66 research outputs found

    An Algebraic Jost-Schroer Theorem for Massive Theories

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    We consider a purely massive local relativistic quantum theory specified by a family of von Neumann algebras indexed by the space-time regions. We assume that, affiliated with the algebras associated to wedge regions, there are operators which create only single particle states from the vacuum (so-called polarization-free generators) and are well-behaved under the space-time translations. Strengthening a result of Borchers, Buchholz and Schroer, we show that then the theory is unitarily equivalent to that of a free field for the corresponding particle type. We admit particles with any spin and localization of the charge in space-like cones, thereby covering the case of string-localized covariant quantum fields.Comment: 21 pages. The second (and crucial) hypothesis of the theorem has been relaxed and clarified, thanks to the stimulus of an anonymous referee. (The polarization-free generators associated with wedge regions, which always exist, are assumed to be temperate.

    Nuclearity and Thermal States in Conformal Field Theory

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    We introduce a new type of spectral density condition, that we call L^2-nuclearity. One formulation concerns lowest weight unitary representations of SL(2,R) and turns out to be equivalent to the existence of characters. A second formulation concerns inclusions of local observable von Neumann algebras in Quantum Field Theory. We show the two formulations to agree in chiral Conformal QFT and, starting from the trace class condition for the semigroup generated by the conformal Hamiltonian L_0, we infer and naturally estimate the Buchholz-Wichmann nuclearity condition and the (distal) split property. As a corollary, if L_0 is log-elliptic, the Buchholz-Junglas set up is realized and so there exists a beta-KMS state for the translation dynamics on the net of C*-algebras for every inverse temperature beta>0. We include further discussions on higher dimensional spacetimes. In particular, we verify that L^2-nuclearity is satisfied for the scalar, massless Klein-Gordon field.Comment: 37 pages, minor correction

    An Algebraic Spin and Statistics Theorem

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    A spin-statistics theorem and a PCT theorem are obtained in the context of the superselection sectors in Quantum Field Theory on a 4-dimensional space-time. Our main assumption is the requirement that the modular groups of the von Neumann algebras of local observables associated with wedge regions act geometrically as pure Lorentz transformations. Such a property, satisfied by the local algebras generated by Wightman fields because of the Bisognano-Wichmann theorem, is regarded as a natural primitive assumption.Comment: 15 pages, plain TeX, an error in the statement of a theorem has been corrected, to appear in Commun. Math. Phy

    QFT on homothetic Killing twist deformed curved spacetimes

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    We study the quantum field theory (QFT) of a free, real, massless and curvature coupled scalar field on self-similar symmetric spacetimes, which are deformed by an abelian Drinfel'd twist constructed from a Killing and a homothetic Killing vector field. In contrast to deformations solely by Killing vector fields, such as the Moyal-Weyl Minkowski spacetime, the equation of motion and Green's operators are deformed. We show that there is a *-algebra isomorphism between the QFT on the deformed and the formal power series extension of the QFT on the undeformed spacetime. We study the convergent implementation of our deformations for toy-models. For these models it is found that there is a *-isomorphism between the deformed Weyl algebra and a reduced undeformed Weyl algebra, where certain strongly localized observables are excluded. Thus, our models realize the intuitive physical picture that noncommutative geometry prevents arbitrary localization in spacetime.Comment: 23 pages, no figures; v2: extended discussion of physical consequences, compatible with version to be published in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    The Measurement Process in Local Quantum Theory and the EPR Paradox

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    We describe in a qualitative way a possible picture of the Measurement Process in Quantum Mechanics, which takes into account: 1. the finite and non zero time duration T of the interaction between the observed system and the microscopic part of the measurement apparatus; 2. the finite space size R of that apparatus; 3. the fact that the macroscopic part of the measurement apparatus, having the role of amplifying the effect of that interaction to a macroscopic scale, is composed by a very large but finite number N of particles. The conventional picture of the measurement, as an instantaneous action turning a pure state into a mixture, arises only in the limit in which N and R tend to infinity, and T tends to 0. We sketch here a proposed scheme, which still ought to be made mathematically precise in order to analyse its implications and to test it in specific models, where we argue that in Quantum Field Theory this picture should apply to the unique time evolution expressing the dynamics of a given theory, and should comply with the Principle of Locality. We comment on the Einstein Podolski Rosen thought experiment (partly modifying the discussion on this point in an earlier version of this note), reformulated here only in terms of local observables (rather than global ones, as one particle or polarisation observables). The local picture of the measurement process helps to make it clear that there is no conflict with the Principle of Locality.Comment: 18 page

    On the equivalence of two deformation schemes in quantum field theory

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    Two recent deformation schemes for quantum field theories on the two-dimensional Minkowski space, making use of deformed field operators and Longo-Witten endomorphisms, respectively, are shown to be equivalent.Comment: 14 pages, no figure. The final version is available under Open Access. CC-B

    Modular Structure and Duality in Conformal Quantum Field Theory

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    Making use of a recent result of Borchers, an algebraic version of the Bisognano-Wichmann theorem is given for conformal quantum field theories, i.e. the Tomita-Takesaki modular group associated with the von Neumann algebra of a wedge region and the vacuum vector concides with the evolution given by the rescaled pure Lorentz transformations preserving the wedge. A similar geometric description is valid for the algebras associated with double cones. Moreover essential duality holds on the Minkowski space MM, and Haag duality for double cones holds provided the net of local algebras is extended to a pre-cosheaf on the superworld M~\tilde M, i.e. the universal covering of the Dirac-Weyl compactification of MM. As a consequence a PCT symmetry exists for any algebraic conformal field theory in even space-time dimension. Analogous results hold for a Poincar\'e covariant theory provided the modular groups corresponding to wedge algebras have the expected geometrical meaning and the split property is satisfied. In particular the Poincar\'e representation is unique in this case.Comment: 23 pages, plain TeX, TVM26-12-199

    Equivalent effective Lagrangians for Scherk-Schwarz compactifications

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    We discuss the general form of the mass terms that can appear in the effective field theories of coordinate-dependent compactifications a la Scherk-Schwarz. As an illustrative example, we consider an interacting five-dimensional theory compactified on the orbifold S^1/Z_2, with a fermion subject to twisted periodicity conditions. We show how the same physics can be described by equivalent effective Lagrangians for periodic fields, related by field redefinitions and differing only in the form of the five-dimensional mass terms. In a suitable limit, these mass terms can be localized at the orbifold fixed points. We also show how to reconstruct the twist parameter from any given mass terms of the allowed form. Finally, after mentioning some possible generalizations of our results, we re-discuss the example of brane-induced supersymmetry breaking in five-dimensional Poincare' supergravity, and comment on its relation with gaugino condensation in M-theory.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Published versio

    The microlocal spectrum condition and Wick polynomials of free fields on curved spacetimes

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    Quantum fields propagating on a curved spacetime are investigated in terms of microlocal analysis. We discuss a condition on the wave front set for the corresponding n-point distributions, called ``microlocal spectrum condition'' (Ό\muSC). On Minkowski space, this condition is satisfied as a consequence of the usual spectrum condition. Based on Radzikowski's determination of the wave front set of the two-point function of a free scalar field, satisfying the Hadamard condition in the Kay and Wald sense, we construct in the second part of this paper all Wick polynomials including the energy-momentum tensor for this field as operator valued distributions on the manifold and prove that they satisfy our microlocal spectrum condition.Comment: 21 pages, AMS-LaTeX, 2 figures appended as Postscript file

    Quasi-analyticity and determinacy of the full moment problem from finite to infinite dimensions

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    This paper is aimed to show the essential role played by the theory of quasi-analytic functions in the study of the determinacy of the moment problem on finite and infinite-dimensional spaces. In particular, the quasi-analytic criterion of self-adjointness of operators and their commutativity are crucial to establish whether or not a measure is uniquely determined by its moments. Our main goal is to point out that this is a common feature of the determinacy question in both the finite and the infinite-dimensional moment problem, by reviewing some of the most known determinacy results from this perspective. We also collect some properties of independent interest concerning the characterization of quasi-analytic classes associated to log-convex sequences.Comment: 28 pages, Stochastic and Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Chapter 9, Trends in Mathematics, Birkh\"auser Basel, 201
