1,720 research outputs found

    Particles from comet Kohoutek detected by the micrometeoroid experiment on HEOS 2

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    HEOS B measurements on particles ejected from comet Kohoutek reflect average particle rate as a function of particle speed and mass in relation to random distribution with known speed from the interplanetary region. The micrometeoroid experiment detector onboard the satellite passed through the orbital plane of the comet and encountered ejected particles for approximately two months

    Thermal histories of the samples of two KOSI comet nucleus simulation experiments

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    Temperatures recorded during two KOSI comet nucleus simulation experiments strongly suggest that heat transport by vapor flow into the interior of the sample is very important. Two comet nucleus simulation experiments have been done by the KOSI team in a big space simulator. The thermal evolution of the sample during insolation and the results of simplified thermal evolution calculations are discussed. The observed thermal histories cannot be explained by a simple model with heat transferred by heat conduction at a constant conductivity, so a coupled heat and mass transfer problem was considered. The porous ice matrix was assumed to have a constant thermal conductivity and to be in thermal equilibrium with vapor in the pores, the internal pressure being the vapor pressure. The vapor was modelled as an ideal gas because, at the temperatures relevant to the problem, the mean free path length of the vapor molecules is large in comparison with the pore dimensions. The heat capacity at constant volume per unit mass of the two phase mixture was also assumed constant. The vapor was allowed to flow and transfer heat in response to an internal pressure gradient

    Imaging the Dust Trail and Neckline of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko

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    We report on the results of nearly 10 hours of integration of the dust trail and neckline of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P henceforth) using the Wide Field Imager at the ESO/MPG 2.2m telescope in La Silla. The data was obtained in April 2004 when the comet was at a heliocentric distance of 4.7 AU outbound. 67P is the target of the Rosetta spacecraft of the European Space Agency. Studying the trail and neckline can contribute to the quantification of mm-sized dust grains released by the comet. We describe the data reduction and derive lower limits for the surface brightness. In the processed image, the angular separation of trail and neckline is resolved. We do not detect a coma of small, recently emitted grains.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the proceedings book of the conference "Dust in Planetary Systems 2005", Calibration updated in Section

    Mechanical and SEM analysis of artificial comet nucleus samples

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    Since 1987 experiments dealing with comet nucleus phenomena have been carried out in the DFVLR space simulation chambers. The main objective of these experiments is a better understanding of thermal behavior, surface phenomena and especially the gas dust interaction. As a function of different sample compositions and exposure to solar irradiation (xenon-bulbs) crusts of different hardness and thickness were measured. The measuring device consists of a motor driven pressure foot (5 mm diameter), which is pressed into the sample. The applied compressive force is electronically monitored. The microstructure of the crust and dust residuals is investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Stress-depth profiles of an unirradiated and an irradiated model comet are given

    Modifications of comet materials by the sublimation process: Results from simulation experiments

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    An active comet like comet Halley loses by sublimation a surface layer of the order of 1 m thickness per perihelion passage. In situ measurements show that water ice is the main constituent which contributes to the gas emission although even more volatile species (CO, NH3, CH4, CO2 etc.) have been identified. Dust particles which were embedded in the ices are carried by the sublimating gases. Measurements of the chemical composition of cometary grains indicate that they are composed of silicates of approximate chondritic composition and refractory carbonaceous material. Comet simulation experiments show that significant modifications of cometary materials occur due to sublimation process in near surface layers which have to be taken into account in order to derive the original state of the material

    A comparison of serum and plasma cytokine values using a multiplexed assay in cats

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    Degenerative joint disease (DJD) is highly prevalent in cats, and pain contributes to morbidity. In humans, alterations of cytokine concentrations have been associated with joint deterioration and pain. Similar changes have not been investigated in cats. Cytokine concentrations can be measured using multiplex technology with small samples of serum or plasma, however, serum and plasma are not interchangeable for most bioassays. Correlations for cytokine concentrations between serum and plasma have not been evaluated in cats

    Attitudes of small animal practitioners toward participation in veterinary clinical trials

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    To determine attitudes of small animal practitioners toward veterinary clinical trials and variables influencing their likelihood of participating in such trials

    Evaluation of serum cytokines in cats with and without degenerative joint disease and associated pain

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    Degenerative joint disease is common in cats, with signs of pain frequently found on orthopedic examination and radiographs often showing evidence of disease. However, understanding of the pathophysiology of degenerative joint disease and associated pain remains limited. Several cytokines have been identified as having a role in pain in humans, but this has not been investigated in cats. The present study was performed to use a multiplex platform to evaluate the concentration of 19 cytokines and chemokines in serum samples obtained from cats with and without degenerative joint disease and associated pain. Samples from a total of 186 cats were analyzed, with cats representing a range of severity on radiographic and orthopedic evaluations and categorized by degenerative joint disease scores and pain scores. Results showed that cats with higher radiographic degenerative joint disease scores have higher serum concentrations of IL-4 and IL-8, while cats with higher orthopedic exam pain scores have higher concentrations of IL-8, IL-2, and TNF-α increased concentration of IL-8 in degenerative joint disease and pain may be confounded by the association with age. Discriminant analysis was unable to identify one or more cytokines that distinguish between groups of cats classified based on degenerative joint disease score category or pain score category. Finally, cluster analysis driven by analyte concentrations show separation of groups of cats, but features defining the groups remain unknown. Further studies are warranted to investigate any changes in cytokine concentrations in response to analgesic therapies, and further evaluate the elevations in cytokine concentrations found here, particularly focused on studies of local cytokines present in synovial fluid

    Obesity: A Biobehavioral Point of View

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    Excerpt: If you ask an overweight person, “Why are you fat?’, you will, almost invariably, get the answer, “Because 1 eat too much.” You will get this answer in spite of the fact that of thirteen studies, six find no significant differences in the caloric intake of obese versus nonobese subjects, five report that the obese eat significantly less than the nonobese, and only two report that they eat significantly more