodesics.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Patient versus provider incentives in long-term care

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    How do patient and provider incentives affect the provision of long-term care? Our analysis of 551 thousand nursing home stays yields three main insights. First, Medicaid-covered residents prolong their stays instead of transitioning to community-based care due to limited cost-sharing. Second, when facility capacity binds, nursing homes shorten Medicaid stays to admit more profitable out-of-pocket private payers. Third, providers react more elastically to financial incentives than patients. Thus, targeting provider incentives through alternative payment models, such as episode-based reimbursement, is more effective than increasing patient cost-sharing in facilitating transitions to community-based care and generating long-term care saving

    Lense-Thirring Precession in Pleba\'nski-Demia\'nski spacetimes

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    An exact expression of Lense-Thirring precession rate is derived for non-extremal and extremal Pleba\'nski-Demia\'nski spacetimes. This formula is used to find the exact Lense-Thirring precession rate in various axisymmetric spacetimes, like: Kerr, Kerr-Newman, Kerr-de Sitter etc. We also show, if the Kerr parameter vanishes in Pleba\'nski-Demia\'nski(PD) spacetime, the Lense-Thirring precession does not vanish due to the existence of NUT charge. To derive the LT precession rate in extremal Pleba\'nski-Demia\'nski we first derive the general extremal condition for PD spacetimes. This general result could be applied to get the extremal limit in any stationary and axisymmetric spacetimes.Comment: 9 pages, Some special modifications are mad