7 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy and cognitive therapy in patients with major depressive disorder

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    Background: Depression is one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders that imposes a heavy economic, emotional and social burden on patients, families and society. Objectives: The present study aimed to compare the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and cognitive therapy (CT) in treating Iranian women patients with major depressive disorder (MDD). Methods: Nineteen women outpatients meeting DSM-IV-TR criteria for MDD without any axis 2 disorders were randomly (goaloriented and convenience sampling) assigned to one of two treatment conditions, i.e. ACT and CT. The intervention in acceptance and commitment therapy group that was conducted was based on the Zeattle manual for major depressive disorder. Twelve therapeutic sessions were administered in the consulting center of Tehran university twice a week. The control group received 12 sessions of cognitive therapy based on Ferry manual twice a week in the consulting center of Tehran university, too. The Beck depression inventory-II-second edition (BDI-II), acceptance and act questionnaire (AAQ-II) and dysfunctional attitude scale (DAS) were administered for pre-treatment, post-treatment and follow-up. The data was analyzed by repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). Results: ANCOVA results showed that there were significant differences between ACT and CT in dysfunctional attitude. The ACT group demonstrated significant improvement in acceptance in the pre-test and post-test stage. All the participants demonstrated significant improvement in depression. Conclusions: As ACT improved depression and acceptance of internal experiences, it is recommended for depression as an effective psychotherapy. ƂĀ© 2017, Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences

    The Effect of Energy Dissipation Systems on the Four- Story Steel Structure by Comparing Them

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    The present study tries to peruse a four- story steel structure by coaxial bracing by using dissipating energy mechanisms and the comparison of these systems. It is obvious that the structure cannot withstand the earthquake forces and should be retrofitted in any way. Therefore, the research examines the performance of resistance structure under San Fernado earthquake record designed in DBE level by embedding the mechanisms of dissipation energy like seismic base isolation system, viscous and pall friction damper. Finally, the values of responses and forces are compared in each case of strength. To compare the effects of systems on main parameters such as stories drift and base shear, input and dissipated energy of structures are studied by various types of systems. The findings suggest the seismic isolation system reduces the base shear in the maximum extent and the friction damper has better performance on energy dissipation

    Acute Effect of One Incremental Exhausting Cycling Session with Hand on the Response of T and NK Cells of Immune System in Student Athletes

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    Introduction: Various sorts of physical activites cause various changes in body immune system. The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effect of one incremental exhausting cycling session with hand on the response of T and NK cells of immune system of male physical education students. Methods: In this study, twenty male subjects with mean age of 22.4Ā±1.8(SD) years, mean Vo2 max 41.7Ā±7.1(SD) ml/kg/min and mean BMI 23Ā±1.87(SD) kg/m2 were divided randomly into control(n=10) and experimental group(n=10). The subjects of experimental group performed Sawaka. Protocol, whereas the subjects of control group did not participate in any exercise activity. Blood samples were taken from brachial vein of control and experimental subjects during pre-test, post-test and two hours after the end of exercise. For analysis of statistical data, t-independent and t-correlated tests ( =0.05 significant) were used. Results: Immediately after training, the percentage of CD8 (T) and CD16.56 (NK) cells increased significantly (Pā‰¤0.005, Pā‰¤0.001). On the other hand, the ratio of CD4/CD8 cells and the percentage of CD4 (T) cells showed significant decrease (Pā‰¤0.002, Pā‰¤0.001). In addition, the percentage of CD56 and CD16 (NK) cells did not change significantly. It is worth mentioning that these changes after two hours returned to the normal state at the end of the sport test (Pā‰¤0.251, Pā‰¤0.229). Conclusion: One acute training session with hand causes both increase and decrease in T and NK cells of immune system function. But, these changes are temporary and return back to normal levels within a few hours