11 research outputs found

    Implementing a Mobile Application for Street Lighting Evaluation

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    Nowadays, energy consumption is on the rise. This is not sustainable in the long run. The highest energy use in Town Councils takes place in street lighting installations. In order to help in this problem, we present a mobile service to evaluate the electrical consumption of these infrastructures. This new tool is able to make an estimation of energy demand of installations; on an easy and intuitive way thanks to an evaluation methodology which reduces the need of a large list of parameters used by other programs. As a result, the developed application also gives users the opportunity to compare the efficiency of the installation evaluated with others previously evaluated to increase energy efficiency. The application was tested with two different experiments to ensure its correct running and to evaluate both the estimation accuracy and usability

    Mobile Usability: An Experiment to Check Whether Current Mobile Devices are Ready to Support Frames and iFrames

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    Frames have traditionally been identified as a usability issue in websites for computers. Literature points out that they may also be a problem for mobile websites but no studies have been carried out to prove it. Since mobile devices have changed a lot in recent years, it is necessary to check whether frames are still a problem for those devices. In this paper we have performed an experiment with twenty-two mobile devices, to test whether the content can be showed in their browsers, as well as their behavior with different configuration of frames and iframes and whether behavior of bookmarks and the back button is correct or not. The results show that frames and iframes should be avoided in mobile devices because they can cause many problems, which are explained in detail in this paper

    A New System to Estimate and Reduce Electrical Energy Consumption of Domestic Hot Water in Spain

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    Energy consumption rose about 28% over the 2001 to 2011 period in the Spanish residential sector. In this environment, domestic hot water (DHW) represents the second highest energy demand. There are several methodologies to estimate DHW consumption, but each methodology uses different inputs and some of them are based on obsolete data. DHW energy consumption estimation is a key tool to plan modifications that could enhance this consumption and we decided to update the methodologies. We studied DHW consumption with data from 10 apartments in the same building during 18 months. As a result of the study, we updated one chosen methodology, adapting it to the current situation. One of the challenges to improve efficiency of DHW use is that most of people are not aware of how it is consumed in their homes. To help this information to reach consumers, we developed a website to allow users to estimate the final electrical energy needed for DHW. The site uses three estimation methodologies and chooses the best fit based on information given by the users. Finally, the application provides users with recommendations and tips to reduce their DHW consumption while still maintaining the desired comfort level

    A New System for Households in Spain to Evaluate and Reduce Their Water Consumption

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    The objective of this paper is to describe a developed model and its corresponding application, known as System to Evaluate the Water Consumption at Home (SEWAT). The aim is to create a new model to evaluate the efficiency of water consumption. Thanks to the input of the water bills by users, the model allows them to check if water consumption is efficient, in order to give them an opportunity to evaluate their water usage. To succeed in it, several researches were tracked in order to establish consumer trends and to identify the most efficient value for this magnitude. Furthermore, a survey was conducted to obtain updated values to validate information from previous studies. However, the main aim of this model is to use the resources efficiently, so it has to be useful accordingly. Therefore, after the evaluation, the application has a section with recommendations for the users to reduce their water consumption through a range of different indications. This section is divided into four: bathroom, kitchen, new appliance and reusing water. Each section shows the expected benefits if the users follow the recommended options. The main result is a unique application in Spain, which includes a system of evaluation, comparison and a section of recommendations for the users. Eventually, the model will have a promising outcome, because it surely will change the awareness of citizens about this subject

    A Study to Improve the Quality of Street Lighting in Spain

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    Street lighting has a big impact on the energy consumption of Spanish municipalities. To decrease this consumption, the Spanish government has developed two different regulations to improve energy savings and efficiency, and consequently, reduce greenhouse-effect gas emissions. However, after these efforts, they have not obtained the expected results. To improve the effectiveness of these regulations and therefore to optimize energy consumption, a study has been done to analyze the different devices which influence energy consumption with the intention of better understanding their behavior and performance. The devices analyzed were lamps, ballasts, street lamp globes, control systems and dimmable lighting systems. To improve their performance, they have been analyzed from three points of view: changes in technology, use patterns and standards. Thanks to this study, some aspects have been found that could be taken into account if we really wanted to use energy efficiently

    Water Label to Improve Water Billing in Spanish Households

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    A significant decrease in water consumption has been achieved in recent years thanks to different campaigns run by different institutions in Spain. However, most citizens do not have a very clear idea about whether or not they are efficiently using water. To solve this situation, this paper aims is to develop two water labels in order to improve the current water billing. These water labels evaluate the total water consumption and the domestic hot water consumption. To make the tags, several research studies were tackled for establishing consumer trends and behavior patterns. Furthermore, a survey and data collection were conducted to obtain updated values to validate information obtained from previous studies. The result are two water labels that establish six different levels to graphically show the efficiency, and they also include a comparison with the average consumption by customers of the same province. To ensure that the benefits of this evaluation are available to citizens, its inclusion on the water bill is proposed

    Particle Swarm Optimization for Outdoor Lighting Design

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    Outdoor lighting is an essential service for modern life. However, the high influence of this type of facility on energy consumption makes it necessary to take extra care in the design phase. Therefore, this manuscript describes an algorithm to help light designers to get, in an easy way, the best configuration parameters and to improve energy efficiency, while ensuring a minimum level of overall uniformity. To make this possible, we used a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm. These algorithms are well established, and are simple and effective to solve optimization problems. To take into account the most influential parameters on lighting and energy efficiency, 500 simulations were performed using DIALux software (, DIAL, Ludenscheid, Germany). Next, the relation between these parameters was studied using to data mining software. Subsequently, we conducted two experiments for setting parameters that enabled the best configuration algorithm in order to improve efficiency in the proposed process optimization