27 research outputs found

    Leptin promotes meiotic progression and developmental capacity of bovine oocytes via cumulus cell-independent and -dependent mechanisms

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    Leptin has been shown to exert positive effects during the maturation of bovine oocytes, influencing blastocyst development, apoptosis, and the transcript levels of developmentally important genes. The present study was conducted to characterize further the mechanisms of leptin action on oocytes and the role of cumulus cells (CCs) in this context. In the first series of experiments, cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were matured in serum-free medium that contained 0, 1 or 10 ng/ml leptin or in medium that was supplemented with 10% (v/v) estrus cow serum (ECS). Leptin concentrations of 1 and 10 ng/ml stimulated the meiotic progression of oocytes. Moreover, TUNEL staining demonstrated that these leptin doses reduced the proportion of apoptotic CCs. In the second series of experiments, COCs or denuded oocytes (DOs) were matured in the presence of 0 or 10 ng/ml leptin. The percentages of COCs and DOs with extruded polar bodies were increased by leptin. In contrast, positive effects of leptin on fertilization rates and blastocyst development were only observed after treatment of COCs but not of DOs. Leptin treatment of COCs consistently enhanced blastocyst development even after parthenogenetic activation of oocytes or after the removal of CCs before fertilization. The proportion of polyspermic oocytes was not affected by leptin treatment or oocyte denudation. In the third series of experiments, COCs were matured in the presence of 0, 1 or 10 ng/ml leptin. The transcript levels of specific genes were determined by reverse transcriptase-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) analysis of cumulus cells and single oocytes. Leptin treatment increased the levels of FAS, FASLG, and STAT3 transcripts in oocytes, but did not affect the LEPR, BAX, and BIRC4 mRNA concentrations. In cumulus cells, leptin treatment increased the mRNA levels for LEPR, STAT3, BAX, BIRC4, and FAS, but did not alter FASLG mRNA abundance. In conclusion, leptin differentially regulates gene expression in oocytes and cumulus cells. Moreover, leptin enhances both oocyte maturation and developmental capacity via cumulus cell-independent and -dependent mechanisms

    Characterization of chromosome structures of Falconinae (Falconidae, Falconiformes, Aves) by chromosome painting and delineation of chromosome rearrangements during their differentiation

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    Karyotypes of most bird species are characterized by around 2n = 80 chromosomes, comprising 7–10 pairs of large- and medium-sized macrochromosomes including sex chromosomes and numerous morphologically indistinguishable microchromosomes. The Falconinae of the Falconiformes has a different karyotype from the typical avian karyotype in low chromosome numbers, little size difference between macrochromosomes and a smaller number of microchromosomes. To characterize chromosome structures of Falconinae and to delineate the chromosome rearrangements that occurred in this subfamily, we conducted comparative chromosome painting with chicken chromosomes 1–9 and Z probes and microchromosome-specific probes, and chromosome mapping of the 18S–28S rRNA genes and telomeric (TTAGGG) n sequences for common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) (2n = 52), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus) (2n = 50) and merlin (Falco columbarius) (2n = 40). F. tinnunculus had the highest number of chromosomes and was considered to retain the ancestral karyotype of Falconinae; one and six centric fusions might have occurred in macrochromosomes of F. peregrinus and F. columbarius, respectively. Tandem fusions of microchromosomes to macrochromosomes and between microchromosomes were also frequently observed, and chromosomal locations of the rRNA genes ranged from two to seven pairs of chromosomes. These karyotypic features of Falconinae were relatively different from those of Accipitridae, indicating that the drastic chromosome rearrangements occurred independently in the lineages of Accipitridae and Falconinae

    Quantitative monitoring of pluripotency gene activation after somatic cloning in cattle

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    The development of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos critically depends on appropriate reprogramming and expression of pluripotency genes, such as Pou5f1/POU5F1 (previously known as Oct4/OCT4). To study POU5F1 transcription activation in living bovine SCNT embryos without interference by maternal POU5F1 mRNA, we generated chromosomally normal fetal fibroblast donor cells stably carrying a mouse Pou5f1 promoter-driven enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter gene at a single integration site without detectable EGFP expression. Morphologic and quantitative analyses of whole-mount SCNT embryos by confocal microscopy revealed robust initial activation of the Pou5f1 reporter gene during the fourth cell cycle. In Day 6 SCNT embryos EGFP expression levels were markedly higher than in Day 4 embryos but varied substantially between individual embryos, even at comparable cell numbers. Embryos with low EGFP levels had far more morphologically abnormal cell nuclei than those with high EGFP levels. Our data strongly suggest that bovine SCNT embryos consistently start activation of the POU5F1 promoter during the fourth cell cycle, whereas later in development the expression level substantially differs between individual embryos, which may be associated with developmental potential. In fibroblasts from phenotypically normal SCNT fetuses recovered on Day 34, the Pou5f1 reporter promoter was silent but was activated by a second round of SCNT. The restoration of pluripotency can be directly observed in living cells or SCNT embryos from such Pou5f1-EGFP transgenic fetuses, providing an attractive model for systematic investigation of epigenetic reprogramming in large mammals

    Quantitative monitoring of pluripotency gene activation after somatic cloning in cattle

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    The development of somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) embryos critically depends on appropriate reprogramming and expression of pluripotency genes, such as Pou5f1/POU5F1 (previously known as Oct4/OCT4). To study POU5F1 transcription activation in living bovine SCNT embryos without interference by maternal POU5F1 mRNA, we generated chromosomally normal fetal fibroblast donor cells stably carrying a mouse Pou5f1 promoter-driven enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) reporter gene at a single integration site without detectable EGFP expression. Morphologic and quantitative analyses of whole-mount SCNT embryos by confocal microscopy revealed robust initial activation of the Pou5f1 reporter gene during the fourth cell cycle. In Day 6 SCNT embryos EGFP expression levels were markedly higher than in Day 4 embryos but varied substantially between individual embryos, even at comparable cell numbers. Embryos with low EGFP levels had far more morphologically abnormal cell nuclei than those with high EGFP levels. Our data strongly suggest that bovine SCNT embryos consistently start activation of the POU5F1 promoter during the fourth cell cycle, whereas later in development the expression level substantially differs between individual embryos, which may be associated with developmental potential. In fibroblasts from phenotypically normal SCNT fetuses recovered on Day 34, the Pou5f1 reporter promoter was silent but was activated by a second round of SCNT. The restoration of pluripotency can be directly observed in living cells or SCNT embryos from such Pou5f1-EGFP transgenic fetuses, providing an attractive model for systematic investigation of epigenetic reprogramming in large mammals

    The actin family member Arp6 and the histone variant H2A.Z are required for spatial positioning of chromatin in chicken cell nuclei

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    The spatial organization of chromatin in the nucleus contributes to genome function and is altered during the differentiation of normal and tumorigenic cells. Although nuclear actin-related proteins (Arps) have roles in the local alteration of chromatin structure, it is unclear whether they are involved in the spatial positioning of chromatin. In the interphase nucleus of vertebrate cells, gene-dense and gene-poor chromosome territories (CTs) are located in the center and periphery, respectively. We analyzed chicken DT40 cells in which Arp6 had been knocked out conditionally, and showed that the radial distribution of CTs was impaired in these knockout cells. Arp6 is an essential component of the SRCAP chromatin remodeling complex, which deposits the histone variant H2A.Z into chromatin. The redistribution of CTs was also observed in H2A.Z-deficient cells for gene-rich microchromosomes, but to lesser extent for gene-poor macrochromosomes. These results indicate that Arp6 and H2A.Z contribute to the radial distribution of CTs through different mechanisms. Microarray analysis suggested that the localization of chromatin to the nuclear periphery per se is insufficient for the repression of most genes

    The actin family member Arp6 and the histone variant H2A.Z are required for spatial positioning of chromatin in chicken cell nuclei

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    The spatial organization of chromatin in the nucleus contributes to genome function and is altered during the differentiation of normal and tumorigenic cells. Although nuclear actin-related proteins (Arps) have roles in the local alteration of chromatin structure, it is unclear whether they are involved in the spatial positioning of chromatin. In the interphase nucleus of vertebrate cells, gene-dense and gene-poor chromosome territories (CTs) are located in the center and periphery, respectively. We analyzed chicken DT40 cells in which Arp6 had been knocked out conditionally, and showed that the radial distribution of CTs was impaired in these knockout cells. Arp6 is an essential component of the SRCAP chromatin remodeling complex, which deposits the histone variant H2A.Z into chromatin. The redistribution of CTs was also observed in H2A.Z-deficient cells for gene-rich microchromosomes, but to lesser extent for gene-poor macrochromosomes. These results indicate that Arp6 and H2A.Z contribute to the radial distribution of CTs through different mechanisms. Microarray analysis suggested that the localization of chromatin to the nuclear periphery per se is insufficient for the repression of most genes

    Cell arrest and cell death in mammalian preimplantation development

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    The causes, modes, biological role and prospective significance of cell death in preimplantation development in humans and other mammals are still poorly understood. Early bovine embryos represent a very attractive experimental model for the investigation of this fundamental and important issue. To obtain reference data on the temporal and spatial occurrence of cell death in early bovine embryogenesis, three-dimensionally preserved embryos of different ages and stages of development up to hatched blastocysts were examined in toto by confocal laser scanning microscopy. In parallel, transcript abundance profiles for selected apoptosis-related genes were analyzed by real-time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction. Our study documents that in vitro as well as in vivo, the first four cleavage cycles are prone to a high failure rate including different types of permanent cell cycle arrest and subsequent non-apoptotic blastomere death. In vitro produced and in vivo derived blastocysts showed a significant incidence of cell death in the inner cell mass (ICM), but only in part with morphological features of apoptosis. Importantly, transcripts for CASP3, CASP9, CASP8 and FAS/FASLG were not detectable or found at very low abundances. In vitro and in vivo, errors and failures of the first and the next three cleavage divisions frequently cause immediate embryo death or lead to aberrant subsequent development, and are the main source of developmental heterogeneity. A substantial occurrence of cell death in the ICM even in fast developing blastocysts strongly suggests a regular developmentally controlled elimination of cells, while the nature and mechanisms of ICM cell death are unclear. Morphological findings as well as transcript levels measured for important apoptosis-related genes are in conflict with the view that classical caspase-mediated apoptosis is the major cause of cell death in early bovine development

    Leptin promotes meiotic progression and developmental capacity of bovine oocytes via cumulus cell-independent and -dependent mechanisms

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    Leptin has been shown to exert positive effects during the maturation of bovine oocytes, influencing blastocyst development, apoptosis, and the transcript levels of developmentally important genes. The present study was conducted to characterize further the mechanisms of leptin action on oocytes and the role of cumulus cells (CCs) in this context. In the first series of experiments, cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) were matured in serum-free medium that contained 0, 1 or 10 ng/ml leptin or in medium that was supplemented with 10% (v/v) estrus cow serum (ECS). Leptin concentrations of 1 and 10 ng/ml stimulated the meiotic progression of oocytes. Moreover, TUNEL staining demonstrated that these leptin doses reduced the proportion of apoptotic CCs. In the second series of experiments, COCs or denuded oocytes (DOs) were matured in the presence of 0 or 10 ng/ml leptin. The percentages of COCs and DOs with extruded polar bodies were increased by leptin. In contrast, positive effects of leptin on fertilization rates and blastocyst development were only observed after treatment of COCs but not of DOs. Leptin treatment of COCs consistently enhanced blastocyst development even after parthenogenetic activation of oocytes or after the removal of CCs before fertilization. The proportion of polyspermic oocytes was not affected by leptin treatment or oocyte denudation. In the third series of experiments, COCs were matured in the presence of 0, 1 or 10 ng/ml leptin. The transcript levels of specific genes were determined by reverse transcriptase-quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) analysis of cumulus cells and single oocytes. Leptin treatment increased the levels of FAS, FASLG, and STAT3 transcripts in oocytes, but did not affect the LEPR, BAX, and BIRC4 mRNA concentrations. In cumulus cells, leptin treatment increased the mRNA levels for LEPR, STAT3, BAX, BIRC4, and FAS, but did not alter FASLG mRNA abundance. In conclusion, leptin differentially regulates gene expression in oocytes and cumulus cells. Moreover, leptin enhances both oocyte maturation and developmental capacity via cumulus cell-independent and -dependent mechanisms

    What Cyto- and Histochemistry Can Do to Crack the Sugar Code

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    As letters form the vocabulary of a language, biochemical ‘symbols’ (the building blocks of oligo- and polymers) make writing molecular messages possible. Compared to nucleotides and amino acids, sugars have chemical properties that facilitate to reach an unsurpassed level of oligomer diversity. These glycans are a part of the ubiquitous cellular glycoconju-gates. Cyto- and histochemically, the glycans’ structural complexity is mapped by glycophe-notyping of cells and tissues using receptors (‘readers’, thus called lectins), hereby revealing its dynamic spatiotemporal regulation: these data support the concept of a sugar code. When proceeding from work with plant (haem)agglutinins as such tools to the discovery of endogenous (tissue) lectins, it became clear that a broad panel of biological meanings can indeed be derived from the sugar-based vocabulary (the natural glycome incl. post-synthetic modifications) by glycan-lectin recognition in situ. As consequence, the immunocyto- and histochemical analysis of lectin expression is building a solid basis for the steps toward tracking down functional correlations, for example in processes leading to cell adhesion, apoptosis, autophagy or growth regulation as well as targeted delivery of glycoproteins. Introduction of labeled tissue lectins to glycan profiling assists this endeavor by detecting counterreceptor(s) in situ. Combining these tools and their applications strategically will help to take the trip toward the following long-range aim: to compile a dictionary for the glycan vocabulary that translates each message (oligosaccharide) into its bioresponse(s), that is to crack the sugar code