22 research outputs found

    Tunneling conductance in strained graphene-based superconductor: Effect of asymmetric Weyl-Dirac fermions

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    Based on the BTK theory, we investigate the tunneling conductance in a uniaxially strained graphene-based normal metal (NG)/ barrier (I)/superconductor (SG) junctions. In the present model, we assume that depositing the conventional superconductor on the top of the uniaxially strained graphene, normal graphene may turn to superconducting graphene with the Cooper pairs formed by the asymmetric Weyl-Dirac electrons, the massless fermions with direction-dependent velocity. The highly asymmetrical velocity, vy/vx>>1, may be created by strain in the zigzag direction near the transition point between gapless and gapped graphene. In the case of the highly asymmetrical velocity, we find that the Andreev reflection strongly depends on the direction and the current perpendicular to the direction of strain can flow in the junction as if there was no barrier. Also, the current parallel to the direction of strain anomalously oscillates as a function of the gate voltage with very high frequency. Our predicted result is found as quite different from the feature of the quasiparticle tunneling in the unstrained graphene-based NG/I/SG conventional junction. This is because of the presence of the direction-dependent-velocity quasiparticles in the highly strained graphene system.Comment: 18 pages, 7 Figures; Eq.13 and 14 are correcte

    Graphene based superconducting quantum point contacts

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    We investigate the Josephson effect in the graphene nanoribbons of length LL smaller than the superconducting coherence length and an arbitrary width WW. We find that in contrast to an ordinary superconducting quantum point contact (SQPC) the critical supercurrent IcI_c is not quantized for the nanoribbons with smooth and armchair edges. For a low concentration of the carriers IcI_c decreases monotonically with lowering W/LW/L and tends to a constant minimum for a narrow nanoribbon with WLW\lesssim L. The minimum IcI_c is zero for the smooth edges but eΔ0/e\Delta_{0}/\hbar for the armchair edges. At higher concentrations of the carriers this monotonic variation acquires a series of peaks. Further analysis of the current-phase relation and the Josephson coupling strength IcRNI_cR_N in terms of W/LW/L and the concentration of carriers revels significant differences with those of an ordinary SQPC. On the other hand for a zigzag nanoribbon we find that, similar to an ordinary SQPC, IcI_c is quantized but to the half-integer values (n+1/2)4eΔ0/(n+1/2)4e\Delta_{0}/\hbar.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Pairing symmetry of superconducting graphene

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    The possibility of intrinsic superconductivity in alkali-coated graphene monolayers has been recently suggested theoretically. Here, we derive the possible pairing symmetries of a carbon honeycomb lattice and discuss their phase diagram. We also evaluate the superconducting local density of states (LDOS) around an isolated impurity. This is directly related to scanning tunneling microscopy experiments, and may evidence the occurrence of unconventional superconductivity in graphene.Comment: Eur. Phys. J. B, to appea

    Quantum transport through STM-lifted single PTCDA molecules

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    Using a scanning tunneling microscope we have measured the quantum conductance through a PTCDA molecule for different configurations of the tip-molecule-surface junction. A peculiar conductance resonance arises at the Fermi level for certain tip to surface distances. We have relaxed the molecular junction coordinates and calculated transport by means of the Landauer/Keldysh approach. The zero bias transmission calculated for fixed tip positions in lateral dimensions but different tip substrate distances show a clear shift and sharpening of the molecular chemisorption level on increasing the STM-surface distance, in agreement with experiment.Comment: accepted for publication in Applied Physics

    Coherent spin valve phenomena and electrical spin injection in ferromagnetic/semiconductor/ferromagnetic junctions

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    Coherent quantum transport in ferromagnetic/ semiconductor/ ferromagnetic junctions is studied theoretically within the Landauer framework of ballistic transport. We show that quantum coherence can have unexpected implications for spin injection and that some intuitive spintronic concepts which are founded in semi-classical physics no longer apply: A quantum spin-valve (QSV) effect occurs even in the absence of a net spin polarized current flowing through the device, unlike in the classical regime. The converse effect also arises, i.e. a zero spin-valve signal for a non-vanishing spin-current. We introduce new criteria useful for analyzing quantum and classical spin transport phenomena and the relationships between them. The effects on QSV behavior of spin-dependent electron transmission at the interfaces, interface Schottky barriers, Rashba spin-orbit coupling and temperature, are systematically investigated. While the signature of the QSV is found to be sensitive to temperature, interestingly, that of its converse is not. We argue that the QSV phenomenon can have important implications for the interpretation of spin-injection in quantum spintronic experiments with spin-valve geometries.Comment: 15 pages including 11 figures. To appear in PR

    Spin injection into a ballistic semiconductor microstructure

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    A theory of spin injection across a ballistic ferromagnet-semiconductor-ferromagnet junction is developed for the Boltzmann regime. Spin injection coefficient γ\gamma is suppressed by the Sharvin resistance of the semiconductor rN=(h/e2)(π2/SN)r_N^*=(h/e^2)(\pi^2/S_N), where SNS_N is the Fermi-surface cross-section. It competes with the diffusion resistances of the ferromagnets rFr_F, and γrF/rN1\gamma\sim r_F/r_N^*\ll 1 in the absence of contact barriers. Efficient spin injection can be ensured by contact barriers. Explicit formulae for the junction resistance and the spin-valve effect are presented.Comment: 5 pages, 2 column REVTeX. Explicit prescription relating the results of the ballistic and diffusive theories of spin injection is added. To this end, some notations are changed. Three references added, typos correcte

    Quantum transport in molecular devices and graphene

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    As a result of progress in nanotechnology, smaller and smaller electronic circuits can be made. The stage of electrically contacting even a single molecule has now been reached. This stimulates both fundamental and applied research alike. Molecular electronics is hence a booming new field that draws a lot of attention. In this research project we have studied fundamental electrical transport properties of single molecules at low temperatures. In collaboration with chemists, a special kind of molecules has been synthesized for this purpose: molecular magnets. These molecules individually behave as tiny magnets. In this thesis, we describe the effect of the magnetic properties on the conductance of the molecule. Quantum mechanical effects play an important role in this respect. Furthermore, we looked at the conductance of a novel material system: graphene an atomic layer of graphite. Graphene is a semi-metal, in which electrons behave as relativistic, massless particles. By coupling graphene to superconducting electrodes, we were able to induce a supercurrent in graphene. The supercurrent in graphene can be tuned by a gate-electrode and hence the device behaves as a superconducting transistor. Our measurements provide new insights in the properties of this exotic material.Applied Science

    Electric field control of magnetoresistance in InP nanowires with ferromagnetic contacts

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    We demonstrate electric field control of sign and magnitude of the magnetoresistance in InP nanowires with ferromagnetic contacts. The sign change in the magnetoresistance is directly correlated with a sign change in the transconductance. Additionally, the magnetoresistance is shown to persist at such a high bias that Coulomb blockade has been lifted. We also observe the magnetoresistance when one of the ferromagnets is replaced by a nonmagnetic metal. We conclude that it must be induced by a single ferromagnetic contact, and that spin transport can be ruled out as the origin. Our results emphasize the importance of a systematic investigation of spin-valve devices in order to discriminate between ambiguous interpretations

    Electric field control of magnetoresistance in InP nanowires with ferromagnetic contacts

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    We demonstrate electric field control of sign and magnitude of the magnetoresistance in InP nanowires with ferromagnetic contacts. The sign change in the magnetoresistance is directly correlated with a sign change in the transconductance. Additionally, the magnetoresistance is shown to persist at such a high bias that Coulomb blockade has been lifted. We also observe the magnetoresistance when one of the ferromagnets is replaced by a nonmagnetic metal. We conclude that it must be induced by a single ferromagnetic contact, and that spin transport can be ruled out as the origin. Our results emphasize the importance of a systematic investigation of spin-valve devices in order to discriminate between ambiguous interpretations

    Manifestations of phase-coherent transport in graphene: The Josephson effect, weak localization, and aperiodic conductance fluctuations

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    The electronic transport properties of graphene exhibit pronounced differences from those of conventional two dimensional electron systems investigated in the past. As a consequence, well established phenomena such as the integer quantum Hall effect and weak localization manifest themselves differently in graphene. Here we present an overview of recent experiments that we have performed to probe phase coherent transport. In particular, we have investigated in great detail Josephson supercurrent and superconducting proximity effect in junctions consisting of a graphene layer in between superconducting electrodes. We have also used the same devices to measure aperiodic conductance fluctuations and weak localization. The experimental results clearly indicate that lowtemperature transport in graphene is phase coherent on a ?1 ?m length scale, irrespective of the position of the Fermi level. We discuss the different behavior of Josephson supercurrent and weak localization in terms of the unusual properties of the electronic states in graphene upon time reversal symmetry.kavli institute of nanoscienceApplied Science