18 research outputs found


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    The "Suanshu-shu" (算数書) is the oldest book of mathematics in China. Before the book was discovered, "Jiuzhang-suanshu" (九章算術) was thought to be the oldest. We compare these books from an arithmetical point of view

    Translation and Annotation of “Continuation of Ancient Mathematics (緝古算経)” Vol. 5

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    “Continuation of Ancient Mathematics ( 緝古算経)” was written by early Tang dynasty calendarist and mathematician Wang Xiaotong some time after the year 626,and was listed as one of the Ten Computational Canons ( 算経十書) compiled during Tang dynasty. The aim of our studies is to provide a complete translation and annotation of the book based on a series of our researches on ancient Chinese mathematical books.  This is the fifth article, in which we treat with the problems 13 to 20.『緝古算経』は初唐の暦学者であり数学者である王孝通によって626年の少し後に書かれたもので、唐代に編纂された算経十書中の一書である。我々の研究が目的とするのは、我々の一連の中国古算書研究を踏まえ、同書に完全な訳と注を与えることにある。  本論文はその第5 号であり、算題[一三]~[二〇]について扱う。departmental bulletin pape


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    Two Cuifen (衰分) problems dealing with grain distribution contained in the book "Shu" (数) had been left undeciphered. In this paper, we decipher these problems by calculating conversion of grain, and discuss the fact that the method used in the "Shu" is also used in the "Suanshushu" (算数書) and is different from the "Fancuishu" (返衰術) in the "Jiuzhang Suanshu" (九章算術)

    新たに出現した二つの古算書 : 『数』と『算術』 : (付)岳麓書院蔵秦簡『数』から見た周秦交替期の幾何学的成就

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    2009年12月、中国古算書研究会は湖南省岳麓書院所蔵秦簡『数』と湖北省文物考古研究所所蔵漢簡『算術』を調査するため、中国を訪問した。本稿では、『数』と『算術』について我々の調査結果を報告し、『数』について執筆された一論文をここで紹介し、論ずる。The Research Group on Ancient Chinese Mathematics went to China in December 2009 to investigate the Qin bamboo strips "Shu" housed at the Yuelu Academy and the Han bamboo strips "Suan-shu" in the Hubei Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology. In this paper, we report the results of our investigation of the "Shu" and the "Suan-shu", and introduce and criticize an article on the "Shu.


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    The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽) and Li Chunfeng(李淳風) from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the seventh article based on our research and results, in which we studied problems 10 to 20 of Chapter 3, Shuaifen(衰分)


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    The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art was the oldest book of mathematics in China before the unearthing of "Suan-shu shu." The aim of our research is to provide a complete translation and annotation of it including annotations of Liu Hui(劉徽) and Li Chunfeng(李淳風) from the viewpoint of our previous work on "Suan-shu shu." This is the seventh article based on our research and results, in which we studied problems 1 to 9 of Chapter 3, Shuaifen(衰分)