11 research outputs found

    Survival models with preclustered gene groups as covariates

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>An important application of high dimensional gene expression measurements is the risk prediction and the interpretation of the variables in the resulting survival models. A major problem in this context is the typically large number of genes compared to the number of observations (individuals). Feature selection procedures can generate predictive models with high prediction accuracy and at the same time low model complexity. However, interpretability of the resulting models is still limited due to little knowledge on many of the remaining selected genes. Thus, we summarize genes as gene groups defined by the hierarchically structured Gene Ontology (GO) and include these gene groups as covariates in the hazard regression models. Since expression profiles within GO groups are often heterogeneous, we present a new method to obtain subgroups with coherent patterns. We apply preclustering to genes within GO groups according to the correlation of their gene expression measurements.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We compare Cox models for modeling disease free survival times of breast cancer patients. Besides classical clinical covariates we consider genes, GO groups and preclustered GO groups as additional genomic covariates. Survival models with preclustered gene groups as covariates have similar prediction accuracy as models built only with single genes or GO groups.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The preclustering information enables a more detailed analysis of the biological meaning of covariates selected in the final models. Compared to models built only with single genes there is additional functional information contained in the GO annotation, and compared to models using GO groups as covariates the preclustering yields coherent representative gene expression profiles.</p

    Survival prediction from clinico-genomic models - a comparative study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Survival prediction from high-dimensional genomic data is an active field in today's medical research. Most of the proposed prediction methods make use of genomic data alone without considering established clinical covariates that often are available and known to have predictive value. Recent studies suggest that combining clinical and genomic information may improve predictions, but there is a lack of systematic studies on the topic. Also, for the widely used Cox regression model, it is not obvious how to handle such combined models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose a way to combine classical clinical covariates with genomic data in a clinico-genomic prediction model based on the Cox regression model. The prediction model is obtained by a simultaneous use of both types of covariates, but applying dimension reduction only to the high-dimensional genomic variables. We describe how this can be done for seven well-known prediction methods: variable selection, unsupervised and supervised principal components regression and partial least squares regression, ridge regression, and the lasso. We further perform a systematic comparison of the performance of prediction models using clinical covariates only, genomic data only, or a combination of the two. The comparison is done using three survival data sets containing both clinical information and microarray gene expression data. Matlab code for the clinico-genomic prediction methods is available at <url>http://www.med.uio.no/imb/stat/bmms/software/clinico-genomic/</url>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Based on our three data sets, the comparison shows that established clinical covariates will often lead to better predictions than what can be obtained from genomic data alone. In the cases where the genomic models are better than the clinical, ridge regression is used for dimension reduction. We also find that the clinico-genomic models tend to outperform the models based on only genomic data. Further, clinico-genomic models and the use of ridge regression gives for all three data sets better predictions than models based on the clinical covariates alone.</p

    APTER::Aggregated Prognosis Through Exponential Re-weighting

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    This paper considers the task of learning how to make a prognosis of a patient based on his/her micro-array expression levels. The method is an application of the aggregation method as recently proposed in the literature on theoretical machine learning, and excels in its computational convenience and capability to deal with high-dimensional data. A formal analysis of the method is given, yielding rates of convergence similar to what traditional techniques obtain, while it is shown to cope well with an exponentially large set of features. Those results are supported by numerical simulations on a range of publicly available survival-micro-array datasets. It is empirically found that the proposed technique combined with a recently proposed preprocessing technique gives excellent performances