22,744 research outputs found

    Metal-metal reinforced laminar composites

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    Two prototype laminar composites have shown potential for high strength and high temperature applications. These composites might be made with less in-place anisotropy and be less expensive than comparable fiber composites

    Method for alleviating thermal stress damage in laminates

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    A method is provided for alleviating the stress damage in metallic matrix composites, such as laminated sheet or foil composites. Discontinuities are positively introduced into the interface between the layers so as to reduce the thermal stress produced by unequal expansion of the materials making up the composite. Although a number of discrete elements could be used to form one of the layers and thus carry out this purpose, the discontinuities are preferably produced by simply drilling holes in the metallic matrix layer or by forming grooves in a grid pattern in this layer

    Dependence of field-aligned electron precipitation on season, altitude and pitch angle

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    The occurrence of field-aligned 2.3 keV electron precipitation was examined by using data from more than 7500 orbits of the polar-orbiting satellite, OGO-4. The frequency of occurrence of field aligned precipitation was highest at actual pitch angles between 7 and 10 deg, being highest in the winter months, at highest satellite altitudes. Acceleration by a localized parallel electric field established by electrostatic charge layers is proposed to explain particle observations

    Metal-metal laminar composites for high temperature applications

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    A study was conducted to obtain indications of the potentialities of laminar metal-metal composites for elevated temperature use. Most of the composites consisted of multiple layers or laminae of tungsten alternated with laminae of Nichrome V, a ductile, weaker but oxidation-resistant alloy. Composites with 50 volume percent of each phase were tested in tension and stress rupture at temperatures of 871 and 1093 C (1600 and 2000 F) and in impact at 23 and 524 C (73 and 975 F). A tension and a short time stress-rupture test was conducted on specimens of 77 v/o W-Re-Hf-C/23 v/o Inconel alloy 600 at 1093 C (2000 F)

    S-cubed-a spacecraft and experiment description

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    The launch of the Explorer 45 satellite and the instruments installed in the satellite are discussed. The scientific objectives of the first mission, the orbital parameters, and the capabilities of the data system are examined. The satellite is designed to carry out investigations of specific magnetospheric phenomena in the heart of the magnetosphere. The data handling system is programmable from the ground for greater flexibility

    Proceedings of workshops to define engineering requirements for a space vacuum research facility

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    The construction of a molecular wake shield for the shuttle orbiter is presented as well as a collision model with a program depicting emitted molecular density around the spacecraft giving estimates of backscattered flux and other collisional processes

    Is Hyperconjugation Responsible For The Gauche Effect In 1-Fluoropropane And Other 2-Substituted-1-Fluoroethanes?

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    The energies and geometries of a series of 2-substituted-1-fluoroethanes were computed at the MP2/6-311++G**(6D)//MP2/6-31+G* level of theory for both the maxima and minima of the rotation about the C-C bond. The results did not support the predictions of a hyperconjugative model, that both 1,2-difluoroethane and 1-chloro-2-fluoroethane would strongly prefer a gauche conformation, and that 1-fluoro-2-silylethane would strongly prefer an anti conformation. The existence of competing electrostatic interactions between the fluorine and the substituents at C-2 was indicated by the detailed geometries of the gauche conformers and by the calculated sensitivity of the gauche-anti energy differences to the presence of a polar solvent. However, Fourier analyses of the torsional potential energies were wholly consistent with hyperconjugative electron donation into the C-F sigma* orbital contributing to the conformational preferences of these 1-fluoroethanes. Fourier analyses also showed that hyperconjugation contributes to the small variations in C-C and C-F bond lengths and in fluorine atomic charges that were computed. The torsional potential energies, variations in geometry and atomic charge, and sensitivity to solvent were all in accord with the expected ranking of hyperconjugative electron donating ability of bonds to carbon, C-Si \u3e C-H \u3e C-C \u3e C-Cl \u3e C-F

    Self-sterilization of bodies during outer planet entry

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    A body encountering the atmosphere of an outer planet is subjected to heat loads which could result in high temperature conditions that render terrestrial organisms on or within the body nonviable. To determine whether an irregularly shaped entering body, consisting of several different materials, would be sterilized during inadvertent entry at high velocity, the thermal response of a typical outer planet spacecraft instrument was studied. The results indicate that the Teflon insulated cable and electronic circuit boards may not experience sterilizing temperatures during a Jupiter, Saturn, or Titan entry. Another conclusion of the study is that small plastic particles entering Saturn from outer space have wider survival corridors than do those at Jupiter

    Maclisp extensions

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    A common subset of selected facilities available in Maclisp and its derivatives (PDP-10 and Multics Maclisp, Lisp Machine Lisp (Zetalisp), and NIL) is decribed. The object is to add in writing code which can run compatibly in more than one of these environments