166 research outputs found

    Significance and Problems of Stage Performance Experience for the Elderly participants in Inclusive Dance : A Case Study of The Workshop \u27Dance for Everyone\u27

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    本稿では、地域の高齢者と学生が共にダンスを創って踊るワークショップ“みんなで踊ろう”における舞台制作の過程と舞台公演(発表)の体験について、その成果と課題を検討した。方法は高齢者8人に対してインタビュー調査を実施し、そのナラティブの内容を精査した。その結果、舞台発表を初めて体験する人には、自由に動くことや自由に表現できるこの舞台発表が、楽しく、“癖になりそう”な活動としてとらえられていた。舞台を2回経験した参加者にとっては、自己治癒の一手段として作品に取り組む機会であったり、仲間意識を強めたり、承認欲求を満たしたりする場ともなっていた。その一方で、舞台を取り囲む環境とその課題に目を向ける参加者もいた。この活動が地域に根付き、高齢者にまつわる様々な社会的課題を解決できる“コミュニティ・ダンス”として成長していくには、参加者(高齢者)が学生とともに公演全体の企画や運営に携わり、衣装づくりを担当するなど、舞台公演を創るための役割の一端を担うことも必要である。また、舞台に立って踊り、それを褒めてもらうことで自身の存在意義を確認したように、一人ひとりが舞台公演を創るための、かけがえのない構成員であることを実感できる仕組みづくりが必須であると考えられる。This paper discusses the results and problems of the elderly-student inclusive dance where the elderly and the students of the community create and perform dance together. A survey was conducted on the eight elderly participants and the contents of their narratives were examined. As a result, those who experienced dancing on the stage and expressing themselves freely for the first time perceived it as a fun and \u27obsessive\u27 activity. For the participant who experienced the stage twice, it was an opportunity for self-healing, strengthening fellowship and satisfying their desire for approval. Among them, some turned attention to the stage environment and discussed its problems. In order for this activity to take root in the community and to grow as a \u27community dance\u27 that can solve various social issues related to the elderly, the elderly should be invited to work together with the students and play such active roles as planning, managing, creating dance and making costumes. Furthermore, since it was found that the elderly dancers felt themselves to be meaningful and valuable by being applauded for their performance, it is considered essential to create a framework to promote this inclusive dance for the elderly persons: a standardized framework that allows each person to realize that they are irreplaceable members in creating a stage performance.黒田研二教授退職記念

    Potentiality of a Dance Workshop for the Elderly : A Case Study of "Creative Dance Workshop" as a Collaboration between Sakai City and HARADA, Junko

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    This paper discusses the significance of the "Dance Workshop" as a collaboration between Sakai City and Kansai University for elderly participants. The "Dance Workshop" consists of "Karada-hogushi" and "Creative Dance". "Karada-hogushi" is an original technique of movement with "voice" releasing "body and mind". The participants were positive about the technique as measured by interviews conducted with some of the elderly participants in the Dance Workshop. The results indicate that the participants changed their sense of self through creative dance experiences. Especially, they recognized changes occurring in their everyday lives and behavior after the dance experiences

    Wage systems of male standard employees in Japanese large firms from\\nthe late 1940s to the 1990s

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    増加する非典型雇用 : 人材ポートフォリオ、日本的労使関係からの考察

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     近年、パートタイマーなどの非典型雇用が、著しく増加してきた。その背景には、経済のグローバル化による市場競争の激化、すなわち経営環境の変化があると言われている。また、年功的な賃金制度の下では、社員の高齢化による人件費高騰の影響が大きいため、総人件費管理の重要性が増したと考えられる。このような状況の中で、典型雇用と非典型雇用の最適な組み合わせが追求されている。非典型雇用の活用が進展している業種であるスーパーマーケットQ社(仮称)について、事例研究を実施した。 また、一般的な企業別組合では、正社員という身分が加入条件であるため、非典型雇用は除外されている。しかしながら、従業員の中で、非典型雇用が多数を占める場合、従来の方式では組合の影響力が低下してしまう。非典型雇用の立場からは、未組織であるために集団的労使交渉を行うことができず、処遇の改善を訴える術がない。そこで、この問題に関して、日本最大のナショナル・センターである日本労働組合総連合会(連合)にインタビューを行った。その結果、連合は非典型雇用の処遇改善のために、同一価値労働同一賃金(同一労働同一賃金とは異なる)という概念を重視していることが明らかになった。最後に、この概念が非典型雇用の処遇改善に役立つかという点について考察を加えた

    c-fos Gene Expression in Postnatal Rat Retinas with Light/Dark Cycle

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    AbstractWe examined the diurnal variation of c-fos gene expression during a 12:12 light/dark cycle in developing rat retinas by in situ hybridization histochemistry. c-fos Gene was not expressed before postnatal day 10 (P10) but was expressed on P15 in the outer nuclear layer throughout the dark period and in the inner nuclear layer and the ganglion cell layer during the light period. These results demonstrated that the earliest c-fos gene expression occurred between P11 and P15. The good correlation between the expression of c-fos gene and the genes coding for proteins involved in phototransduction, in terms of their diurnal variation and in their development, suggested that c-fos gene may play a role in the regulation of these genes in retinal cells during the light/dark cycle. Copyright © 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd

    The Impact of Japanese Pay Reform in the 1990s

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    The Meaning of Inclusive Dance amidst the Spread of COVID-19 : A Case Study of the "Dance for Everyone" Workshop

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    本稿では、外出自粛期間における非対面型活動と、対面による短い活動期間の結果として実施した舞台公演が、参加者(高齢者と学生)にとってどのような意味を持っていたかについて質問紙調査をもとに検討した。『みんなで踊ろう』は、今年度は新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大の影響により、対面での活動をおよそ半年間休止していたが、その間学生から高齢者(シニア)に向けてダンス動画の配信や手紙の送付、LINEでのやりとりなど、非対面型での活動を続けていた。この非対面型の活動は、シニアに概ね好意的に受け容れられており、多くのシニアが配信動画により身体を動かし、メッセージのやり取りによって他者とつながりを感じ、それを喜びとしていたことが明らかとなった。後の対面での活動では、シニアの多くは感染症に対する不安を示していなかったが、学生の半数は、自分が無症状感染者でシニアに感染させてしまうのではないかという不安を抱いていた。活動自粛期間において非対面型の活動を発信し続けたことに対する結果は、参加者同士のこれまでの関係性の基盤をより強固なものにし、後の対面での活動において大きな信頼となってシニアの不安を打ち消すことにつながったであろうことを示唆している。活動自粛の間に溜まっていたストレスや不安が舞台発表という身体を使った表現によって昇華し、それが他者(家族や観客)によって共感・共有され認められたという経験は、シニアと学生の承認欲求を満たし、自信を導くものであったと言える。This paper discusses the significance for elderly/student participants in creating a stage performance during the period of the voluntary stay-at-home request issued by the Japanese government due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The workshop "Dance for Everyone," which had been suspended for nearly six months because of COVID-19, restarted in a non-face-to-face manner by exchanging videos and messages through SNS. According to the survey, this activity was received well by the majority of the elderly members, who enjoyed the sense of togetherness by talking and dancing online. Regarding the subsequent face-to-face workshop, while the students were concerned about the risk of infection, the elderly were not very concerned about getting infected. This may be attributed to their experience during the previous non-face-to-face session, which served to ease stress and to keep up and even strengthen their confidence in the other members and in the workshop as a whole.狭間香代子教授退職記念

    Impact of behavioral/developmental disorders comorbid with conduct disorder

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    Aims: The aim of the present study was to verify the comorbidity of conduct disorder (CD) and behavioral/developmental disorders in children and adolescents, and to examine the traits of CD comorbid with them. Methods: Subjects were 64 children (60 boys, four girls) who were resident at three institutions for delinquent children or who were conduct-disordered outpatients of a university hospital aged under 18 years. A diagnostic interview was carried out by experienced child psychiatrists and the intelligence score and the Adverse Childhood Experiences score were measured by a licensed psychologist. Results: A total of 57 children were diagnosed as having CD, of whom 26 (45.6%) were diagnosed with comorbid attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 12 were diagnosed with comorbid pervasive developmental disorder (PDD, 21,1%), and 19 (33.3%) had no comorbidity of either disorder. Six children (18.8% of CD comorbid with ADHD) met the criteria for both ADHD and PDD. The group with comorbid PDD was significantly younger at onset (F = 6.51, P = 0.003) and included unsocialized type more frequently (KH2 = 6.66, P = 0.036) compared with the other two groups. Conclusions: Clinicians should be aware that not only ADHD but also PDD may be comorbid with CD. Establishment of the correct diagnosis is important because recognizing the presence of PDD will enable us to provide appropriate treatment and guidance, which may improve prognosis.ArticlePSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES. 63(6):762-768 (2009)journal articl

    Integration of Movement Pieces into Dance : from a consideration on the use of video feedback in improving dance proficiency

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    In this study, the process of how students with comparatively less experience improve dance proficiency through video feedback was examined. The use of video feedback was proved effective in integrating each "movement piece" into "dance movement." In incorporating her version of the image, in other words world, into dance; subjective and positive inquisitiveness was found to be essential. Furthermore, as the student positively engaged herself in practicing dance, she spontaneously inserted "ma" (movement void) and "tame" (controlled timing) which are considered to add to cadence in the flow of movements, as well as to enable the audience to perceive "more than movements can tell."竹内洋学部長退官記念

    Novel and recurrent COMP gene variants in five Japanese patients with pseudoachondroplasia: skeletal changes from the neonatal to infantile periods

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    Pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH) is an autosomal dominant skeletal dysplasia caused by pathogenic variants of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP). Clinical symptoms of PSACH are characterized by growth disturbances after the first year of life. These disturbances lead to severe short stature with short limbs, brachydactyly, scoliosis, joint laxity, joint pain since childhood, and a normal face. Epimetaphyseal dysplasia, shortened long bones, and short metacarpals and phalanges are common findings on radiological examination. Additionally, anterior tonguing of the vertebral bodies in the lateral view is an important finding in childhood because it is specific to PSACH and normalizes with age. Here, we report five Japanese patients with PSACH, with one recurrent (p.Cys351Tyr) and four novel heterozygous pathogenic COMP variants (p.Asp437Tyr, p.Asp446Gly, p.Asp507Tyr, and p.Asp518Val). These five pathogenic variants were located in the calcium-binding type 3 (T3) repeats. In four of the novel variants, the affected amino acid was aspartic acid, which is abundant in each of the eight T3 repeats. We describe the radiological findings of these five patients. We also retrospectively analyzed the sequential changes in the vertebral body and epimetaphysis of the long bones from the neonatal to infantile periods in a patient with PSACH and congenital heart disease