103 research outputs found

    The german camera evaluation project - results from the geometry group

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    The so-called German camera evaluation project was initiated by the German society of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Geoinformation (DGPF) in order to allow for comprehensive empirical test on photogrammetric digital airborne camera systems. During this test, the digital camera systems DMC, Ultracam-X, ADS40 (2nd generation), JAS-150, Quattro DigiCAM and AIC-x1 were flown in the test site Vaihingen/Enz in summer 2008. In addition, RMK analogue images and ALS50 LiDAR data were recorded for comparison, while reference measurements on the ground were made available as well. Parts of the test field were also covered from hyper-spectral sensor flights, namely the AISA+ and ROSIS system. After data collection all this material was prepared, documented and distributed to more than 30 institutions which participated in the evaluation and formed the project network of expertise. This evaluation phase included topics like the analysis of geometric accuracy and sensor calibration, the radiometric performance including on-site radiometric calibration and multi-spectral land classifications. Additionally, the performance of photogrammetric surface model generation and the potential of manual stereo plotting from digital images were investigated. Within this paper, the major findings from the geometric evaluations, namely sensor orientation and height model generation are presented


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    This work addresses the automatic reconstruction of objects useful for BIM, like walls, floors and ceilings, from meshed and textured mapped 3D point clouds of indoor scenes. For this reason, we focus on the semantic segmentation of 3D indoor meshes as the initial step for the automatic generation of BIM models. Our investigations are based on the benchmark dataset ScanNet, which aims at the interpretation of 3D indoor scenes. For this purpose it provides 3D meshed representations as collected from low cost range cameras. In our opinion such RGB-D data has a great potential for the automated reconstruction of BIM objects

    Design and Development of Personal GeoServices for Universities

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    Personal GeoServices are emerging as an interaction paradigm linking users to information rich environments like a university campus or to Big Data sources like the Internet of Things by delivering spatially intelligent web-services. OpenStreetMap (OSM) constitutes a valuable source of spatial base-data that can be extracted, integrated, and utilised with such heterogeneous data sources for free. In this paper, we present a Personal GeoServices application built on OSM spatial data and university-specific business data for staff, faculty, and students. While generic products such as Google Maps and Google Earth enable basic forms of spatial exploration, the domain of a university campus presents specific business information needs, such as “What classes are scheduled in that room over there?” and “How can I get to Prof. Murray’s office from here?” Within the framework of the StratAG project (www.StratAG.ie), an eCampus Demonstrator was developed for the National University of Ireland Maynooth (NUIM) to assist university users in exploring and analysing their surroundings within a detailed data environment. This work describes this system in detail, discussing the usage of OSM vector data, and providing insights for developers of spatial information systems for personalised visual exploration of an area

    A mobile multi-sensor platform for building reconstruction integrating terrestrial and autonomous UAV-based close range data acquisition

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    Photogrammetric data capture of complex 3D objects using UAV imagery has become commonplace. Software tools based on algorithms like Structure-from-Motion and multi-view stereo image matching enable the fully automatic generation of densely meshed 3D point clouds. In contrast, the planning of a suitable image network usually requires considerable effort of a human expert, since this step directly influences the precision and completeness of the resulting point cloud. Planning of suitable camera stations can be rather complex, in particular for objects like buildings, bridges and monuments, which frequently feature strong depth variations to be acquired by high resolution images at a short distance. Within the paper, we present an automatic flight mission planning tool, which generates flight lines while aiming at camera configurations, which maintain a roughly constant object distance, provide sufficient image overlap and avoid unnecessary stations. Planning is based on a coarse Digital Surface Model and an approximate building outline. As a proof of concept, we use the tool within our research project MoVEQuaD, which aims at the reconstruction of building geometry at sub-centimetre accuracy


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    This paper presents a study on the potential of ultra-high accurate UAV-based 3D data capture. It is motivated by a project aiming at the deformation monitoring of a ship lock and its surrounding. This study is part of a research and development project initiated by the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG) in Koblenz in partnership with the Office of Development of Neckar River Heidelberg (ANH). For this first official presentation of the project, data from the first flight campaign will be analysed and presented. Despite the fact that monitoring aspects cannot be discussed before data from additional flight campaigns will be available later this year, our results from the first campaign highlight the potential of high-end UAV-based image and LiDAR sensors and their data fusion. So far, only techniques from engineering geodesy could fulfil the aspired accuracy demands in the range of millimetres. To the knowledge of the authors, this paper for the first time addresses such ultra-high accuracy applications by combing high precision UAV-based LiDAR and dense image matching. As the paper is written at an early stage of processing only preliminary results can be given here


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    In recent decades, the geospatial domain has benefitted from technological advances in sensors, methodologies, and processing tools to expand capabilities in mapping applications. Airborne techniques (LiDAR and aerial photogrammetry) generally provide most of the data used for this purpose. However, despite the relevant accuracy of these technologies and the high spatial resolution of airborne data, updates are not sufficiently regular due to significant flight costs and logistics. New possibilities to fill this information gap have emerged with the advent of Very High Resolution (VHR) optical satellite images in the early 2000s. In addition to the high temporal resolution of the cost-effective datasets and their sub-meter geometric resolutions, the synoptic coverage is an unprecedented opportunity for mapping remote areas, multi-temporal analyses, updating datasets and disaster management. For all these reasons, VHR satellite imagery is clearly a relevant study for National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies (NMCAs). This work, supported by EuroSDR, summarises a series of experimental analyses carried out over diverse landscapes to explore the potential of VHR imagery for large-scale mapping

    Vehicle localization by lidar point correlation improved by change detection

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    LiDAR sensors are proven sensors for accurate vehicle localization. Instead of detecting and matching features in the LiDAR data, we want to use the entire information provided by the scanners. As dynamic objects, like cars, pedestrians or even construction sites could lead to wrong localization results, we use a change detection algorithm to detect these objects in the reference data. If an object occurs in a certain number of measurements at the same position, we mark it and every containing point as static. In the next step, we merge the data of the single measurement epochs to one reference dataset, whereby we only use static points. Further, we also use a classification algorithm to detect trees. For the online localization of the vehicle, we use simulated data of a vertical aligned automotive LiDAR sensor. As we only want to use static objects in this case as well, we use a random forest classifier to detect dynamic scan points online. Since the automotive data is derived from the LiDAR Mobile Mapping System, we are able to use the labelled objects from the reference data generation step to create the training data and further to detect dynamic objects online. The localization then can be done by a point to image correlation method using only static objects. We achieved a localization standard deviation of about 5 cm (position) and 0.06° (heading), and were able to successfully localize the vehicle in about 93 % of the cases along a trajectory of 13 km in Hannover, Germany

    Pléiades project: Assessment of georeferencing accuracy, image quality, pansharpening performence and DSM/DTM quality

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    Pléiades 1A and 1B are twin optical satellites of Optical and Radar Federated Earth Observation (ORFEO) program jointly running by France and Italy. They are the first satellites of Europe with sub-meter resolution. Airbus DS (formerly Astrium Geo) runs a MyGIC (formerly Pléiades Users Group) program to validate Pléiades images worldwide for various application purposes. The authors conduct three projects, one is within this program, the second is supported by BEU Scientific Research Project Program, and the third is supported by TÜBİTAK. Assessment of georeferencing accuracy, image quality, pansharpening performance and Digital Surface Model/Digital Terrain Model (DSM/DTM) quality subjects are investigated in these projects. For these purposes, triplet panchromatic (50 cm Ground Sampling Distance (GSD)) and VNIR (2 m GSD) Pléiades 1A images were investigated over Zonguldak test site (Turkey) which is urbanised, mountainous and covered by dense forest. The georeferencing accuracy was estimated with a standard deviation in X and Y (SX, SY) in the range of 0.45m by bias corrected Rational Polynomial Coefficient (RPC) orientation, using ~170 Ground Control Points (GCPs). 3D standard deviation of ±0.44m in X, ±0.51m in Y, and ±1.82m in Z directions have been reached in spite of the very narrow angle of convergence by bias corrected RPC orientation. The image quality was also investigated with respect to effective resolution, Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and blur coefficient. The effective resolution was estimated with factor slightly below 1.0, meaning that the image quality corresponds to the nominal resolution of 50cm. The blur coefficients were achieved between 0.39-0.46 for triplet panchromatic images, indicating a satisfying image quality. SNR is in the range of other comparable space borne images which may be caused by de-noising of Pléiades images. The pansharpened images were generated by various methods, and are validated by most common statistical metrics and also visual interpretation. The generated DSM and DTM were achieved with ±1.6m standard deviation in Z (SZ) in relation to a reference DTM.Airbus Defence and SpaceBEU/2014-47912266-01TÜBİTAK/114Y38
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