3 research outputs found

    A Psycholinguistic Study on Communication Impairment Found in the Character “Whitney” in Maverick Novel

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    Keywords: Psycholinguistics, Communication Impairment, Speech and Language Impairment, Maverick Novel. People need language to express or deliver messages to others. The process of conveying the messages is called communication. Communication is not successful when people\u27s speech and language are impaired, which is then called communication impairment. It is a condition when someone cannot use speech and language well. The example of this impairment is depicted in Maverick novel which its main character named Whitney suffers from this impairment. Based on this background, there are 3 problems appear: (1) what are the referral characteristics of speech and language impairment suffered by Whitney?, (2) what are the types of communication impairment suffered by the character“ Whitney” in Maverick novel?, (3) What does the nonverbal communication used by the character “Whitney” in Maverick novel tocommunicate with others?. This study belongs to qualitative research since it focuses on dialogues rather than numbers. In obtaining the data, the writer did some steps: reading the novel, taking notes of the dialogues, and making list. Meanwhile, there are five theories used in this research to answer the problems, they are ADE: Special Education Unit (2014), Lanier (1963), NICHCY (2011), Pearson et al (2006), and DeVito (2005).The result of this study reveals that Whitney suffers from communication impairment. Intellectually, he cannot respond environment with ease. Academically, his writing skill is below expected level. Behaviorally, he prefers to gaze hanging toys than playing with them. Moreover, his communicative ability is weak particularly his speaking ability, and physically, his hearing ability is not very good. In addition, he experiences speech disorder; his articulation is impaired, he repeats the same word many times, and his voice sounds monotonous. Meanwhile, language disorder plays significant role, he cannot follow verbal instruction and even he uses the wrong word in speech. Nevertheless, he still communicates through nonverbal communication by using his body movement: gesture and facial expression. As the conclusion, with these symptoms Whitney suffers from communication impairment.By here, the writer gives suggestions to the readers to be aware of the characteristics of communication impairment and to those who have children to develop their language ability particularly receptive and expressive. Moreover, it is hoped the next researchers who are willing to conduct in the same field to use this study as the reference. The last, they can find other theories (Morrisey, 2010 or Guralnick, 2002) so that the result can be various

    Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Biji Kakao (Theobroma Cacao L.) Melalui Tahap Penanganan Pascapanen (Ulasan)

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    Penanganan pascapanen kakao merupakan salah satu tahapan penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas kakao, agar diperoleh biji kakao yang kualitasnya memenuhi standard yang berlaku (SNI 2323-2008/ Amandemen 1-2010) dan permintaan konsumen. Pemeraman buah kakao, fermentasi dan pengeringan biji kakao memiliki pengaruh penting terhadap pembentukan karakteristik prekursor rasa kakao. Pemeraman buah kakao bertujuan untuk mengurangi lapisan pulp dan membentuk ruang kosong dalam tumpukan biji kakao, sehingga oksigen dapat masuk ke dalam tumpukan biji selama fermentasi, dan mempercepat proses fermentasi, menurunkan kadar air, polifenol, dan keasaman, serta mempengaruhi kualitas fermentasi dan penampilan biji. Fermentasi biji kakao bertujuan untuk menghasilkan senyawa-senyawa calon pembentuk citarasa khas cokelat dan mempengaruhi kualitas dan penampilan biji kakao. Selanjutnya, pengeringan biji kakao bertujuan untuk menurunkan kadar air biji kakao, membentuk citarasa dan menentukan karakteristik kualitas kakao