21 research outputs found

    Den økonomiske betydning af at have balance mellem lederens kognitive orienteringer og virksomhedens strategi

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    Artiklen indeholder en empirisk undersøgelse, der for 135 SMV-virksomheders vedkommende undersøgte den økonomiske betydning af at have balance mellem lederens kognitive orienteringer og virksomhedens strategi. Argumentet er, at såfremt der ikke er match mellem lederens kognitive orientering og virksomhedens strategi, vil dette reducere virksomhedens indtjening. Undersøgelsen bekræfter denne sammenhæng. Ydermere viser undersøgelsens resultater, at ubalancer mellem lederens kognitive orientering og virksomhedens strategi har størst økonomiske konsekvenser i omgivelser karakteriseret ved stor omskiftelighed. I SMV-virksomheder, hvor lederen ofte har stor indflydelse på strategiske beslutninger, er forståelsen af hvordan ledelsesstilen påvirker strategiudførelsen relevant. At de økonomiske konsekvenser af ubalancer er størst i usikre omgivelser gør forståelsen yderlige relevant, idet mange SMV-virksomheder i disse år gennemlever en periode med store omvæltninger. Artiklen baserer sig på en del af forfatterens ph.d.-afhandling

    Den økonomiske betydning af at have balance mellem lederens kognitive orienteringer og virksomhedens strategi

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    Artiklen indeholder en empirisk undersøgelse, der for 135 SMV-virksomheders vedkommende undersøgte den økonomiske betydning af at have balance mellem lederens kognitive orienteringer og virksomhedens strategi. Argumentet er, at såfremt der ikke er match mellem lederens kognitive orientering og virksomhedens strategi, vil dette reducere virksomhedens indtjening. Undersøgelsen bekræfter denne sammenhæng. Ydermere viser undersøgelsens resultater, at ubalancer mellem lederens kognitive orientering og virksomhedens strategi har størst økonomiske konsekvenser i omgivelser karakteriseret ved stor omskiftelighed. I SMV-virksomheder, hvor lederen ofte har stor indflydelse på strategiske beslutninger, er forståelsen af hvordan ledelsesstilen påvirker strategiudførelsen relevant. At de økonomiske konsekvenser af ubalancer er størst i usikre omgivelser gør forståelsen yderlige relevant, idet mange SMV-virksomheder i disse år gennemlever en periode med store omvæltninger. Artiklen baserer sig på en del af forfatterens ph.d.-afhandling

    Ledelse af organisatorisk klima gennem medarbejderes følelser

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    I bestræbelse på at forstå hvordan og hvorfor et organisatorisk klima påvirker medarbejdernes informationsbehandling og dermed deres beslutningstagen, gives der i denne artikel en bedre forståelse af begrebet gruppefølelser. Ved at se på organisatorisk klima i relation til aff ektive begivenheder, der påvirker gruppefølelser, opnås en ny indsigt i, hvordan og hvorfor et givet klima påvirker medarbejdernes informationsbehandlingsadfærd. Via vores arbejde med forståelsen af gruppefølelser, hvordan de opstår og hvad de er, får vi samtidig en bedre forståelse af, hvordan disse kan ledes. Artiklen baserer sig på vores tidligere såvel som pågående arbejde med at belyse betydningen af gruppefølelser for informationsbehandling og beslutningstagen i organisationer

    Resume of Interview with Professor Charles Snow

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    This interview is with Professor Charles Snow. Snow is Professor Emeritus of Strategy and Organization at Penn State University. He was a professor at Penn State from 1974 to 2012. The interview was conducted in 2013 while he was visiting professor at ICOA (Interdisciplinary Center for Organizational Architecture) at Aarhus University. Professor Snow is a founding member of the Organizational Design Community and co-editor of the Journal of Organization Design. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Management and is listed in Who’s Who in the Management Sciences and Great Writers on Organizations

    Interview with Professor George Huber

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    Professor Huber holds the Charles and Elizabeth Prothro Regents Chair Emeritus in Business Administration at the University of Texas at Austin. Professor Huber is a founding member of the Organization Design Community. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Management and of the Decision Sciences Institute and is a charter member of the Academy of Management Journals Hall of Fame. He is the recipient of multiple international awards for his research contributions. The interview focuses on Prof. Huber’s research journey. Professor Huber explains how he has managed to stay focused while working in many fields, and how his experience in non-academic environments is reflected in his academic thinking. Professor Huber also explains what moved him to the field of organization design, and what he sees as the major challenges for organization design research in the future

    Resume of Interview with Professors Richard Burton and Børge Obel

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    This interview is with Professors Richard Burton and Børge Obel. Professor Burton is Professor Emeritus at The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University.  Previously, he was senior editor at Organization Science. Currently, he is an associate editor of the Strategic Management Journal and associate editor of the Journal of Organization Design. Professor Obel is Professor at Aarhus University and Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Organizational Architecture (ICOA) which he founded in 2011. He is co-editor of the Journal of Organization Design. He is the former Dean of the Aarhus School of Business. The interview was conducted in 2013 when Professor Burton was a visiting Professor at ICOA

    Valve's Way

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    What can we learn from outliers? While statisticians rightly warn us against their non-representativeness, we believe it is also true that thinking carefully about what makes them atypical may improve our understanding of the typical case. This is the premise behind the Organization Zoo series. Valve Corporation (Valve) is an unusual firm. It is a rare example of a firm that appears to operate without any formal hierarchy in its organization. What can we learn about the viability of authority hierarchies from Valve’s way of organizing? We wrote a brief account of Valve based on public information sources and asked several renowned organizational experts to comment on this unusual firm. We asked them to write a short commentary on what the Valve example means for organizational theorists and practitioners. Thankfully, they all accepted, and we are excited to present the results of their thinking in this first “exhibit” in the Organization Zoo

    Closing Thoughts & Open Questions

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    Our goal in putting the spotlight on Valve Corporation is to stimulate thinking about what (if anything) this specimen in the zoo of organizational forms teaches us. We thank our panel of distinguished commentators for kindly (and sportingly) joining us in this exercise. So is Valve simply unusual? Or is it also instructive? The commentators, to our gratification, seem to argue that it is both

    Valve's Way

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    What can we learn from outliers? While statisticians rightly warn us against their non-representativeness, we believe it is also true that thinking carefully about what makes them atypical may improve our understanding of the typical case. This is the premise behind the Organization Zoo series. Valve Corporation (Valve) is an unusual firm. It is a rare example of a firm that appears to operate without any formal hierarchy in its organization. What can we learn about the viability of authority hierarchies from Valve’s way of organizing? We wrote a brief account of Valve based on public information sources and asked several renowned organizational experts to comment on this unusual firm. We asked them to write a short commentary on what the Valve example means for organizational theorists and practitioners. Thankfully, they all accepted, and we are excited to present the results of their thinking in this first “exhibit” in the Organization Zoo