8 research outputs found

    On Ramsey (K1,2,Kn)(K_{1,2}, Kₙ)-minimal graphs

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    Let F be a graph and let , denote nonempty families of graphs. We write F → (,) if in any 2-coloring of edges of F with red and blue, there is a red subgraph isomorphic to some graph from G or a blue subgraph isomorphic to some graph from H. The graph F without isolated vertices is said to be a (,)-minimal graph if F → (,) and F - e not → (,) for every e ∈ E(F). We present a technique which allows to generate infinite family of (,)-minimal graphs if we know some special graphs. In particular, we show how to receive infinite family of (K1,2,Kn)(K_{1,2}, Kₙ)-minimal graphs, for every n ≥ 3

    Partitions of some planar graphs into two linear forests

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    A linear forest is a forest in which every component is a path. It is known that the set of vertices V(G) of any outerplanar graph G can be partitioned into two disjoint subsets V₁,V₂ such that induced subgraphs ⟨V₁⟩ and ⟨V₂⟩ are linear forests (we say G has an (LF, LF)-partition). In this paper, we present an extension of the above result to the class of planar graphs with a given number of internal vertices (i.e., vertices that do not belong to the external face at a certain fixed embedding of the graph G in the plane). We prove that there exists an (LF, LF)-partition for any plane graph G when certain conditions on the degree of the internal vertices and their neighbourhoods are satisfied

    On the completeness of decomposable properties of graphs

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    Let ₁,₂ be additive hereditary properties of graphs. A (₁,₂)-decomposition of a graph G is a partition of E(G) into sets E₁, E₂ such that induced subgraph G[Ei]G[E_i] has the property i_i, i = 1,2. Let us define a property ₁⊕₂ by {G: G has a (₁,₂)-decomposition}. A property D is said to be decomposable if there exists nontrivial additive hereditary properties ₁, ₂ such that D = ₁⊕₂. In this paper we determine the completeness of some decomposable properties and we characterize the decomposable properties of completeness 2

    Acyclic reducible bounds for outerplanar graphs

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    For a given graph G and a sequence ₁, ₂,..., ₙ of additive hereditary classes of graphs we define an acyclic (₁, ₂,...,Pₙ)-colouring of G as a partition (V₁, V₂,...,Vₙ) of the set V(G) of vertices which satisfies the following two conditions: 1. G[Vi]iG[V_i] ∈ _i for i = 1,...,n, 2. for every pair i,j of distinct colours the subgraph induced in G by the set of edges uv such that uViu ∈ V_i and vVjv ∈ V_j is acyclic. A class R = ₁ ⊙ ₂ ⊙ ... ⊙ ₙ is defined as the set of the graphs having an acyclic (₁, ₂,...,Pₙ)-colouring. If ⊆ R, then we say that R is an acyclic reducible bound for . In this paper we present acyclic reducible bounds for the class of outerplanar graphs