768 research outputs found

    An Evaluation of the Aesthetics of Junkyard Screening and Billboard Densities

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    Two new pulsating hot subdwarf stars from the Edinburgh-Cape survey

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    We report the discovery of very rapid pulsations in two hot subdwarf stars from the Edinburgh- Cape blue object survey. The short periods, small amplitudes and multiperiodicity establish these stars as members of the class of rapidly-pulsating sdB stars. The spectrograms of both stars, however, show relatively strong He II 4686 and they are therefore more properly classified as sdOB. The light curve of EC 01541?1409 is dominated by two strong (?1 per cent) variations with frequencies near 7114 and 7870 ?Hz (periods near 140.6 and 127.1 s), though at least five frequencies are present with amplitudes above about 0.002 mag. The light curve of EC 22221?3152 appears to be generated by at least 10 frequencies in the range 5670-11850 ?Hz (about 175-85 s) with amplitudes between about 0.01 and 0.001 mag, including the first overtone of the strongest variation. Somewhat surprisingly, this number of frequencies is detectable in observing runs as short as 3 h, probably due to the fact that the detected frequencies are well-separated.IS

    The Opacity of Spiral Galaxy Disks VIII: Structure of the Cold ISM

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    The quantity of dust in a spiral disk can be estimated using the dust's typical emission or the extinction of a known source. In this paper, we compare two techniques, one based on emission and one on absorption, applied on sections of fourteen disk galaxies. The two measurements reflect, respectively the average and apparent optical depth of a disk section. Hence, they depend differently on the average number and optical depth of ISM structures in the disk. The small scale geometry of the cold ISM is critical for accurate models of the overall energy budget of spiral disks. ISM geometry, relative contributions of different stellar populations and dust emissivity are all free parameters in galaxy Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) models; they are also sometimes degenerate, depending on wavelength coverage. Our aim is to constrain typical ISM geometry. The apparent optical depth measurement comes from the number of distant galaxies seen in HST images through the foreground disk. We measure the IR flux in images from the {\it Spitzer} Infrared Nearby Galaxy Survey in the same section of the disk that was covered by HST. A physical model of the dust is fit to the SED to estimate the dust surface density, mean temperature, and brightness in these disk sections. The surface density is subsequently converted into the average optical depth estimate. The two measurements generally agree. The ratios between the measured average and apparent optical depths of the disk sections imply optically thin clouds in these disks. Optically thick disks, are likely to have more than a single cloud along the line-of-sight.Comment: 31 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in A

    Spatial and kinematic alignments between central and satellite halos

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    Based on a cosmological N-body simulation we analyze spatial and kinematic alignments of satellite halos within six times the virial radius of group size host halos (Rvir). We measure three different types of spatial alignment: halo alignment between the orientation of the group central substructure (GCS) and the distribution of its satellites, radial alignment between the orientation of a satellite and the direction towards its GCS, and direct alignment between the orientation of the GCS and that of its satellites. In analogy we use the directions of satellite velocities and probe three further types of alignment: the radial velocity alignment between the satellite velocity and connecting line between satellite and GCS, the halo velocity alignment between the orientation of the GCS and satellite velocities and the auto velocity alignment between the satellites orientations and their velocities. We find that satellites are preferentially located along the major axis of the GCS within at least 6 Rvir (the range probed here). Furthermore, satellites preferentially point towards the GCS. The most pronounced signal is detected on small scales but a detectable signal extends out to 6 Rvir. The direct alignment signal is weaker, however a systematic trend is visible at distances < 2 Rvir. All velocity alignments are highly significant on small scales. Our results suggest that the halo alignment reflects the filamentary large scale structure which extends far beyond the virial radii of the groups. In contrast, the main contribution to the radial alignment arises from the adjustment of the satellite orientations in the group tidal field. The projected data reveal good agreement with recent results derived from large galaxy surveys. (abridged)Comment: accepted for publication in Ap

    The Opacity of Nearby Galaxies from Counts of Background Galaxies: II. Limits of the Synthetic Field Method

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    Recently, we have developed and calibrated the Synthetic Field Method (SFM) to derive the total extinction through disk galaxies. The method is based on the number counts and colors of distant background field galaxies that can be seen through the foreground object, and has been successfully applied to NGC 4536 and NGC 3664, two late-type galaxies located, respectively, at 16 and 11 Mpc. Here, we study the applicability of the SFM to HST images of galaxies in the Local Group, and show that background galaxies cannot be easily identified through these nearby objects, even with the best resolution available today. In the case of M 31, each pixel in the HST images contains 50 to 100 stars, and the background galaxies cannot be seen because of the intrinsic granularity due to strong surface brightness fluctuations. In the LMC, on the other hand, there is only about one star every six linear pixels, and the lack of detectable background galaxies results from a ``secondary'' granularity, introduced by structure in the wings of the point spread function. The success of the SFM in NGC 4536 and NGC 3664 is a natural consequence of the reduction of the intensity of surface brightness fluctuations with distance. When the dominant confusion factor is structure in the PSF wings, as is the case of HST images of the LMC, and would happen in M 31 images obtained with a 10-m diffraction- limited optical telescope, it becomes in principle possible to improve the detectability of background galaxies by subtracting the stars in the foreground object. However, a much better characterization of optical PSFs than is currently available would be required for an adequate subtraction of the wings. Given the importance of determining the dust content of Local Group galaxies, efforts should be made in that direction.Comment: 45 pages, 10 Postscript figure

    The ESO Slice Project (ESP) galaxy redshift survey: III. The Sample

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    The ESO Slice Project (ESP) is a galaxy redshift survey extending over about 23 square degrees, in a region near the South Galactic Pole. The survey is ~85% complete to the limiting magnitude b_J=19.4 and consists of 3342 galaxies with redshift determination. The ESP survey is intermediate between shallow, wide angle samples and very deep, one-dimensional pencil beams; the spanned volume is ~ 5 x 10^4 Mpc^3 at the sensitivity peak (z ~ 0.1). In this paper we present the description of the observations and of the data reduction, the ESP redshift catalogue and the analysis of the quality of the velocity determinations.Comment: 10 pages, 4 encapsulated figures, uses A&A LATEX; A&A Supplements in press (June 1998 issue

    The ROSAT All-Sky Survey: a Catalog of Clusters of Galaxies in a Region of 1 Ster around the South Galactic Pole

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    A field of 1.013 ster in the ROSAT all-sky survey (RASS), centered on the south galactic pole (SGP), has been searched in a systematic, objective manner for clusters of galaxies. The procedure relied on a correlation of the X-ray positions and properties of ROSAT sources with the distribution of galaxies in the COSMOS digitised data base, which was obtained by scanning the plates of the UK Schmidt IIIa-J optical southern sky survey. The study used the second ROSAT survey data base (RASS-2) and included several optical observing campaigns to measure redshifts. The search, a precursor to the larger REFLEX survey of the whole southern sky, reached the detection limits of the RASS and the COSMOS data, and yielded a catalog of 186 clusters in which the lowest flux is 1.5e-12 erg/cm2/s in the 0.1-2.4 keV band. Of these 157 have measured redshifts. Using a limit of 3.0e-12 erg/cm2/s a complete subset of 112 clusters was obtained, of which 110 have measured redshifts. The spatial distribution of the X-ray clusters out to z = 0.15 shows an extension of the Local Supercluster to the Pisces-Cetus supercluster (z<~0.07), and a more distant orthogonal structure at 0.07<z<0.15.Comment: To be published in ApJ Supplements in February 2002: 53 pages: 18 figure